Let It Go

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago or "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen, just the story.

Seabound spoilers

It had been about 6 months since Nya left and the team has not been the same since.  Lloyd was still at the monastery with his mother and Wu, but nobody else was.  Cole had been splitting his time between staying with his dad and staying with Vania in Shintaro.  Zane and PIXAL had been helping Cyrus Borg a lot at Borg Tower.  Kai had been spending time with his parents as he was having trouble processing it all.  And Jay?  Well, no one knows where Jay went.  Ed and Edna had called Lloyd several times asking how Jay was doing.  Lloyd kept lying to them because he didn't want to worry them about how Jay was no where to be found.  He asked the others if any of them had heard from Jay and none of them have, not even Cole which was even more troubling.  Lloyd had started searching for the blue ninja, but so far, no luck.

One day, the police commissioner called Lloyd and told him about an attack at a major criminal hang out.  Normally, Lloyd wouldn't consider looking into something like this, mainly because everyone there might try to kill him, but the details of what happened made him feel like looking into this was important.

He met the police commissioner at the crime scene.  It was in a bad part of Ninjago City with a lot of criminals which caused a lot of people to give him weird looks which the green ninja found unsettling.  The police commissioner let Lloyd in to have a look around.  No one died, luckily, but there was someone with severe burn marks who was obviously the target of the attack.  When Lloyd began looking around, he immediately noticed the scorch marks on the ground.  They weren't from fire, but Lloyd knew what caused them or better yet,who caused them.

Jay was standing on a roof close to where he was just trying to pry information out of someone.  He was actually surprised the police showed up so fast for two reasons.  1. The police have never shown up this fast.  It always seems like they just assume the ninja will handle it.  2. It's a place where a bunch of criminals hang out and he didn't think the police would be interested in that.  He also didn't expect them to call the mighty green ninja to help in their investigation.  He was watching the investigation being carried out.  He saw Lloyd go in there a while ago and not come out yet.

"Jay..."  That explains it.  He snuck up on the blue ninja.

"What do you want, Lloyd?" Jay asked, but didn't even turn around.

"What do you think you're doing?"

"What I'm doing is my business."

"You're hurting people."

"Criminals.  I'm hurting criminals."

"That doesn't make it ok if they're defenseless."

"They're not defenseless."

"But you have powers and they don't!" Lloyd snapped.

Jay finally turned around to face the green ninja.  "Look, I needed information and he wouldn't give it to me, so I tried a different approach."  Jay let a few sparks dance between his fingers.

"We don't do that, Jay," Lloyd said sternly.

Jay didn't respond.

"Look, I know it's been hard since Nya left and we should've kept a better eye on you, but-"

Jay cut Lloyd off.  "But nothing!  I wanted to be alone!  I don't want to hold back anymore!"

Lloyd was confused.  "Hold back?"

Jay sighed.  "I've always held back with my powers so I don't kill anyone.  When I recharged the Hydro Bounty, I actually used my full power for once and I honestly enjoyed it.  I finally let it go."

"I didn't know you were holding back so much."

"Why would you?  All of you think I'm the weakest ninja anyway."

"We don't think that."

"Then you have a funny way of showing it."

They stood in silence for a minute before Lloyd spoke again.  "Come back, Jay.  Being alone like this isn't good for you."

"I can't, Lloyd."

"Why not?"

"For one, I've changed too much.  I'm not really that goody two shoes ninja that I used to be.  And two, that guy who I was trying to get information out of knows someone who might be able to help get Nya back."

Lloyd stood there in shock.  "What?!"

"I'm working on trying to get Nya back, ok?  I need her."

"You shouldn't do this alone."

Jay figured Lloyd would try to get the others to help get her back.  "I don't want to get the others involved."

"I know," Lloyd said which Jay was not expecting.  "But let me help you.  We could be partners on this mission."


"Yes."  Lloyd held his hand out to Jay.  "But no more torturing people with your powers."

"Ok partner."  Jay shook Lloyd's hand.  "But I make no promises."

"What information did you get?"

Jay smirked and told Lloyd the information he pried from the criminal.

A/N: This oneshot had a bit more of the meaning of the song and then I made it a little darker.  I hope you enjoyed!  Imma just go now...

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