Day 15(Cole's getting his blessing from Seliel's dad)

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Readers, another beautiful song in this chapter with their beautiful voices that shows victoriously tone of this song. This time you are hearing 4 not 5 this time! 😃 Enjoy this chapter and enjoy this video!

Cole walked around his room hoping that Seliel's capella group will convince her father to give his blessing for Cole to marry her. "Sel use a Pentatonix song to cheer me and my father up, why can't I use a holiday Pentatonix song for me and the others to sing?" Cole said and a song then make Cole smiled. "This is the perfect song for me and the others  to sing and maybe it can get Seliel's dad's blessing for me to marry Seliel" Cole said and Zane was walking passed by his room.

"Hey, Zane" Cole said as he walked out his room to his friend. "Hey, Cole, what's up" Zane said and Cole put his hand on Cole's shoulder. "Ever since, Jay told his plan yesterday for me to convince Sel's dad, I think I got a good song for us to sing" Cold said and he whispered it Zane's ear. "That's perfect, Cole, but Pix doesn't know the main reason why we were singing" Zane said. "How we tell her it's another concert to show Ninjago?" Cole said and Zane smiled. "Perfect, now I'm getting Jay and Pix, while you invite Seliel's dad to this concert" Zane said. "Alright, Zane, good luck convincing Pix" Cole said and the two friends spilt up.

Cole went in his room and grabbed his phone to his contacts and press Stephen's name(Yes, that's Seliel's dad's name) .
"Hello, Cole"
"Hello, Stephen, you are invited to a concert at Ninjago and I was hoping if you can see it"
"Hmm, I will love to see a concert in Ninjago, so my answer is a yes to see the concert"
"Good, plus I was hoping if I can talk to you after the concert"
"About what?"
"Oh, you wait and see, Stephen, it's going to blow your mind off"
"Okay, I guess, I'm on my way"
"Bye, Stephen"
"Bye, Cole"

Cole hang up the phone and he start finding the song for them to sing. "Alright, perfect, now I had to print out this song's lyrics" Cole said and Zane, Jay, and Pixal walked in the room. "They're here, Cole" Zane said and Cole take a deep breath. "Friends, Ninjago is watching us singing an another song on stage and after that I had to talk to Sel's dad" Cole said. "Alright, so when are we practicing this song?" Pixal said. "Right now after warm ups" Cole said. "How come Kai's not here with us?" Jay said. "He's talking to Misako about something personal" Cole answered his best friend and he and his friends start warming up.

Stephen was at the concert waiting for Cole and his capella group to come. "Who are you, strange man?" Stephen said to Dareth. "I'm Dareth Mojo, I'm here to take pictures of this concert" Dareth said and he adjust his camera in front of the stage. "Okay, Dareth, have you seen my daughter, Seliel?" Stephen said. "Woah, you're Sel's dad?" Dareth said. "Yes, I am, Dareth" Stephen said. "Oh crap, Cole's dead" Dareth said out loud. "What was that?" Stephen said reassuring his weird friend. "Oh, nothing, Stephen, I'm was saying oh my God, I had to talk to Cole when he's here" Dareth said and he run away.

Cole and his friends were at the concert and many people from Ninjago were cheering out loud for them. "Cole! You are dead meat!" Dareth said. "What do you mean by that?" Cole said. "Seliel's dad is here and he's expecting a good concert" Dareth said. "He is, Dareth, don't worry much" Cole said and he lead his friends to the stage. "But he's in the front row of this concert" Dareth added and he run back to the front row and he pressed record for the camera to record the concert.

Everyone cheered when Cole and his friends walked on stage. "Hello, Ninjago, it's been a pleasure for you all to see those three again. Poor Kai had to deal with problems on his own so tonight I'm filling in his spot to sing" Cole said to the microphone. Everyone cheered and they all go to their positions of the stage.

[Chorus: Zane]
La da da da da da, la da da da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da

[Verse 1: Zane]
Away in a manger, no crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head
The stars in the sky look down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay

[Chorus: Zane & Pixal]
La da da da da da, la da da da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da

[Verse 2: Pixal]
The cattle are lowing, the baby awakes
But little Lord Jesus, no crying He makes
I love Thee, Lord Jesus, look down from the sky
And stay by my side 'til morning is nigh

[Chorus: Zane, Pixal & Jay]
La da da da da da, la da da da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da

[Verse 3: Jay]
Be near me, Lord Jesus, I ask Thee to stay
Close by me forever and love me, I pray
Bless all the dear children in Thy tender care
And take us to Heaven to live with Thee there

[Chorus: Zane, Pixal & Jay]
La da da da da da, la da da da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da

[Verse 1: Cole]
Away in a manger, no crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus lay down His sweet head
The stars in the sky look down where He lay
The little Lord Jesus, asleep on the hay

[Chorus: Zane, All]
La da da da da da, la da da da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da

Everyone cheered as Cole and his friends bowed down and Stephen went up to Cole when everyone leave except for Jay and Zane.

"Stephen, how you like the concert today?" Cole said. "I absolutely love it, Cole, it was beautiful with all the voices but I wonder why you planned this concert" Stephen said. "There's something I need to tell you about your daughter" Cole said. "Is she pregnant?" Stephen said. "No, I mean this will explain what I'm trying to say" Cole said and he take out a small box and opened it for Stephen to see. "Can I have your blessing for me to marry Seliel?" Cole said. "Yes, Cole, plus the concert, the ring you giving Seliel, her mother and your mother are going to be proud of you and Seliel" Stephen said and Cole smiled and Jay and Zane went up to him. "Good job, Cole, you got your blessing from Stephen" Jay said to his best friend. "Thanks, Jay, for being the best friend of mine" Cole said. "No prob, bro" Jay said and Zane smiled. "Three down, two to go" Zane said and Jay fall on the ground. "Jay, do you have a plan to get Ray and Maya's blessing to marry Nya?" Cole said. "Nope, I'm an idiot, Cole, I don't have a plan to convince Kai 2.0 and Maya" Jay said. "Jay, we will give you a day for you to think a plan so I'm thinking Kai should asked Scarlett to get her blessing for him to marry Sky" Zane said and Jay smiled. "Let's sing one more time for fun" Cole said and Stephen smiled. "I would love to sing with you three but I can't due to traffic" Stephen said. "Don't worry, Stephen, once we sing, the traffic won't get worse" Cole said and Stephen smiled.

[Chorus: Cole, Stephen, Zane & Jay]
La da da da da da, la da da da da da
La da da da da da, la da da da

Cole smiled at the sky and he looked at the small box. "I hope she say yes when I ask her" Cole said to himself.

Whoa, what a Coletastic 11th day before Christmas! 😀
Get some cake and enjoy your 11th day before the big chapter of this story! But don't show it to Cole, or else he goes crazy! 😀
3 down, 2 to go which means Kailor tomorrow!!!!! With Ronin and Dareth!!! Those two characters are in Kailor again and let's hope Dareth won't get Kailor fever while Ronin's supporting Kailor! 😃
Coliel stands for......

The song Cole and his friends are singing is another Pentatonix song. This time it's called Away In A Manager and this song is caketastic like Cole!
Enjoy the video in this chapter (I don't own the lyrics or the video of this song)

-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!

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