When you text

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((Y/m/n))- your moms name
((Y/d/n))- your dads name
((Y/s/n))- your sibling's name
Kai ((322))

You were working at the grocery store when you got a text. You usually text people from social media and not your actual number. Who would have your number?

Unknown: Hey

((Y/n)): Who are you? How'd you get my number? Why are you texting me?

Unknown: wow so many questions. Like chill.

((Y/n)): shut up. It makes me anxious when people know my number and I don't know them, so tell me who you are.

Unknown: how about we play a guessing game!

((Y/n)): -_- im not in the mood for a guessing game.

Unknown: okay so first hint I have awesome hair.

((Y/n)): okay are you Daniel form Gym class

Unknown: what? No? Who the hell in 'Daniel from Gym class'

((Y/n)): It's Daniel.. from Gym class.. that's who he is.. duh

Unknown: oh right.

((Y/n)): can u just tell me who you are

Unknown: No, but I can give you another hint.. We were talking the other day at the store

((Y/n)): Jin-Kyong! Did you start the project, yet? It's due Thursday and you know how both of us like to procrastinate, so we really need to get this done ASAP

Unknown: I'm not her either! It's me, Kai

((Y/n)): What! How'd you get my number?

Kai: I'm a ninja, I know everything.

((Y/n)): Yeah right, no way your a ninja.. who would trust you with all that secret you formation?

Kai: Hey! That's so mean.. I can prove it to you if you want to come over and hang out sometime

((Y/n)): I don't think I want to hand out with my stalker

((Y/n)): hang*

Kai: C'mon, ((Y/n)). I can make up for my Jerky move back in seventh grade

((Y/n)): I'll think about it

Kai: We can play Mario Kart and eat tons of candy

((Y/n)): Okay, in that case, I'm in


"((Y/b)), clean up this mess right now!" You tell to your younger brother.

"You aren't the boss of me," he responds sticking his tongue out.

"When the parents aren't here I am! Mom worked hard cleaning this living room and you destroyed it. If you don't pick it up-" you look over at the table to see ((y/b)) favorite toy. "I'll flush this down the toilet."

He started cleaning immediately. You heard your phone go off and you grabbed it off the tablet to see who it was.

Unknown: I need your body

((Y/n)): um..... what?

Unknown: I need your body.. I need it ASAP

((Y/n)): I don't think I want to give you my body.. and I think I'm going to block you now

Unknown: this is the favor I'm using since I saved your brother

((Y:n)): Wait.. Zane?!

Unknown: yea.. now give me your body.

((Y/n)): no!!

Zane: why?

((Y/n)) because that's weird! Why would you even ask for that!

Zane: I've just showed one of my brothers our texting and they said I sounded demanding and sexual. Is that true?

((Y/n)): Yes!

Zane: well. I didn't mean it that way

((Y/n)): how else do you mean it?!

Zane: I just need to run a few experiments to see how the human body reacts through multiple tests.

((Y/n)): oh.... I guess that would be alright.

Zane: okay come over tomorrow at 3:45pm

((Y/n)): Okay, see you then !!


You were sitting at your "working desk" catching up on homework. It was currently 2am. Instead of finishing your homework((like you were suppose to)) you were about to fall asleep. You were awoken by your phone going off. You check it.

Unknown: hey ((y/n)).. are you okay?

((Y/n)): 1) I'm up at 2am.. what do you think? 2) who are you?

Unknown: oh sorry, it's me Jay.. you work at my parents Junk Yard

((Y/n)): oh hey Jay! I haven't seen you in a while.

Jay: yeah that's why I texted you. I haven't seen you around lately and I got worried.. where have you been? And why are you up at 2am?

((Y/n)): awe thanks for caring.. and I took a week of work so I could focus on my schooling. Why are you up at 2am?

Jay: video games are really addicting.. I'm not ashamed to be a game-a-holic

((Y/n)): Okay.. Okay.. I won't judge XD

Jay: so.. are you doing anything tomorrow?

