day NINETEEN - Some Mushiness

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It's December 25th, and we've got to have at least some heartfelt writing in the midst of all this, don't we? So today, on the final, nineteenth day, on Christmas, the WW admins will be telling you about what they love about the account and each other as a finale to this program. You can tell us too, in the comments. We'd love to know.


— Briar —

YeEt, my favourite things about WattyWarriors is the community we have, with not just the admins, but the readers too. I remember how excited I was when I was first introduced to WattyWarriors (even though my first messege was something lame like "So this is the wattywarriors i've heard about" which was super lame and I cringe just thinking about it) and how amazed I was at the fact that there was a large group of people who liked the same things I did and who had ideas and talents and aghhhh. It's amazing and inspiring to me, so yeah, you're all wonderful eep.

— REN —

As a huge fan of WattyWarriors for the longest time, it's been a dream come true to become part of the family this year. This account is hands down the largest community of Warriors fans across Wattpad, and I love that ever since our first magazine, its only become more well-known thanks to its amazing admins and leaders, who have refused to let it die out.

I may be a year away from adulthood, but I will never forget the memories I've made with the readers and my fellow admins. I have made so, SO many friends here, and I hope to see WattyWarriors continue to prosper long after I've left.


When I joined WattyWarriors, I knew some people but didn't know others, it was really nice to talk to everyone and learn more about what they do outside of the internet. I made a lot of new friends because everyone was so caring and compassionate. Everyone is really good at working well together and despite updates being later than usual due to outside stuff, we are all able to work together to get updates to the viewers. It amazing to see feedback from the readers as well as my fellow admins. I love all of you and consider each and everyone one apart of my family (also known as fam).

— Anime —

I think my most favorite things about WattyWarriors is... uHM, how inviting and welcoming everyone is here. When I first joined, I literally didn't know anyone at all but within probably a few days I felt right at home. Everyone in WW is so closely knit, like a family and I love everyone so much. Joining WW has given me an entire new perspective on teamwork and I'm really thankful for that.

Every admin in WW is unique and talented in their own ways. They all mean so much to me, even if we may not be the closest. Everyone is open to each other and just there for each other when someone needs it most. The amount of support and love from everyone here is just outstanding. If I was ever having a rough time the WW admins would be some of the first people I'd talk to.

— Duskie —

Honestly, I love WW for how much of an accomplishment it is. I said something akin to this in my very first 'meet the new admin' segment, and it still holds true. WW for me is the highest point of a Warriors 'career' on Wattpad, and I never really imagined I'd become a part of it until I did. It's so wonderful, being so validated, you know? On my own account, I know that I can write, I know that I can get to heights if I wanted to, but I can display my interest in Warriors and spread that to the community so much faster and without being forced to do spoofs or write things that I'm not motivated to.

It's also so nice to have been able to met all the current and some of the past admins. Without this, I'd never have talked to Tiger or Ticci or many of the other oldies, and it's so cool that I got to do that. They're like, the elite of Wattpad's Warriors community, and to be here, holding Tiger's old position as leader of the biggest Warriors account on Wattpad? It's amazing.

I've also made a few really really great friends because of WW. Like I said earlier, I wouldn't have met some humans if not for this. I became close to Chrome and Whisper through working here, and they've helped me through some of the worst days I've had to endure this year. Briar's consistently provided me with intelligent and candid company. Anime's introduced me to some really cool people, and been a wonderful friend.

The point of all this is that what's most awesome about WW is the people. The people that it gives me access to, the people that it lets me provide to, the people that it's introduced me to, the people that continue to be some of the favorite parts of my life.


When I first saw the account, I was like instantly drawn in. It was a wide community of just about everything you could find in the fandom, but intensified. I saw so much in the people, works, and account that I just fell in love - even though I was like 11 when I first stumbled across it. I was more of a ghost follower, a silent fan that only made herself known with an unrecognizable +1 on the view count.
Never did I ever consider that I could actually land a spot as an admin, but I mean... here I am. I've had a sort of troublesome life, not bad bad but just stressful and troubling - I get bad anxiety so I'm probably overreacting. But, the stress faded, and happiness and content-ness took it's place when I got my friend, Willow. And then I landed a spot here.

Honestly, I was so stressed. I just felt as if I had so much to like... live up to and do to hold the title. I was just beginning to be able to connect with people closer than any person I had ever like... connected with (minus like 3 friends) - and these people I barely knew the names of nor knew their faces. It was like a silent bond between a horse and a person. You can just close your eyes and everything will go away knowing that you are putting your trust into someone that you could.... put your trust into. You could drop your reins and stand at the foot of a hill and all your troubles would wash away, because you knew someone would have your back no matter what happened along the way and would support you through it. That's what everyone on the team is like, a bunch of horses. It is just so amazing to be able to work with everyone that is on the team, and I seriously love you all. It's like a dream, you've went from looking up to your role models to working with them, and I'm just so blessed to be able to do so.
And every viewer of the works is just the same, visible or not. A bunch of horses. You guys are all amazing and so supportive of everything. You just feel so safe with people like you because you know that whatever you do, you'll always have someone to back you up on the situation. It is just so crazy. 

Everyone is just a bunch of horses.
(In my eyes, which are slightly delirious)
Though I feel I haven't done all I can to offer, I am definitely looking forward to implement what I can do in the new year and the rest of this year. Though I am just beginning to know all of you, I look forward to spending more time with all of you. I hope everyone has an excellent holiday and new year, and I cannot wait to see ya'll again. 


Actually a little known fact is that I was a wattywarriors admin on a different account a few year previous; not even a joke, I've been made a wattywarriors admin twice. Both times I have no regrets, it's such an interesting experience. I'm tested to come up with ideas and work hard. I'm not creating things like usual, where it's by me, PoppyTea, to my followers, but doing things as a sort of ambassador to the rest of the warriors fandom.
When I became an admin (the second time around, that is. The first time around is a whole other story...) I was so excited omg, I remember I had just gotten home from school, and saw WattyWarriors followed me. I knew right then what had happened, before I even refreshed the notifications and saw my name being tagged in the announcement. I was an extra. I wasn't supposed to make it. Probably the only thing that got me in was my credibility as "the one who wrote Spark" lol. Whatever the reason, I did make it, and I'm really grateful I did....

I have a bigger purpose on wattpad now because of it. It's not just: write stories and have the best and largest collection of full fanfics (my personal goal on wattpad) but it's also now to help run one of the best and oldest warriors joint accounts on this site. It makes me so happy to know I'm putting out content that people spend time on, because I made that. Well, I sort of did, because I really couldn't've done it without my scrubs—I mean— admins.

My admins. My friends. The other reason, and the main reason, I love WW. I'm actually trash at making solid connections with people, but when you're stuck with someone as a coadmin, bonds tend to form haha. Yeah. I love everyone. They're all so nice, and protective, and loyal, and funny, and just amazing people. All of my fellow admins, they've all got my back, and I hope they know I've got all of theirs.

— As a special treat, we're also including a reader's perspective on this. Meet Talfli, an avid follower of WattyWarriors for some time now. Here's her response. —

WattyWarriors has always been an account I've looked up to. The way they keep such a large account up and running is amazing to me. With over four hundred thousand followers, it must be hard to please everyone. But they do it, and they've been doing it since I first clicked that follow button. Whenever I see that a new chapter has been posted, my heart races with excitement to see what's been posted. I wonder what the chapter will hold, and WattyWarriors not only surprises me but they make me laugh. I laughed pretty hard when they talked about a rebellion in WattyWarriors, and I researched about the world AIDS day and I am still supporting it. Thanks for a great year, WattyWarriors!

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