When You Meet

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(Y/n) - your name
(B/f) - best friend name
(F/s)- favorite subject
((f/c)- favorite color
(f/so)- favorite song
((t/n))-teachers name
(y/b)- younger brother's name ((if you don't have one pretend))

Kai (((945))

School wasn't so bad. The only part you hated was the part where you learned. You loved to hang out with (b/f). He/she was the best. He/she did many amazing things for you. The best one was introducing you to Kai.

It was seventh grade when it had happened. You were sitting on a bench in the hallways doodling on your notepad when (b/f) sits down next to you.

"Taylor Stone just asked me to the dance!" (B/f) screamed fangirling. You smiled at them. They had always had a crush on Taylor. Specifically since 4th grade, "Who are you going with?"

You shrugged, "No one I guess."

"No one! (Y/n) you have to hurry up and get a date or all the good guys will be taken!"

"I mean I wasn't even planning on going-"

(B/f) gasped, "Not going! You really think I would let you get away with not going to the biggest dance of the year? (Y/n) you must be crazy!"

"(B/f) I'm not going," you said.

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"Not in not!"

"Please (y/n)! Pretty please with a cherry on top," (b/f) pleaded giving her/his pouty face.

You sighed in defeat, "Fine, I'll go, but I'm probably going to be sitting down awkwardly alone while you dance with Taylor."

(B/f) smirks, "Yeah just to let you know I've already gotten you a date."

"What?!" You screech.

"You'll love him," (b/f) said laughing.

"Who is it?" You asked curiously. Yes you might not want to go, but you did want to know who you were being forced to go with.

"I guess you'll have to find out," (B/f) said as they walked away.


You sat down in (f/s). You pulled out a piece of paper and you began to sketch random things as you waited for class to start. "Hey," you heard someone call out. You didn't except someone to be talking to you so you didn't pay attention to you.

"You're (Y/n) right?" You heard someone ask you.

You looked up to see a boy with a red shirt on and brown spiky hair ((which had too much gel)).

"Uh yeah," you said awkwardly. How'd this stranger know you. Why did they suddenly start talking to you, "And you are?"

"I'm kai, (B/f) told me to ask you to the dance. Something about you guys are literally solemates," kai said.

"I don't believe in soul mates, sorry," I said to him. You realized how rude it sounded after you said it. You winced at yourself. You were going to say sorry, but then kai began to talk again.

"Hey I don't either. That's one thing we have in common, I guess." You let out a small laugh after he said it, "So anyways I'm going to do something I will hopefully I won't regret. Will you go to the dance with me."

Maybe it was the smirk he gave off when he said it or his cocky attitude that made butterflies go off in your stomach.



He never showed up to the dance. You waited and waited, but he never came. After the dance you saw him around in the hallways. You saw him in your classes, but you never talked to him and he never talked to you. The only time you ever had any type of conversation with him was once when you made eye contact during class. He gave a scoff and turned back to his friends.

Maybe that's why you were surprised to see him at your mom's grocery shop a couple years later. It was senior year. He was of course surrounded by his friends as he was quite popular in high school. He comes up to you and sets a few items in front of you. It contained hair products, bandaids, flour, and a pack of batteries. You scanned all of the items and put them in the bag.

"Your total is $12.95," you said.

Kai pulled out his wallet and looked up at you. He handed you the money and spoke, "Do I know you?"

You took the money, "I think you may go to my high school."

"(Y/n), You're (Y/n) right?" Kai asked.

"Yeah.." you said. You decided to quote yourself from many years ago,"And you are?"

Kai smirked, "I'm Kai, (B/f) told me to ask you to the dance. Something about you guys are soulmates."

You smiled unable to believe he remember the conversation, "Sorry but I don't believe in soulmates."

"Me either. That's something we have common I guess. Hopefully I won't regret asking this, but will you go to the dance with me," kai said smiling a little.

"What are you doing kai?" One of Kai's friends asked who was dressed in blue. Kai ignored him.

"Sorry but this time I'm going to have to say no," I said.

