Meeting your family/friends part 3

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Warning: mild laungue


"What will be fun?"kai asked. B/g/f smirked. You knew exactly what she was going to do. She was going to tell every embarassing story that has ever happened to you.

"Dont you dare,"you told her.

Her smirk vanished and was replaced with a big smile. She turned towards kai. "Hello im b/g/f. Y/n's best friend,"she said with a smile.

What is she planning

"Im kai,"is all kai said.

"Ok kai there is food in the ki-,"before b/g/f could finish her sentence kai ran to the kitchen.

"Well he is um hungry,"b/g/f said to you.

"Yeah,"is all you say and walk into the kitchen. You see kai and his face is stuffed with food.

"Why are you so hungry,"you ask kai and he just shurgs. You roll your eyes.

"Hey, why dont you go get snacks at the supermarket,"b/g/f suggested to you.

"I dont wa-"

"Just go,"b/g/f said pushing you out the door.

"Bu-," before you could finish b/g/f slammed the door in your face. "Well ok,"you say to your self before walking off.


You were walking back to b/g/f's house. You got skittles, resses, gum, butter fingers, snickers, 3 musketeers, mnm's, and other snacks. You open b/g/f's door and walk into the house. You head to the living room, and when you get there you see b/g/f and kai laughing.

"Hey guys,"you say and set down the bag.

"You slapped a clown at your cosins birthday party?"kai asked still laughing. Your face turned red with embarrassment and anger.

"YOU TOLD HIM THAT,"you yelled at b/g/f.

"Yep and i told him every other time you did something stupied, embarassing, werid,"she said, and you gave her the i-hate-you-so-much-looks.


"Hello,"o/b says to cole.

You push o/b out of the way. "Hey cole come in,"you tell cole and he walks in. Your dad gives cole a death stare and cole looks scared to death.

"Are you the boy whos dating my daughter,"your dad says.

"Yes sir,"cole says.

"Are you gonna break her heart,"your dad asks.

"No sir,"cole answers.

Your father nodded as you and cole sat down at the kitchen table. Your brother sat across from cole. You sat next to cole and your dad sat across from you. There was an akward silence until your brother spoke up.

"So is there a reason your dating my sister,"he asked.

"Because i like her,"cole said kinda confused. Well i mean wouldnt you be confused if someone asked why are you dating someone.

"Thats not a good enough reason,"o/b says.

"Then whats a good reason,"you ask.

"Well you see the reason he is actually dating you is to get another girl jealous, so he lied,"o/b said and you looked at him with the "really" face.

"O/b your such a lair,"you say.

Cole is just sitting there looking at o/b smirking. "Oh if im lying please explain this,"he held up his phone, but cole quickly took it away and looked at the picture. He pressed a few buttons and gave it back to o/b.

"So you dont want her to see the picture because its true," o/b accused cole.

"Okay you met cole now lets go,"you say and pull cole out of the house. Once you leave the house. Cole speaks.

"Y/n i swear there was nothing to hide,"cole says.

"Then why did you take the phone,"you say.

"It was an old picture of me and nya,"cole explained and you nodded.

"Cole im not mad thats my brother being all brothery,"you say and vole lets out a small chuckle. He puts him arm around you.

"Im glad your not mad i dont know what i would do without you,"he said and kissed your cheak.


"Hello im glad i get to meet you too,"lloyd says back to your mother.

"Come in, come in,"your mother says and moves out of the way so lloyd could come into the house. Lloyd steps in and sits at the dinner table.

You wanted to sit next to lloyd but o/b sat next to him instead.

Well thats great (that was sarcasm)

"So lloyd what do you do for a living,"my mother says as she puts our dinner on the table.

"Well um its complicated,"lloyd answers.

"Why is it so complicated. Is it because when you go to work instead of working your with some other girl,"o/b says.

"Um no,"lloyd answers.

"You hesitated,"o/b tells lloyd.

Here it goes again

"I. Am. Not. Cheating. On. Y/n,"lloyd says slowly like o/b is a 2 year old.

"Im not stupied. Y/n might be, but i can see through you,"o/b says.

O/b can you stop being big brothery. I mean lloyd isnt cheating on me and even if he was- wait did you just call stupied.

You relize o/b called you stupied so you said this. "Im not stupied!"

O/b crossed his arm. "I didnt say you were stupied,"he said.

"You implied it,"you say back.

"Well you cant even see that your boyfriend is cheating on you,"o/b said.

"IM NOT CHEATING,"lloyd yelled at o/b. O/b turned his attention off you towards lloyd.