((Y/n)): other than sitting around my house watching Netflix? No.. I don't think so

Jay: well.. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to come over tomorrow.

((Y/n)): hmm.. I think I might just have to take you up on that offer :)

Jay: so is that a yes?

((Y/n)): of course it's a yes


You were cooking dinner for you and your mom when your mom came home from work. She walked into the kitchen to see you stressed about getting the perfect amount of butter.

"Now, honey, if you become a chef you'll be stressing like this all the time. Do you really want the gray hairs that come along with it?" You mother told you as she walked into the kitchen and put her bag down.

"Well being a nurse doesn't sound so stress free either," you mumbled. You groaned in frustration when you accidentally put a little too much butter in the pot.

"I never said it was, but I really think you should let go of this silly dream of being a chef," your mother said.

"it's not a silly dream!" You yelled at your mom, "You know what. You can cook dinner for us since you have such a big problem with me being a chef." You said storming out of the kitchen.

You walked into your room to see the big pile of homework on your bed. You literally wanted to scream. You went over to your bed and picked up your laptop. Underneath your laptop was a familiar note.. it was the one Cole left you.

You decided to text him. You type in the number on your phone a send a text.

((Y/n)): Hey, this is (y/n)

Cole: (y/n)? Who's that?

((Y/n)): the nurse's daughter..

Cole: oh yeahhh I remember now.. what's up?

((Y/n)): the usual.. my mom's a bitch.. I get mad storm off.. decide to do something stupid.

Cole: oh and what's that something stupid?

((Y/n)): idk yet.. I'm still deciding that one.

Cole: well I have an idea for you

((Y/n)): it is?

Cole: come sneak out and see me

((Y/n)): Okay

Cole: wow really that quick? I was expecting to have to try to convince you.

((Y/n)): I already told you.. when I'm pissed my body craves to do something stupid without a second thought.. anyways I'll be over around 1am.. cool?

Cole: cool.


You yawn sleepily as you finished the last page of the comic book. It was totally worth the fight you had to get it. I was one of the single best things you've ever read. You decided to text Lloyd to see if he wanted to borrow it.

((Y/n)): Hey !

Lloyd: hey? How'd you get my number? You aren't some crazy fangirl are you?

((Y/n)): no I'm not some crazy fangirl! Can I ask you a question?

Lloyd: sure.. go ahead.. I guess

((Y/n)): are you a fangirl if you stalk someone 24/7, figure out where they live, watch them sleep, smell all of their stuff, and then find out their number and claim to not be a fangirl?

Lloyd: omg 😮 don't stalk me you weirdo! You are so getting blocked

((Y/n)): no no lloyd I'm kidding 😂 I'm the girl from the comic book store, ((y/n))

Lloyd: hey! Don't do that! You scared the crap out of me..

((Y/n)): that was the plan :)

Lloyd: so what's up?

You quickly put you phone down when you hear someone screaming in the other room. It was around 11pm, so everyone in your home is usually sleeping. You hear the yelling come your parents room.

"((Y/m/n)) I'm trying my best! I work a double shift every fucking night! I try to make enough money to support this damn family while all you do is sit around!" You heard your dad yell.

"I watch the kids!" Your Mom cried out, "Why don't you just work a little harder!"

"((Y/n)) is 16 years old ((just pretend if your not)) and she can take care of ((y/s/n)) perfectly fine! We both know you are just to fucking lazy to get a job!" Your Dad yelled, "You spend all of my money on stupid things you don't need.. you don't even spend it on this kids!"

You couldn't listen any longer. You just ran back to your room with tears in your eyes. You pick up your phone to see another text from Lloyd.

Lloyd: where did you go?

((Y/n)): can I please come over?

Lloyd: yeah sure.. why?

((Y/n)) I'll explain later..

And done! I know it's been a while since I've updated this book, but here you go !!

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