"Awe c'mon (Y/n). At least give me your number," he told me.

"Sorry kai, but the last you asked me something I was stood up. I'm not an easy girl like the rest of those girls you date. I stand for something and being used isn't one of those things," you told him with a smile.

"Haha Kai. How does it feel to be turned down?" One of kai's friends, who was wearing black, said to him laughing. They began to walk out as a let a small a giggle slip.

"(Y/n)! Get back to work!" You hear your mom yell.

"Okay I'm on it!" You yell back.


You heard a knock on your door. You sighed and got up off the couch. You opened the door to see your younger brother, (Y/b). You smiled at him, but then realized his arm was bruised and scratched and he kept his head down. He came into the house and you shut the door.

You felt anger rush through your body. You couldn't believe he was this hurt. He escaped to him room without you questioning him because you were thinking all the possibilities. Did someone beat him up? Did he just fall down a flight of stairs, or did he even do it himself. You couldn't leave him alone about this. You rushed to his room and opened the door.

He was sitting on his bed playing videogames. His arm was badly bruised and scratched. He had a black eye on his right eye. You gasped and he looked over at you.

"What happened to you?" You asked worried.

"N-nothing," He stuttered out obviously lying.

"(Y/b), tell me now," You demanded him.

"Fine," he sighed, "I-I was staying after school for tutoring, and then this snake-thing started to chase me that's why this happened," He motioned toward his injuries, "It probably would've killed me if Zane wasn't there."

"Zane?" You questioned him.

"Yeah Zane!" He piped up, "It happened so quickly I don't have much detail, but I do know Zane is the one who beat up the creature and saved my life."

You hugged (Y/b) tightly tears threatening to slip from your eyes, "T-thank god you didn't die."

"Yeah," He said as you both pulled away from the hug, "Mom would've killed you."

You chuckled ad left the room, closing the door. You closed your eyes leaning you head against your brother's door very happy he didn't die. You don't know what you would do withut your brother. Yes, he may be annoying sometimes, but you still loved him.

You decided to go back to the living room. You dug around in your backpack seeing you left your homework out. You quietly curse to yourself. You needed to turn this piece of homework in. Your teacher already hated you enough.

"(Y/b), I'm going back to school to get my homework! Try not to get murdered by anymore snakes!" You said slinging you backpack over your shoulder.

"I'll try my best, (Y/n)!" You heard him yell back.

You chuckle and head out of your house. You walk along the sidewalk until you reach your school. You frowned as you walked in. You hated this place, but you had to come. You tried to open the front door to the school, but it's locked. You to the back begging the back door isn't locked. The door was cracked open. You figured it was because someone left the school, and didn't close the door all the way.

You walk into the school. It was so weird being on the school when no one was there. At least you hoped no one else was there. Wouldn't it be awkward if one of the teachers saw you in school when you weren't suppose to be there? You'd probably get detention in all honesty.

You walked through the school hallways going to ((T/n))'s room. As you approached the room you heard voices. You looked into ((T/n))'s room, but no one was there. Being the curious little weirdo you are you quietly walk down the hall. You take a turn and see 5 men standing in the hallway.

You suck your breath in and jump back around the corner hoping with all you strength they didn't see you. Why were 5 weirdly dressed men in the school while no one was suppose to be here? What were they planning?

"No, there are no more snakes. That is impossible, Zane," One of the boys said.

Zane? Zane as in the one who saved your brother?

"He is a robot, jay, he knows what he saw," Another boy said.

"Shut up cole. And he is a nindroid.. a nindroid," Jay, at least your guessing jay, said.

"I know that snake tried to kill the boy, but I also know someone is spying on us," Zane said.

Oh frick. You turn around to run, but there is someone already in your way. He is dressed in all black. You turn to run the other way, but there is someone else wearing all green. You realized you are surrounded by 3 other guys as well wearing blue, red, and white.

"Who are you," The red one said harshly.

"I-I," You stuttered, "I just came to get my homework."

"Then why are you spying on us?" The green one asked.

"I wasn't!" You said defending yourself.