"Dont you raise your voice at me. Y/n is my sister and its my job to protect her from jerks like you,"o/b said to lloyd. Lloyd was now turning red not from embarrassment but from anger.

"Y/n is her own person she can make her own choices and im NOT A JERK YOUR THE JERK,"lloyd yelled.

Things are about to go down.

"What did you just call me,"o/b asked knowing what lloyd called him.

"I called you a stupied ass jerk,"lloyd repeated what he said adding a few new words.

O/b punched lloyd in the face. Lloyd fell back but quicly recovered and kicked o/b. O/b fell to the ground, but got up. O/b pushed lloyd into the wall hard and lloyd fell to the ground. Lloyd wiped the blood off of his lip and stood up. He grabbed o/b by the collar of his shirt and lifted him off the wall and punched muliple times.

"Lloyd stop!"you yell and he drops o/b.

"Sorry,"he mummers.

All of the sudden a a fist collided with lloyds face. Lloyd fell to the ground and o/b kicked him multiple times in the stomach. Lloyd started coughing up blood. O/b's face was already bloody. Lloyd finally got up and punched o/b. My mother grabbed o/b and told him something and he calmed down. I grabbed lloyd by the arm and he turned around.

He had an apologetic look on his face. "Y/n im sorry. I was just so. So so,"lloyd couldnt find the right word to say so you inturupted him.

"Its okay lloyd my brother is just too overprotective. Lets just leave,"you tell him.

"Are you sure,"he asks.

"Yes,"you say and you and lloyd leave.


"Um i mean well. She asked about your friends not you,"you said pointing to b/g/f.

"Yeah but you still called his friends hot,"b/g/f pointed out.

"Shut up,"you murrmer.

"Anyways.... you wanted me too meet b/g/f,"jay said.

"No, b/g/f stole my phone a texted you,"you said still annoyed by b/g/f.

"So then you dont want me to meet her,"jay asked. That was exactly right. You didnt want jay to meet b/g/f because she is kinda.... whats tye word.... lets go with.... outgoing or unique just over the top.

"Exactly,"you say. B/g/f just stares at you but then turns her attition to jay. She grabs jays arm and pulls him into your room and locks the door.

You run up to your door and knock on it hard. "OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW B/G/F,"you yell through the door.

"No,"is all she said.

"OPEN THIS DOOR,"you yell again.

"No,"she repeated.

It was obvious she wasnt going to open the door so you push your ear against the door and listen-

"So all of your friends are taken,"you hear b/g/f say.

Of course she asks that

"Yes im sure,"jay answers.

"Will you just check to make sure,"b/g/f asks.

Then there was silence.

"Ok they said yes,"jay said.

He probably texted the guys.

"Yes they dont have girlfriends,"b/g/f asks with hope.

"Nope there all taken,"jay says.

"Are you sure."


"Are you sure your sure."


"Are you sure your sure your sure."


You finally relize you have a key to the door in your pocket. You pull out the key and open the door. You pull jay out of your house.

"Im sorry b/g/f is kinda cooky,"you say.

"Its fine,"jay responds.

And icecream truck goes by and b/g/f runs out of the house. Jay and her both start chasing it "ICECREAM,"they both yell. You laugh and run up with them.


"So you think im cute,"zane questions.

"No,"you answer.

"So um not cute,"zane asks.

"No as in im not answering this,"you explain.

"Thats in exactly what she said to me,"b/g/f said happily.

"So what does that mean,"zane asks b/g/f asks.

"It means she thinks your cute,"b/g/f answers.

You start to blush maddly.

Why can this girl read me so well

"Your cute when you blush,"zane says and b/g/f holds back a smile.

"I-i'm not b-blushing,"you say trying not to studder but fail horribly.

"Yes you are girl, your redder than a tomato,"b/g/f says.

Well thanks b/g/f that really helps this situation

"Your adorable,"zane whispers in your ear.

Omg my face is probably 1000°

"YOUR SO RED,"b/g/f sqeals.

"B/g/f your not helping,"you say annoyed.

"I know,"she says. "Zane you can mess with her so easily thats how you know she likes you ALOT,"b/g/f says.

"Thats it,"you say. You push b/g/f into her car. "Leave."


"Please leave,"you beg.

"Fine,"she starts the car and drives off.



Okay im trying to do the zane ones better. I know there kinda sucky but i try. Leave requests but not "when we fight" "when he hurts you" "when you get kiddnapped"

Please leave requests thanks for reading

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