How he is dealing with the answer

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Kai pov

Y/n left. She is gone forever. She will never be mine again and its all my fault. I just had kiss skyler didnt i. Im so stupid. I cant blame y/n for not wanting me around. She deserves so much better than me.

"Baby whats wrong,"skyler asks giving me a sad smile.

I havent broken up with her. I dont love her. I just dont want to hurt her feelings. Dont get me wrong. Skyler didnt di anything wrong its just my heart belongs to y/n.

"Sky w-we cant see each other anymore,"i tell her.

"W-w-why,"she studders.

"Its not fair to you. I dont love you. I love someone else, and its not fair for me to lead you on. Im sorry skyler but i just cant be with you. Its not fair for me or you,"i say tears streaming downs her face.

She gives me one last passionate kiss. Once she pulls away she walks out of my room forever. She took that better than i thought she would. I smile knowing that im really over skyler and i can go and get y/n. I wont stop trying until y/n becomes mine.

Thats a promise.

So i run over to her house and knock on the door.


I lay in my bed looking at the ceiling thinking of y/n. I love y/n and i just let her go. We would be such a happy couple if nya and i didnt kiss. What was i thinking? If i was y/n i would leave me to. I hate myself for leaving her. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

"Cole you need to get over her. Plus you have me,"nya says laying next to me with her hand on my chest.

I told nya to back off. I always do but she doesnt listen and she threatens to tell kai to beat me up. She would make up a lie probably to get him to do it.

I grab her hand and move it off my chest. I get off the bed.

"Baby come back,"she whines.

"No,"i say.

"Im telling kai!"she storms off.

Honestly i dont care. I just want my y/n back. She was the love of my life. I can believe i let her go. Im so stupid i need to go to her. I run outbof my room heading to the door. I suddenly someone pushs me into a wall. It was kai. He holds me up by my collar looking at his eyes strikes fear in me.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MAKE MY SISTER CRY!"he yells. Nya faking and i know it.

"I love y/n i cant change my feeling,"i say.

"You hurt my sister now i hurt you,"he says.

Kai punches and kicks me a couple of times before im able to escape. I rum to y/n's house. Im going to get her back no matter what. I throw a rock at her window waiting for an answer.


I punch the dummy, the training dummy. Im so mad. Not at y/n but at my self. I was stupid and now she is gone. She is gone because of my mistake. I continue to punch kicking a few times to. I hate myself so much and i want all this drama to end. Well i think she made it clear that she wants us to be over. So the drama will be over as soon as i forget her. But thats impossible to forget about her. I punch the training dummy harder.

"Woah, woah, woah lloyd calm down,"i hear i girls voice behind me say. It cant be her. She left. Would she come back? I run up and hug her as tight as possible

"Missed you,"i tell her.

"I missed you too bro,"kelly says, aka my sister.

She went on a mission. She wasnt suppose to return. There was a huge chance that she would die and not returning. But she is back. My sister is back. She pulls away from the hug

"So whats up with you?"she asks.

"Well my girlfriend, my ex girlfriend, i cheated on her and tried to appolijize but she wont except,"i explain.

"Do you love her?"my sister asks.

"Of course i do!"i say almost yelling.

"Then go get her and dont stop until you do!"she says.

Shes right. If i love y/n i would never give up until she forgives me. I smile. I hug kelly and kiss her on the forehead and run to y/n house. I climb a tree thats right next to her room. I knock on the window waiting for an answer.


I pase around my room. I cannot stop thinking about her. I juat want her back. I need her in my life. I love her so much.

"Hey babe what shirt looks better,"nya says.

She was holding two mini shirts one red one blue. Frankly i didnt care. I just wave her off and begin to think about y/n.

"Do you not care?!"she screams a little.

I ignore her continuing to think how i have hurt y/n. How much she hates me. Nya rambles on about something but i block her out and continue to think of y/n. How much kore amazing she is compared to nya. I need her. I cant live without y/n.

"YOU ARENT EVEN LISTENING! WE ARE THROUGH!"she yells running out of the room.

I dont care. All i care about is getting y/n back. I need her so much right now. I want to hold her in my arms again. Well if i want her so bad why am i just standing here. If i want her back then i need to fight for her love.

I run out of the bounty and run all the way to y/n's house. She is mine and always be mine. No one will stand in my way of her love. I run and see her on the curb sitting and reading. I walk up to her....


My music is blaring through my headphones. Kai gave them to me he says they should calm me. He put on music thatbexplains me...

Are you sick of being someone else?


Are you sick of feeling so left out?


Just waiting for something more before your life is over. Are you stuck inside a world you hate? Are you sick of everyone around? With there big fake smiles and stupid lies while deep inside your bleeding? No, you dont know what its like. When nothing feels alright. You dont know what its like to be like me.

Yes i do i understand so much.

To be hurt. To feel lost.

Both of those are my feelings right now.

To be left out in the dark. To be on the edge of breaking down and no one cares to save you. You dont know what its like. What its like. Welcome to my life.

I understand. This song speaks to me and i love it. I would listen to it over and over again. When the song ends i start to think of y/n. A new song starts and i dont relize until the corus

Hello from the other side. At least you can see that i tried to talk to you im sorry for breaking your heart but it clearly doesnt tear you apart anymore....

This is my true feeling. I tried to talk to her but she said no. Im truly sorry. I broke up with PIXAL for her. Because thats how much i love her. I love her. Love her so much. If i love her so much why am i just listening to music? I take off the headphones and run to her house. She is outside messing around with a guy. Jealousy hits me immediatly.

"Shut up bro,"she says.

Brother. Okay. I begin to walk to her.


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