Day 5

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A/n: Today's prompt is "I hate that song". Well, then, let's have some Coliel! (I hc Coliel as the 'music' couple)

"Diiiinngggg Doooonngg!"

The doorbell to Seliel's apartment rang, calling to the pink haired girl.

She, though, was lost in her own world, listening to the newest hit in Ninjago, 'The loud song' by Poppy Starr.

She heard a faint doorbell ringing, and sighed.

It could be either of two people at this time. Her sometimes hare-brained brother Jay, or her best friend and Jay's girlfriend, Nya. Both of whom she didn't want here right now. Still, she had to answer it.

She lazily got up, and walked to the doorway, while listening to her song.

When she opened the door, she was surprised by who had come. It wasn't Jay or Nya, but her boyfriend Cole.

He pulled her into a hug, giving small kisses on her cheek.

"Hey cupcake! What's up?" He asked, pulling away from the hug.

"Oh, nothing much. Just listening to a song while waiting for my food delivery."
She replied, giving him a small smile.

"Cool! What song is it? And more importantly, did you order cake?" Cole asked, excited. Cake was his most favourite thing in the world, aside from spending time with Seliel.

"Cole, I ordered a lunch. Cake isn't a lunch." Seliel answered, amused.

"Says you!" Cole replied, amusing his girlfriend even more.

"Whatever. What are you doing here anyways? Weren't you supposed to be on a mission?" She asked.

"Ehh, it finished early. So, while Jay was busy with Nya and not looking, I slipped away. And what song are you listening to anyway?" He replied.

"Jay will kill you if he notices you aren't there. And, this is The loud song." Seliel answered.

"I hate that song." Was the only thing Cole said, and by the looks of it, he was having Vietnam Flashbacks about Jay blasting that song on full volume in the middle of the night. Seliel, though, didn't even want to think about what ridiculous antics and pranks her brother pulled using the song.

"You know what else I hate?" Cole's voice popped her out of her thoughts.


"You being alone." He said, grinning, as he wrapped his arms around her.

Catching on to what Cole said, Seliel stepped into his embrace, and joined her mouth with his.

They both started making out, (XD If you want detailed makeouts, go to hydroelectricjaya  , not me XD) and continued for a few minutes till they were interrupted by a gasp and, "Ahem."

They both jumped apart, and saw Jay standing at the door with a delivery boy.

Embarrassed, and somewhat confused, Seliel paid the delivery boy and took the food inside, while Jay said to Cole, "I want to talk to you."

And Cole knew he was in big trouble.

A/n: I hope you enjoyed this story! Bonus points if you can catch the reference to another lego tv show 😉

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