When you see him again

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You decide to let kai speak. To let him have a chance to apologize. It was a hard decision to make, but you decide it was only fair.

You walk into the park and see kai. You walk over to him. Seeing him made you want to cry but you held your tears back.

"Y-y/n you came,"he hugs you.

You push him off softly.

"I came here for an explanation,"you say plainly.

He nods "i was stupid. I was so damn stupid y/n and im sorry. Im sorry for all the pain i put you through and-"

"Kai just tell me why you did it,"you say.

"I saw skyler for the first time in forever. We had history. She was there and i was caught up in the moment. I thought no one could replace her but then you came into my life and changed what i thought. I love you y/n please take me back,"kai begs.

"Kai its so.... you still like skyler. I can tell. Why are you here? Why do you want me back if you like skyler?"you ask.

"Y/n i love you not her,"he says almost crying.

"LIAR! LIES! LIES! LIES!"you yell.

Kai grabs you hands. "Baby please,"he is now full out crying. "Please believe me. I love you. Not her. Please say you will take me back."

You pull away from him. "Im sorry but i cant date a liar,"you run away crying.


You want to hear what he has to say. You want to know if he actually cares. You walk to the front door of f/r. You walk to the front counter.

"How many?"the lady asks.

"She is with me,"cole says behind her. He takes your hand and pulls you to a table.

"Talk,"you order cole.

"Im sorry i dont know what inwas thinking. Nya came into my room wanting to know if we could get back together i said no aand she kissed me and-"he starts

"And you kissed back,"you say quietly.

"Yeah but i didnt mean anything,"he says.

"IT MEANT SOMETHING TO ME!"you yell everyone at the restrant looking at you. "COLE YOU HURT ME!"

"Im so so so sorry,"he says.

You begin to cry. You cry hard. You dont care anymore. Cole pulls you on him and you cry on his chest. Once you finally get a hold of yourself you step away from cole.

"Bye cole,"you say tears forming in his eyes. You walk away without another word.


After reading the note about thousand times you decide to let lloyd explain what happened. You walk up to the movie theater. Someone pulls you close and kisses you. You notice the peraon was lloyd. You want to kiss back but you couldnt.

You pull away from lloyd and meet his green eyes which are full of sorrow.

"Y/n i need to explain,"he says.

"Yeah,"you agree.

"I was mad at kai and i just needed to get my mind off of iy and i did something stupid,"he says.

"Why didnt you come to me?"you ask.

"I dont know,"he says honestly.

"Well then if you dont know why then why do you even want me here. You can obvously move on quickly. I dont even know why i came,"you say walking away.

"Please y/n wait come back,"lloyd pleds but you continue to walk ignoring is pleases.


You giving jay a chance suprisingly. You walk up to mcdonalds where he told you to meet him. You see him at the front door and walk up to him. He hugs you him crying a little.

"G-good to s-see you,"he studders.

"Get to the point,"you say.

"Im sorry i should have not kissed her. I dont want her i want you. I will always want you. I would chose you over nya any day. Please just come back to me,"he pleases.

"Can you truthfully say you dont love nya at all?"you asks.


You peck jay on the mouth quickly, "goodbye jay,"you wave walking off.


You walk to the front of the mall waiting for zane. He should already be here. You cant believe he is .3 seconds late (litterly). Someone wraps there arms around you waist so you back is touching their chest.

You turn around and you eyes meet with zanes icy cold ones. He hugs you and kisses you on the cheek.

"Explain please?"you ask.

"PIXAL and i were going through my data procces and she kissed me and i didntknow what to do so i kissed back, but baby i regret it so much. Your my one and only and i shouldnt have,"he says.

"Well when you get another girlfriend you will know not to kiss your ex,"you say.

"What?"zane questions sadly.

"Zane i cant be with a cheater. Im sorry,"you kiss him cheak then walk off.


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