"Lies," The white one called you out.

"Oh, what do you know," You said crossing your arms.

"A lot more than you-"

"Because he is a nindroid!" The blue one interrupts.

Nindroid? The white one is Zane. The one who was oh so kind to save your poor brother from a snake. You brother would've been dead without him. You decide not to be all sassy and instead thank him.

"You're Zane? M-my brother is the one that almost got hurt by a snake or something like that and you saved him. I am very thankful for your services, so I will now repay you," You told him.

"There is no need to-" Zane started but you interrupted him.

"Shh," You pulled out a paper from your back pack and wrote your number on it. You held out the paper to Zane, "If you ever need me give me a call."

Once Zane took the paper you slipped past the red and black dressed men and walked out of the school. Once you were outside the school you realized you didn't get your homework. You quickly turn to open the door. Locked.

"Dang it."


"(Y/n), you seem like a very nice girl," Mr. Walker said in a disappointed voice. You could tell by his tone that he wasn't going to give you the job. You have been looking for job and each and everyone you didn't get.

You though you might not be getting any of the jobs because you weren't passionate about any of them, but this just shows how wrong you were. You loved everything about mechanics. You didn't know much about it, but you wanted to know more. You were mesmerized by people who could build something out of nothing.

"That's why we are giving you the job!" Mrs. Walker is a cheerful voice.

"Really!!" You screech and jump up. You realize how unprofessional that was so you cough and say, "Yeah, that's um- cool. I guess. You know, whatever."

Mr. Walker looked at you and smiled, "You start on Monday, and it's okay to be excited. That's what we like about you!"

You smiled and do a happy scream again, "Thank you guys. Thank you thank you so much," You hugged them both and then grabbed your bike. "You guys wont regret this!" You yell and cycle away to go home.

~time skip~


You groan and sit up. You rub your face tiredly and let out a yawn. Ugh it's Monday. You hated Mondays just as much as the rest.

You get off your bed and stretch. You go to the closet and pull out a (f/c) shirt and black skinny jeans. You throw on the clothes and grab your phone. You blast (f/so) as you brush your hair and teeth. Then you put on a bit of make-up. You connect your ear buds to your phone and listen your music. You throw your backpack over your shoulder and leave for school.

Eight hours later you are unlocking your locker getting out your things. You feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You pull it out to see a reminder.

"Don't forget to go to your new job today future (Y/n)"

Oh crap you totally forgot that you had a job! You shove a few things into your locker and slam it shut. You ran out of the school and hopped on your bike. You rode fast trying to get there on time. You couldn't be late on your first day! What if they fired you? You would never learn about being a mechanic! That thought made you ride even faster.

By the time you got there you were out of breath. You ignored your legs, which were screaming to stop moving, and ran into the junk yard to find Mr. and Mrs. Walker. You run into there home and almost collapse on the floor, "I'm here! I'm on time and I did not forget that I worked here!" You yelled. You were breathing heavily trying to catch your breath. Then you realize that Mr. and Mrs. Walker aren't the only ones in the room. There was guy who was about your age. He had a cute smile and beautiful eyes.. and he is seeing you sweat and gasp for air! Oh my god this couldn't get worse.

"Oh, (Y/n) Honey your here," Mrs. Walker says, "This is our son, Jay. He has just come to visit for a few days, buy he won't bother you while you work. Now will you please try to find this special screw Ed has been looking for.. what is it called hun?"

"A dillydopien is what I call it. On side is smooth in circular and the other is like octagonal."

"O-Okay I can find it." You run out of there home as fast as you could. You would use any excuse to get out of there. Looking as pathetic as you looked in front of that really cute boy was so embarrassing! Okay, you need to clear your mind and look for that screw.

Days pass and you go to your job everyday. You help Mrs. and Mr. Walker by finding things or sometimes even hammering or screwing things on. You didn't talk to the cute boy until Saturday.

"No.. Nope.. not it.. not even close," You murmur to yourself as you look through the Junk Yard. You were on a really tall pile of junk looking for a Jandoralup. It's a special light, that is shaped like a square, and has the letter 'B' in the middle of it.

