Chapter 6: Crumbling Walls

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This was fucking exhilarating! Those were the exact words running through Akuma's mind as she wreaked havoc on anything and everything. Humans that tried to run, died. Titans that tried to run, died. Buildings were demolished and Shiganshina itself was rapidly turning into a crater of rubble.

Meanwhile, Clone Akuma, Hannes and the Yeager family were pushing through the terrified crowd of people to get through the Inner gate. They made it past and jogged their way over to one of the boats on the pier at the other side.

"Carla, are you okay?" Hannes asked.

"Yes." Carla nodded.

"Mom! I'm so happy you're safe!" Eren cried.

Carla smiled and tried to move over to him but Clone Akuma's grip tightened up on her.

"Akuma, you can put me down. I think I'll be able to run with you." Carla told her.

"Just shut up and save your energy." Clone Akuma said.

"W-what?" Carla asked in shock.

"What the hell is your problem!?" Eren shouted "Let her go!"

"You want her to crawl her way to the boat!?" Clone Akuma shouted.

"W-what? Why would she do that?" Hannes asked.

Clone Akuma raised one of her arms and punched one of Carla's legs, much to everyone's shock.

"What the hell are you doing, Akuma!?" Hannes shouted.

"Yeah! Why are you hitting her!?" Eren shouted.

Carla's eyes were wide in shock; she knew why Akuma had done what she did now. From the house until now, she had carried her because she knew, she knew that she could never use her legs ever again.

"M-My legs..." Carla said on a defeated tone, gaining their attention "My legs don't work anymore."

"Wait, you don't mean..." Hannes asked and both Eren and Mikasa widened their eyes.

Carla nodded as they got to the boat, pushing their way through the crowd and finding an open spot to rest. Clone Akuma gently put Carla down by a wall and Hannes put Eren and Mikasa down, they immediately hugged Carla as Hannes made his way towards the exit.

"You could die you know." Clone Akuma stated.

"I know but..." Hannes said, clenching his shaking fist "I have to fight for humanity, no matter the cost."

With that, he left and Clone Akuma rolled her eyes. She sat down by Carla, watching as her monstrosity of an original form wreaked havoc past the inner wall.

'How the hell does she see anything with her head literally above the damn clouds?' Clone Akuma asked with a sweat drop.

Mikasa sat down next to Clone Akuma, shuffling closer to her not thinking Clone Akuma would notice. With and eye roll, Clone Akuma reached over and pulled Mikasa closer. She softly smiled, resting her head on Clone Akuma's shoulder.

"Our home...gone. Everything's all gone..." Eren muttered as he watched from the boat railing.

"We're alive, that's all that matters." Carla said, not knowing the anger building up within Eren.

"I don't want to be just alive, I want to live my life! Not in fear of these monsters!" Eren shouted pointing up at the Nine-Tailed-Titan "I'll kill them! I'll kill them all!"

"Eren!" Carla shouted.

"I'll wipe them off the face of the Earth!" Eren stated as Clone Akuma smirked.


Akuma's ear twitched and she sighed in boredom. All the destruction had gotten boring and she was pretty sure any titan in her vicinity was dead. You'd think destroying a town would be more interesting but all that interest didn't matter since Akuma's foot was the size of almost half of the damn thing.

'I'm bored and keeping myself crouched to fit this tiny enclosure is starting to give me a leg cramp, but overall I'm satisfied with today.' Akuma said to herself in her head.

She really did expect more from when she started her massacre. Sure there was some resistance like cannon fire or the stupid soldier that thought he could take her down, his blades didn't even dent her skin before his whole body now painted the pavement with red.

Her ear twitched instinctively and she noticed bounding footsteps heading towards her, she looked to her left and looked down to see another interesting titan walking towards her.

The titan was bigger than the other titans, still miniscule to her of course, but impressive in terms of his own kind. He had brownish-yellow armor covering his body but some parts were exposed with red skin, he had short white hair and glowing yellow eyes.

Much to the shock of the soldiers that were watching afar and Akuma's surprise, the armored Titan ran towards her leg. His speed reached its maximum and he landed a powerful tackle on foot. Akuma's eye twitched in annoyance because that tackle was like an ant bite and though they didn't hurt, they were annoying.

The armored Titan backed up and looked up at Akuma as she brought down her hand in front of him. She positioned her fingers in a flicking position, she then flicked her finger and that directly hit the armored Titan.

The armored Titan's armor shattered at the hit and the force of the hit flew him towards the inner wall. The armored Titan smashed through the wall, destroying the gates in the process. Everyone, besides Clone Akuma, watched in shock as the armored Titan crashed on the ground and steam emanated from him.

'Well that should be a sign of the end of this whole charade.' Akuma said to herself in a bored tone and sighed.

"T-The wall..." Hannes muttered in shock from the wall.

"H-How are we supposed to stand a chance against them?" Armin asked from the boat as he stared up at the Nine-Tailed-Titan.

Akuma's eyes glowed and an explosion of smoke rocked the area as gales of wind followed. Akuma now stood in her human form, covered by the smoke.

"W-what's going on!?" Eren exclaimed, trying to see through the smoke and covering his eyes from the winds.

"Get down Eren, it's too dangerous!" Carla exclaimed.

Akuma crouched and jumped up to the wall, landing at the top and spotting the chakra of her clone on one of the boats. Mikasa felt Clone Akuma shift away from her as Akuma jumped towards the boat, it was all in an instant as Mikasa looked to see if anything was wrong but Akuma just smirked at her, the clone having now disappeared.

"You dozing off or something?" Akuma asked.

Mikasa shook her head with a small smile and put her head back on Akuma's shoulder.

"It's gone..." Eren muttered, as everyone stared at the now clear skies as the smoke was disappearing.

"They both are." Akuma stated, narrowing her eyes at the crater that had occupied the armored Titan but then she smirked once again 'After this day, things will just get even more interesting.'

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