When he helps you with your homework

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You were in your room doing your homework. Your mom just punched you for getting a 93 on a test. You didnt feel much pain because you were use to it. You start to do your math homework, but you didnt get a thing.

You hear something hit your window so you walk over and open it. Kai climbs into your room. Once he is in you close the window.

"Hey,"you say.

Kai notices the mark on your face from your mother and he runs up to you and hold you in his arms. He puts one of his arms around your waist and the other was touching your face. "What happened?"kai whispers.

You were not ready to tell him about your mom. You push kai away and sit back down continuing to do your homework.

"Its nothing. Um can you help me with this,"you say trying to change the subject.

Kai walks over a picks up the piece of paper and looks at it for a minute.

"Y/n this is easy. Let see the pencil,"kai says. You give him the pencil and he starts to write down a bunch of things. He give you the paper back and everything is answered.

"This better be right,"you say.

"Dont worry babe, im always right,"kai says.

You smile at his cockyness.

"Better be."


"Only one person got all the questions right on the homework,"your teacher announces.

You thought for sure it wasnt going to be you. Kai had to get one wrong. Right?

"Y/n L/n,"your teacher says.

The class let out groans as he passed back the homework, probably from getting terrible grades.


You were in the living room suppose to be doing your homework, but instead watching TV. Homework can wait even though its due tommarow, but YOLO right?

You were getting to the good part of the TV show. You know like when there about to solve the mystery, or figure out who cheated on who. Well right before they were about to say who it was the TV turned off.

"HEY,"you yelled.

"Do your homework,"o/b said and ran up to his room taking the remote with him. You were to lazy to press the buttons on the TV to turn it on so you just did your homework.

You started at the problem

|3|•(5÷8) (-6)=

Uhhhhhhhh what?!

You suddenly hear a knock in the door. You get up answer the door to find cole on the other side. You smiled as he walked in.

"Hey y/n what you up to?"cole asks.

"Nothing much. O/b forsed me to do my homework,"you said.

"Lets me see it,"cole said.

You hand cole your himework and he looks at it. He sits at the table and grabs a pencil. In like 40 seconds he gave you back the sheet with everything completed.

"Easy,"cole said.


"Just is. How is making. Cake easy for you,"coke asks.

"Well first you have to you an oven,"you say.


"Y/n i need to see you at the end of class,"your teaches says.

Oh no. What did i do this time. Was it that i punched jimmy. Hey he shouldnt have insulted my hair.

You thought. The bell ringed amd you walked to your teachers desk.

"Good job on the homework y/n. Yoi got all the questions right,"he/she said and you walked out.



You were in o/bs room. He was grounded for trying to kill lloyd. He was reading a book. Wait he was looking at pictures in a comic book. While you were on the other side of the room doing homework. You were in o/bs room because you didnt want him to think you were mad at him. You looked at your homework completly confused.

You studied the sheet of paper not getting any of it. Your phone dinged telling you someone texted you. You pull out your phone and look at it

Lloyd: Meet me in the park

Y/n: im doing super hard homework cant you just come over here

Lloyd: o/b

Y/n: oh yeah, but my homework

Lloyd: just bring it. ,im bored and i want to see you.

Y/n: fine i will be there soon.

You pick up your paper, and head for the door.

"Where are you going,"o/b asks.

"Um b/g/f needs me,"you say.

"Just making sure your not going to see line,"he said.

"His name in lloyd,"you said.

"Yeah whatever,"he says and you leave.

When you get to the park you see lloyd on a bench and you walk over to him.

"Hey greenie,"you say to lloyd.

"Hey cutie,"he said.

You sit next to him on the bench and you look at your homework resuming to be confused.

"Whatcha doin,"lloyd asks.

"Im staring at tgis peice of paper that makes no sence,"you say. Lloyd looks at the paper for a few seconds and then says-

"72, 34, 9, 57, and 89."

"What?"you ask.

"Those are the answers,"lloyd says.

"How did you-"

"I just did,"lloyd said.


"Good job y/n you got all the answers right on tye homework as for the rest of you, you must redo the homework in class whil y/n gets to do whatever,"your teacher says. Everyone groans as the teacher passes out the sheet to everyone but you.

You smile and put in you earbuds and text lloyd.

Y/n:only one that go a 100 thanks greenie ;)

Lloyd: no problem bae ;)

Y/n: POWER OF THE WINKY FACE ;) ;) ;) ;)

Lloyd: ;) ;) ;) ;)


You were in jays room doing your homework. You didnt get a word of it. Not one single word.


"Let me see it,"jay said.

"Your not going to get it,"you say handing the paper to jay.

"This is a peice of cake,"jay said.

"Did you just ask me if i wanted a peice of cake? Because cole wont give me any of his and im kinda hungry. And im really im the mood for eating cake. Maybe choclate no no no wait strawberry no no no wait vanilla. Wait how about-"

"Y/n i mean this is easy,"jay explained.

"Ok this is not easy. This is the oppisite of easy. The only time i would call this easy is on oppoiste day. But if it is opposite day than that means its not oppioste day because the oppoiste of opposite day is not opposite day. Unless-"

"Done,"jay said.

"What?"you ask.

"While you were going on about oppiosite day i did your homework,"jay explained giving back your paper.

"Thats impossible,"you said snaching your paper back seeing all the questions are answered.


"Great job y/n for the homework you made a 100. As for the rest of the class i need you to redo the homework,"your teacher said. "But for now lets go over absolute value."


You look at the sheet of paper in front of you. You were currently trying to do homework that you did not get. Your mother said you werent aloud to scan to see the answers. Your phone dinged and you look at it.

Zane: hey can i come over

Y/n: yeah but im doing homework

Afrter a few minutes you hear a knock at the door. You open the door and see zane.

"Lets go rollar skating,"zane said.

"Cant i have homework,"you said.

"Let me scan it,"zane said.

Well your mom never said zane couldnt scan it. You hand zane the paper. He scanned the paper and wrote the answers. You smiled.

"Ok now we can go,"you said


"Y/n your the only one in this class room that got a 100 on your homwork,"your teacher said.


Ok this idea came to mind when i was doing my homework. Some good finally comes out of homework. Hope you liked this and dont forget to request. Bye my ninja dudes :p

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