How he is dealing with it

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×bad words are used

Kai pov

Im so stupied. Why the hell did i do that. I never wanted to hurt y/n. Im still in love with her, but i love skyler too. Y/n hates me and wont take me back. Skyler and i, i dont know what we are.

Knock, knock

"Go away,"i say.

"Kai you need to face that y/n is gone and she isnt coming back. You need to get out of your room,"i hear nya say. I hear her footsteps walking off.

I drag myself off the bed and get on my gi. I dont even bother to brush my hair, take a shower, or look into a mirror. I walk to the gaming room. I hear the others training while i sit on the couch playing video games. All o could think about is-

Why did i ask y/n out if i knew i still loved skyler.

Cole pov

I scream into my pillow. Why am i so damn stupied. I bet nya hates me for liking y/n still. And y/n hates me for kissing nya. I told nya i broke up with y/n so im pretty sure nyas pissed.

I love nya. I like y/n. I havent know y/n as long as i have know nya. I dont want y/n to hate me. I dont love y/n but i certainly dont not like her.

Im sure y/n wont ever talk to me again and nya wont either. I just need to apologize and get back together with her. But which one do i want to be my girlfriend?

UGH this drama is killing me. I need cake. Cake. I look at the cake stain on the floor. The one y/n made. She made me that cake that is now in the trash. Okay i guess cake will justake me think of y/n. Great, now i cant even eat cake.

Which one should be my girlfriend?

Which one should i fight for?

Which one should i give my life to?

Which one should i make smile?

Which one should i love forever?

I know who it is

I must apologise to....

Lloyd pov

I throw another energy ball at the dummy. I blast it head off i start to punch it furiously. I cant belevie i did that to y/n! She was the only one i could love! I just let her go!

I feel someone pull me back. "Lloyd dide calm down,"kai says. I look at the dummy which is ripped into tiny peices. I stomp out of the training room and go to my room.


I cant believe i did that to y/n. I kissed e/n and i can never take that back. IM SO FUCKED UP! Why did i do this to y/n. I hurt her and now she hates me! Its my fault she will never be mine again. I start to cry. I cry hard into my pillow.

How could i do this to y/n?

Jay pov



Why did i do this to them?

I sob into my hands.

I wanted nya back so bad. I wasnt even thinking about y/n when i said those things to nya. My plan worked at least. I got nya jealous. Just like i wanted.

But now i like y/n. Cole told me not to use y/n, but i wanted nya back so badly. Now im confused. Do i stay with y/n or go to nya.

I cry into my pillow harder. All of these thoughts are hurting my head. I need nya. I need y/n. I need them both. Y/n is already gone. She is probably gone forever.

I cry even harder into my hands if that is possible.

What do i do?


This does not make since. Y/n saw PIXAL and I kissing. I tried to apologize but she didnt let me. Why wouldnt she let me.

I punch my hand through the wall. I pull my fist out of the hole. I will fix it later right now im busy.

Maybe i should ask kai. He is good with girls. Everyone calls him the ladies man or the flirt so he must be a good help.

I walk to kais room a knock on the door. He open up and i smile.

"Sup zanes what you need dude?"he asks. I translate his words to hi zane wjat are you doing here?

"I need help,"i say.

"With what?"he asks.

"Well y/n is mad at me,"i say and kai lets me into his room.

"Girls get mad easily. What did you do?"kai asks taking a sip of his water.

"I kissed PIXAL and she saw,"i say.

Kai immediately spits out his water (spit take XD). "YOU WHAT?!"he yells. "Well mow i get why she is mad. Did you try to apologize?"

"Yeah but she didnt listen. And i think i still have feelings for PIXAL,"i say. Kai pats me on the back.

"Looks like your on your own on this one dude,"kai said..i translated it in my head cant help yoi with this one you have to figure it out yourself.

Well thanks kai that helps.
Yay another freakin chapter. I hope you liked it

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