O/b is over-protective

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Kai // your pov

O/b and I sit on the couch. I told him about kai and now him and i are having a movie night. We have popcorn, icecream, and candy. He put on the spongebob movie. We dont watch the movie half the time. We just talk and laugh. Until we hear a knock at the door.

"I'll get it,"i say walking to the door opening it.

I see kai. He has a sad smile on his face. He is leaning on the door frame with his hands in his pocket.

"Y/n we need to talk,"he says.

O/b walks up and looks who is at the door. He moves you over and looks at kai.

"Why the f*ck are you here! Arent you done hurting my sister!"he yells grabing kai by the shirt pushing him into the wall. "YOU DONT KNOW HOW MUCH YOU HURT HER,"he yells. He punches kai and drops him to the ground. "Stay away from my sister,"o/b says and walks off.

Kai gets up and begins to walk away but you grab his wrist and turn him around. "Why did you come?"I ask.

Kai sighs. "I love you. I cheated on you and i dont deserve a second chance. Y/n i cant live without you. I need you to complet my life. Please dont leave me,"he pleases.

I cant turn him down again. He is telling the truth. I cant trust him but of we got back together it will help me trust him again.

I kiss him.

Cole // your pov

O/b walks into my room and lays on my bed. I might have been in the corner of my room crying for a while.

"What d-do you w-want," i studder

O/b hugs me. I told him what happened. He hates cole even more than before. I hug him back. I need a hug. It feels good.


Something hits my window. O/b gets up and looks out the window. His face immediately covers with angef then a smirk. He runs out of the room. I go to the window and see cole. I frown. Why is he here?

O/b appers and soon his fist makes contact with coles face. I wince as i see cole stumble back. Cole is a ninja, but when o/b gets mad nothing can stop him from winning a fight. Cole already has a few scratches on his face that arent from o/b that werent there before. They probably went on a mission or something.

O/b trips cole and gets on top of him punching him repeatedly. I cant stand watching cole get hurt. Even if he did cheat on me. I run down stairs and outside.

"O/b stop it!"i yell running up to the sence.

O/b gets of the bloody cole with a smirk. "Stay away from my sister,"he says calmly a walks off.

I roll my eyes and run up to cole. Cole was about to speak but i dont let him. I kiss him instead.

Lloyd// your pov

"Wow your pain makes mine go away,"i say with a laugh.

I told o/b what lloyd did and he wanted to cheer me up so he told me a very funny story. Him and his friends went to the movies and he saw the girl he liked and his friends pushed him over to her he bumped into her and her soda spill all over her shirt. You could see her bra and she slapped him and her boyfriend punched him. Yeah thats funny.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever,"he says.

Knock, kmock

I walk over to my window where i heard the knock. I pull it open and im face-to-face with lloyd. The man who broke my heart into pieces. I stare at him wondering what he is doing here. He was about to speak when o/b moved me out of the way. Yeah this isnt going to end well. The last time they were in the same room there was blood.

"What the hell are you doing here?"o/b asks his voice fills with posion.

"I need to talk to y/n,"he says.

"No! You hurt her!"o/b climbs out the window and lloyd jumps of of the tree and o/b follows,"you think im going to let you near her?!"

O/b throws a punch but lloyd dodges. That makes o/b mad. O/b kicks lloyd to the ground. He pins lloyd to the ground. He punches him once or twice to make lloyd weak. O/b gets off lloyd and kicks him repeatedly. Lloyd coughs up blood. I run of the house and pull o/b back.

"O/b, what did i tell you,"you say.

"He hurt you,"o/b protests.

You look at him with the look

"Fine,"he sighs, "violence isnt the answer,"he mimics in a weird voice and goes inside. Before he leaves he whispers something to lloyd and then leaves. I walk over to lloyd and help him up.

"Look y/n im sorry. I dont know what else to say but i know im sorry."he says.

I smile. I know he is truely sorry.

"I know you probably dont care what i have to say bu-"i cut him off with a kiss.

Jay// your pov

"I will be back with the drinks,"o/b says and runs to the house.

I told o/b what happened so now we are just hanging out outside. I sit on the curb and open my book and begin to read it.

"Y/n?"i look up and see jay.

What does he want?

"Im sorry okay! Im sorry for cheating! Im sorry for being stupid and i love you y/n! I need you and im sorry! Nya means nothing to me! I love you and no one else!"he yells.

I frozen. What do i do? Do i forgive him or tell him to leave?

Suddenly two ice cold smoothies poor all over him. O/b is smirking behind jay. "Come here to break my sisters heart again? I dont think so,"he says and kicks jay in the back of the knee so he falls.

O/b continues to kick jay with all his streigh. Jay coughs up alot of blood. O/b punches jay multiple times and his nose begins to bleed.

"O/b dude what are you doing?"one of o/b's friends ask suprised. Its not an everyday thing to see o/b beating someone up.

"Stay away from my sister,"o/b says and walks off with his friends probably explaining what happened.

I kneel down next to jay. "Are you okay?"i ask.

Jay leans up and connects are lips. He pulls away. "I-im s-sorry,"he says.

I smile and kiss him. I mean why not?

Zane// your pov

After i tell o/b everything he tickles me. Wow his ways to cheer me up. I run outside with him chasing me. He finally catches up to me and begins to tickle me again. I laugh.

"Im so much funner that your ex,"he says still tickling me.

"Shut up bro,"i say.

"Y/n,"i look up and see zane. O/b immediatly goes up to him and punches him. Oh no.

Zane stumbles back a little. O/b grabs him and smaches him into a tree. Zane falls. O/b picks zane up by the collor of his shirt slamming him against the tree multiple times. O/b drops him blood running down zanes face.

"Your lucky i dont do more. Stay away from her or you will pay,"o/b says and walks off.

"ZANE!"i yell and run up to him. "A-are you okay?"i ask.

"Y/n im fine,"he smiles holding his side in pain, "i have been through way worse."

I hug him. I dont kmow why i jusy do. Her immediatly hugs back. I pull away from the hug and look at his icy blie eyes. Before i can stop myself i kiss him.


Who is happy? Its FRIDAY! Everything is almost back to normal. But who is happy you guys kissed again. *rasies hand* MEEEEE I AM I AM!

Anyways yay

Hope ya enjoyed

;) or ^-^

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