"Hey you need any help."

You screech in surprise and slip on a piece of scrap metal. Before you start to fall down the pile of junk someone grabbed you. They pulled you towards them. You were leaning against their chest. You catch your breath trying to collect yourself since you know.. you almost died. When you turn around you see it was the cute boy from Monday. What was his name?

"Hey, I'm Jay. Sorry that I startled you. I was just asking if you needed help."

You pulled away from him, "Uh yeah it's okay. I just scare easy I guess. I could use the help though."

He chuckles, "So what has my dad sent you to look for?"

"A Jandoralup? I think, I don't know if I'm pronouncing it right," You tell him. You're so nervous. Hopefully he doesn't notice.

"Is it a square light with a 'B' in the middle?"

"Yeah, that's exactly what it is!" You laughed. He smiles at you, and you swear you could've died right there and would be happy.


"Okay Okay you win the battle of the worst first date ever," I say adding a giggle at the end. Jay walks me to my bike.

"It is my specialty to ruin things that are suppose to be great," Jay said.

"Hey, you don't ruin everything. Today was suppose to be pretty boring, but you made it a little less boring," You said.

"Just a little?" He questioned.

"Yep, just a little," He made it so much more than a little less boring. He made the day so fun and amazing.

"Well, maybe next time I can make your day way more less boring if you give me your number?" He asked.

He just asked for my number!! Be cool.. be cool ((Y/n))

"Yeah, of course," You pull out a pen from your back pocket, but you can't find any paper, "I don't have any paper."

"Uh that's okay just write it on my arm," Jay paused, "I just realized how desperate that sounded."

You laughed, "I relate."

You pull his arm closer to yourself. You write your number on his arm and add your name next to it, "Just incase you forget which girl wrote there number on your arm."

"I wouldn't forget you even if I tried, (Y/n)."

You blushed, but hid it with a laugh, "Well I have to go. Text me, Yeah?" You pick up you bike and sling you leg to the other side.


Then you rode off with the biggest smile on your face.


"What if you like it at the hospital, baby? Would you maybe consider going to Medical school?" Your mom asked you.

"Mom, I know you really want me to become a nurse like you, but that isn't who I am. I want to be a chef," You told your Mom.

"You can't make a career out of that," Your mom said for the 100th time. She never encouraged you about wanting to be a chef. She wanted you to become a nurse like she is. Maybe even a doctor, "Just come to the hospital with me and think about it."

You think about it for a second, "Okay fine. I'll come after school today and see what it's really like being a nurse."

"Yes!" Your mom cheered in excitement, "I promise you'll love it."

She kissed your cheek and left for work. You went to your room to get dressed for school.

Hours later you were driving to your Mom's job at the hospital. You pull into a parking space and get out of the car. You walk into the hospital, and go to the front desk.

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Ms. Dayes said to you. She was one of your Mother's co-workers, "Your mother told me you were going to be a nurse in training for a day."

"Yeah, just to see what it'd be like," You tell her.

Ms. Dayes turns to another nurse, "Will you work the front desk while I show (Y/n) what to do?" The other nurse nodded in agreement. Ms. Dayes opens the door to leave the front desk area, "Follow me."

You follow her up the stairs to a door. She opens to reveal a small room. You both step in. The room is cover in clothes, old doctor equipment, and a few children's toys. She holds up a nurse uniform up to your body, "Yeah that looks like it would fit. Try it on."

She leaves the room to let you try it on. You put it on and it fit okay.. just a little to big but that was okay with you. You open the door and Ms. Dayes is standing by the door waiting for you. She looks up from the phone she was previously typing on.

"Oh honey you look great," She begins to walk and you follow her, "now your job is just to clean up after the patient, okay." She pulls out a slip of paper, "Here is a list of rooms to clean. Come tell me after you clean each room, okay? I'll just be at the front desk," She gives you the piece of paper and leaves.

