When you tell b/g/f

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F/m- favorite movie
F/s- favorite song


B/g/f let you stay at her house. Your mom was getting drunk a lot more than usual latly so she let you stay over. Frankly you wish your mother would be here right now giving you pain. Because the pain she gives you keeps your mind off the pain kai has given you.

"Y/n whats wrong?"b/g/f asks.

You dont answer. It will hurt to much to say his name.

"Y/n tell me,"b/g/f demanded.

A few tears slip down your face. "Ka-"you couldnt finish his name. It was to hard. You loved him but he did not return the feeling. Saying his name hurts you. You just cant do it.

"Kai?"she asks.

You nod sadly. Hearing his name hurt to. Kai. Kai. Kai. It hurt hearing it. Saying it. Thinking it. You wish his name, his words, his looks, his memories would all leave your mind.

"What did that son of a bitch do,"b/g/f said angrily.

It hurt to much to explain. You wanted to tell her everything but it was to hard. She waited for a responce. When you finally had enough stregth to get out word you say.

"He c-cheated."

"WHAT! THAT LITTLE PUNK IS GOING TO PAY FOR,"b/g/f starts but you stop her.

"Please can we just not talk about k- him,"you say.

B/g/f nods "lets play just dance,"she said and you guys played just dance for the rest of the night. You laughted a lot and you didnt think about kai once.


"ITS NOTHING IM FINE,"you yell at b/g/f.

"Y/N IM NOT BLIND! TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!"b/g/f yells back at you.

"NOTHING HAPPENED!"You yell back.

You were not ready to tell her. You were not ready to tell anyone becuase the truth was is you dont believe it. Your thinking ot cant be real that its all just a dream and you need to wake up. You dont believe that this is reality.

"Y/N JUST TELL ME THIS ISNT JUST SOME FANTASY WORLD! THINGS WONT GET BETTER UNTIL YOU TELL SOMEONE!"she yells. You relize then that this is reality. Cole loves nya. Thats real. Cole kissed nya. Thats real. Cole and you are broken up. Thats real. There in no more you and cole. Thats real.

Tears slip down your face and you fall to the floor. B/g/f hugs you tightly.

"Honey for me to help i need to know what happened,"b/g/f whispers in your ear.

"C-cole, n-nya,"is all you mange to get out. B/g/f completly understood and hugged you tighter.

"Cole is a jerk. You deserve better. If he doesnt relize how amazingly awesome you are then he needs to go to hell. You are an amazing girl and you deserve to find someone who actually cares about you,"b/g/f says a little mini speech. You smile and get up off the floor. You wip your tears away.

"Your right. Im amazing and if cole doesnt see that then to bad for him,"you say. "Now lets get ice cream."

You a b/g/f go to an icecream shop down the street. You talk about how cole is stupied and how boys are stupied and the whole time it didnt even hurt to say his name.


"B/G/F IS HERE Y/N!"your mom yells. You were cuddled up into your blankets. Your hair was a mess and you didnt want to see or talk to anyone.

You hear your door open. You dont move a muscle. Suddenly your blankets were ripped off you. You were freezing.

"Where have you been,"b/g/f asks.

You didnt want to answer. You knew if you opened your mouth to say anything you would burst into tears.

"Well...."she says impatiently.

"L-llo-"you dont even finish his name before tears stream down your face. Your full out crying. B/g/f hugs you.

"Y/n im so sorry. Who is making you cry like this. Who did this to you?"she asks.

Your crying on her shoulder you cant get out anywords. She pats you back while you cry. After about doing this for an hour you are able to tell her little.

"L-lloyd and e-e/n k-k-k-k,"b/g/f stopped you from talking by hugging you. She knew exactly what happened from few words.

"You need to get your mind off of him and know exactly how,"b/g/f said and pulled out candy from her purse "and," then she pulled out f/m.

She put in f/m and you ate a bunch of candy. You fell asleep and for the first time in forever you didnt dream about lloyd. (For the first time in forever FROZEN XD)


"Please explain to me why you wont go to borgs tower,"b/g/f asks. She wants you to go to borgs.tower with her but you cant because thats where you met jay.

"B-because,"you studder.

"Because why?"

"BECAUSE THATS WHEFE I MET JAY,"you blurted out and you cover your mouth with your hands.

"Why is that bad? Jays your boyfriend and may i add pretty cute,"b/g/f says.

"Well what your about to hear might make him un cute,"you say.

"Thats impossible he is to cute."

"He, he ch-cheated on me with n-nya,"you studder out a few tears falling from your face.

"WHAT!? THATS SO UN CUTE I CANT BELIEVE I EVER THOUGHT HE WAS CUTE,"b/g/f yelled making you giggle a little.

"S-see i t-told y-you that you w-would change your mind,"you said in a sad but happy voice (i hope that make since).

"Im so sorry y/n,"b/g/f says and gives you a big hug.

You wipe the tears off your face and replace your frown with a smile. "Lets forget about jay. Lets do something fun."

"Theres the y/n i know,"b/g/f says. "Now lets see. How about we mess with nyas instagram account. I bet i could hack it."

You smile,"You know me so well."

B/g/f hacked nyas account. You read her private messages with jay which made you laugh and cry

Jay- i love you

Nya- girlfriend

Jay- you want to be my girlfriend?

Nya: no you have a girlfriend

Jay: we broke up


Jay: meet me at the video game store.see ya there

That convo made you mad so you deleted all of nyas pic and changed her username to im_a_boy_stealing_bitch. Then you put pics of her but the were photo shopped to make her look ugly and you changed your password. You laught at what you did. This was the first time since you and jay broke up you have had fun.


"Im sure nothing is wrong,"you say to b/g/f.

"Y/n we are besties you can tell me whats wrong,"b/g/f says.

You cant tell her what is wrong. You litterly cant. You voice cracks or stops working everytime you think of zane. You want to tell her everything but you just cant.

"I cant,"you say.

"Do you not trust me?"b/g/f asks.

"No i litterly can i will break down trying to tell you,"you say.

"Let it out."

"Z-zane h-he cheated in me w-with P-PIXAL and they w-were k-kissing,"you start to cry hard and b/g/f hugs you and you cry on her shoulder. "He d-doesnt l-love me i loves P-PIXAL."

"Zane is a blind man if he could see how great you are,"b/g/f says. "Now lets forget about him and move on!"

She grabs to beers (Jk that didnt happen) She gets up and turn on the radio all the way up. Your f/s comes on and you and b/g/f dance and sing along. Jumping on the beds, dancing on the floors, singing out loud (ed sheeren right there) you had an awesome time. And you almost forgot about zane for good until you mother came in and gave you ice tea. Stupied ice ninja ruining your love in iced tea


Yay another chapter. You guys are so awesome. I never thought thos book would get this popular so thanks so much.

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