day EIGHTEEN - Christmas Dinner?

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It's December 24th (CHRISTMAS EVE), and today we have another spoof for you guys!  

Written by Briar, not our resident spoof master.

(props to Ren because she helped me with it <3)


The WattyWarriors admins are scattered throughout the kitchen and dining room, as Ren, Duskie, and Briar help set the table, whilst Whisper helps Poppy put the finishing touches on the food.  Duskie and Briar have been arguing about "proper tableware etiquette" for quite some time, leaving Ren to do most of the work.  Whisper is trying not to gag as she takes the black Christmas Ham out of the oven, whilst Poppy mothers over her burnt cookies, failing to notice that one has a tiny flame on it. Anime isn't helping anyone, she's just sitting by the Christmas tree admiring the lights.

Poppy: Thanks for the help Whisper!  Dinner looks great!

Whisper: *covering her nose in an attempt to block the stench*  I-It sure does!

Anime: *runs in and snatches a cookie* gOOD 4 ME TO EAT HAHA *chomps down on cookie, the cookie crumbles into black dust*

Poppy:  Hey!!  Those are for aFTER dinner >:(((

Anime:  *choking on the burnt cookie dust*  tHosE aRE LeTHAL

Poppy:  They're not lethal!  I worked hard on them!

Ren:  *runs into the kitchen*  DOn't wOrrY my fellow yOunG hip KIDS!!  Let's just dAB it off!!! 

Duskie:  *pauses her argument about tableware to shout from other room*  HAHA PLEB

Ren:  *dabs*

Briar: *cringes and then runs in* Ren no no no, I told you already, no dabbing allowed, just say "gucci gang" instead or acTUALLY WAIT NO-

Ren: *screeching*  GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG GUCCI GANG *runs out of the house still screeching*

Whisper:  *runs towards the door and locks it*  pHEW

The whole house is silent, with all of the admins remaining still as they try to process what they just witnessed.  Briar and Duskie have ceased their arguing, and Whisper, Anime, and Poppy have stopped their work.  Chrome even stopped trying to erase the burnt-cookie flavour from his tonque with minty gum pieces.  However, the silence is soon broken by laughter from Whisper, and everyone joins in.  Chrome admits that the cookies aren't sOOO terrible, Duskie and Briar finish setting the table, and Anime, Whisper and Poppy set out the food, which includes a very charred Christmas Ham.  Everyone sits down to begin eating.

Thunder:  *appears in a cloud of smoke with a drugged Ren behind her, and as smoke fills the dining room, she switches the charred ham with a Christmas Ham from the store*

Ren:  *seemingly drunk* gucci gang lol

Thunder: *mysteriously disappears*

Whisper:  Yay! Ren's back!

Anime:  Wow, the ham looks really good now!

Ren:  The ham aLWAys looked good, Poppy.  Right guys?

*no one responds*

Duskie: k thAT's greAt sO nOW lEt'S-

Ren: *interrupting duskie*  LET'S EAAAAT!


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