Room 306
Room 204
Room 83
Room 112
Room 96
Room 289

Okay that is a lot of rooms to clean. You don't even want to be here! You just power through. You go to the elevator and click the '3'. You go to room 306 and change the bedding. You've done this a few times before so you knew where everything went and where to get extra bedding. After about 30 minutes you clean the room and wipe down the counters. You go down stairs to tell Ms. Dayes.

"I finished room 306," You tell her.

"Oh goodie, let me just check that in," I leaned over to see what she was doing. She had a map of the hospital on her screen. Some rooms were purple and others were green and blue. Room 306 was purple. She clicked on it so it turned green. "Green means its clean and ready to be used, Blue means someone is in the room right now, and purple means the room needs to be cleaned before a patient uses it."

"Oh okay, I guess I'll just go clean the other rooms now."

A few hours later you finish cleaning up to Room 112. You go down to the lobby to tell Ms. Dayes. No one was at the front desk. Huh, that's weird. You go back behind the front desk. You saw Ms. Dayes change the colors plenty of times to know how to do this. You log on and go to 'MAP'. You click on Room on 112 and change the color to green.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WAY INJURED NINJA COMING THROUGH!!!" You hear someone yell. You look up to see 5 guys dressed in different color suits. One of them is being carried by the rest, he is wearing all black. The blue and red one are both screaming for people to get out of the way. You feel bad for the nurse at the front desk having to have to deal with those idiots.. wait.

"Miss we need a room stat," says the red one to you.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a nu-"

"We are losing precious time!!" The blue one yells obnoxiously.

You don't know what to do, but you can't do nothing, can you?

"Okay, okay, um follow me," You come out from behind the desk and walk to the elevator and the follow. You all smush into the elevator. You bring them to Room 112 and they lay the guy they were carrying on the bed.

"Now-uh- what's wrong with him?" You asked.

"He has seemed to have broken his ankle," The white one said.

You looked at the dumbfounded, "Are you being serious? I though something terrible had happened! All of you leave and I'll figure out what to do."

You could tell one of them were about to argue with you so you gave them the "You better not" face. And they all leave.. except the one with the broken ankle.

"Sorry about my brothers, they have been a little on edge since sensei left for a couple of days," He chuckled a bit.

"Oh yeah it's fine," I say then pull out my phone.

"Uhm so my ankle?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, I'm not a nurse," You said.

"Wait what?! Then what are you doing here! I need to get out of here.." He started to freak out.

"No. no." You said with a laugh, "Don't worry, my mom is a nurse. I'm texting her to come help you."

"Oh," He said. He blushed from embarrassment.

"Okay so my mom is coming after she finishes something. I guess I'll just wait inn here with you."

It took your mom 20 minutes to get to the room. In that time you and the guy with the broken ankle bonded over your love of cooking and cake. "So do you cook for anyone or just yourself?" You ask him.

"I cook for my friends, but they never seem to like it."

"Maybe I could teach you how to cook something they'll like later on," You suggest. His face lit up.

"Yeah that would be great my nu-" Then your mom barges in.

"Honey, thank you for taking him to the room," She kissed you on the forehead, "I'll take it from here."

You leave the room. You were really bummed out you never got his number. Maybe it just wasn't meant to be.. About and hour and a half later you saw your mom.

"Hey baby, that guy with a broken ankle told me to give you this," she held out a envelope You took it, "I will be off my shift in about 30 minutes. Meet me at the front desk at that time, okay?"

You nodded. Once you mom left you opened the envelope.

It was really nice talking with you. Text or call me? 1-800-948-8488


You always liked to skateboard when you were stressed out about school or life in general. Right now you were skateboarding because you were stressed about your family. Your mom and dad were usually so happy together, but these past few months they have been fighting nonstop.

"Hey (Y/n) try to go up the highest ramp," Your best friend, (b/f), yelled at you.

"Okay!" You agreed. You dropped your skateboard on the ground and began to ride. You build your speed and then the ramp comes. You get up pretty high but not high enough. Distracted with not going high enough you forget to balance yourself when going back down the ramp. You fall off your skateboard and roll down the ramp.

"(Y/n)!!" (B/f) yelled and ran over to you, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," You laugh it off, "I'm used to falling."

"Okay I was really scared there for a second. Do you want me to buy you a comic book to show you that I am sorry?" Asked (B/f).

"Heck yeah! Lets go," You jump up like you didn't just roll down a super steep ramp.

You and (B/f) begin to walk to the comic book store. "You look cold. Want to wear my hoodie?" (B/f) asked.

"Sure, It's freezing."

(B/f) hands you a hoodie. You slip the hoodie on and pull the hood over your head, "Thanks."

When you get to the comic book store you and (B/f) look around for a bit. You were looking for this super specific comic book. You had been looking for it forever, but you couldn't find it anywhere. You had been coming into the shop everyday hopping they refilled the stock for it.

Then you see it. You swear you saw bright lights coming from it. Like the idiot you are instead of grabbing the comic book you have been looking for the past few months, you run to (B/f)((who is all the way across the store)).

"(B/F) (B/F) You know how I've been looking for that comic book for like months!?" You said very excitedly.


"I found it!" You screeched.

"Really?! Where is it I'll buy it," (B/f) said.

"It's right," You go to show her a realized you never grabbed it, "Crap."

You run to the other side of the store as fast as you could. You couldn't let anyone else get that comic book. You wanted it for so long and you had to have it. You needed it. You get to the isle you found it in and grab it. At the same time you grabbed it someone else did too.

"Hey let go!" You say. You don't care how mean it sounded. You didn't care about anything, but getting this comic book.

"I had it first!" They yelled back.

"And I have it now!" You say and yank it out of there hand.

"Hey!" They other person says and tackles you. You fall to the ground with them on top of you. Taken by surprise you drop the comic book. Your hood falls off revealing your face. You see the guy who tackled you. He was blond and had emerald eyes. And no matter how cute you thought he was you didn't let yourself like him. He just tackled you and he tried to take your comic book! He is a monster.

"Your a girl?!" He said surprise all in his voice. He pushed himself off of you and grabbed the comic book. He stood up. You stood up quickly.

"Give it too me you idiot!" You yelled. He held the comic book so you couldn't reach it. You begin to jump for it. The guy started to laugh uncontrollably.

"Stop it.. it isn't funny that I'm shorter than you," You whined.

"It's pretty funny," he says laughing even more.

No matter how high you jumped you couldn't reach the comic book. Each jump made the guy laugh more and more. He is so mean.

"Okay, okay, I'll give you the comic book," The guy said.

"Yay, thank you so much, you jerk," You had to add the jerk so he knew that you didn't like him.

"Wait let me finish. I'll give you the comic book if we get to hang out later," He said.

"What, no way! I don't hang out with jerks like you," You argue. You'd never hang out with a guy who tackled with you and laughed at your shortness. And not to mention he stole your comic book.

"Fine then I'll buy the comic book for myself," He said and turned away. He began to walk to the front desk.

"Hey stop walking away," You said and followed him. He ignored you. When he got to the front desk you continued to try to talk to him. He just ignored you and had a stupid smirk on his face. He paid for the comic. Now you would never get it.

"Hey!" You yelled.

"Yes," He finally answered.

You couldn't ask for the comic book now that he had paid for it. You looked down at your feet sadly. You were so excited finally being able to read this comic book. Now you can't.

"Here," he said and handed you the comic book, "It's yours."

"Thanks!" You said happily then he left without another word.

You walked over to (B/f), "Hey."

"Hi," they replied, "Is that the book you want me to buy for you."

"No, This guy bought it for me. But uh you can buy me this," You grab a Stranger Things pen.

"Okay," (B/f) said probably happy they weren't using a lot of money.

When you got home you laid down in your bed. Both of your parents were at work, so it was completely silent. You pull out your comic book and open it up and see writing on the side.

Hey comic book girl, I never got your name, so that's what I'll call you for now. You owe me a hang out so text me ;) 1-800-273-8255



that was 5300 words all together and it took me forever to write.. I'm going to try to write a bit more. Tell me if you like it :))

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