Tracking Him Down: Part 1

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Kai's P.O.V.:

It had been twelve days since the kids went missing and since the incident, we weren't doing so well financially. Between medical bills from my broken ribs, fees for replacing all my cards from the wallet they stole and the new phone I had to buy, the hotel had gotten too expensive so we had no choice but to go back home. It was hard with all the memories we had here, but Skylor's been working on the case so much she was barely home anyway and when she was home she was too busy looking for leads to really think about it.

"Kai, I'm going to work." Skylor said coming down the stairs in her uniform. She looked exhausted as usual.

"You've been working a lot, are you sure you don't need a day off?" I asked.

"I'll take a day off when I solve this case." She yawned. "There was a break in at Borg Tower a few days ago and I have a hunch it has something to with our suspect. Maybe Axel saw something that can lead me to his face."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I asked. "You really don't look well."

"I'm fine." She yawned again. "See you later. Love you."

She started walking towards the door and had to catch herself on the wall before she fell over. I tried to get up to help her, but my side started hurting again.

"Kai stop, I'm fine." Skylor said, now holding her head.

"You're not fine. You're sleep deprived and you need to rest."

"Fine, I'll just work from home and look through the records again."

"No, you're going to relax and take a break." I said firmly. "I'll call the commissioner and tell him you're taking a sick day."

"Kai, I don't need you to do that, I'll be f-fine." She coughed and held her head again.

"Sorry, but I'm not taking no for an answer." I said forcing myself to get up.

I limped across the floor and I help Skylor walk to the bedroom, but she only made it to the couch before she practically passed out. I threw a blanket on top of her and she snuggled in, down for the count.

I called her boss and let her know she was sick and wouldn't be coming in today. The commissioner was very understanding and not at all surprised she needed a day off after trying so hard.

After that, I decided to text Zane:

•••>>>>>Kai's Phone<<<<<•••

Kai: Hey Zane, is everything
ok? Skylor told me what

Zane: Yes. Axel is a
little roughed up but
he will be fine.

K: Good. I'm glad
they're ok.

Z: Is Skylor still coming
over for the interview
with Cyrus Borg and Axel?

K: Actually that's why I'm
texting. Skylor's been so
exhausted lately I convinced
her to take the day off.

Z: Ok I will let
Borg know.

K: Great thanks. How is
the search for the kids

Z: I'm almost ready to
send my new invention
out to the island. If the
kids are there, they will
find it and send out a
signal. If they do, we will
know they're ok. I might
be able to attach letters
for them to read once it
gets there.

K: That's a great idea Zane!

Z: Yeah I'm about to get
on the group chat and let
everyone know. Tell
Skylor I said to feel better.

K: I will, thank you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I looked over at Skylor and she was still sound asleep. I know she was stressed about the kids, but the problem was she had been working so much to keep her mind off things, she refused to do anything else but work.

I tried to get her out of the house and do other things, but to be honest I wasn't really up to that because I was still recovering from the incident. I was getting better but I was still in pain most of the time and we didn't have nearly as much money as we usually do since the new mayor cut off out ninja retirement fund to reduce taxes for everyone else. So Skylor's job was the only source of income at the moment. I guess that's another reason why Skylor's been working so hard.

I had been meaning to tell Skylor that I got the job at Onyx. I had gotten a call back from a few days ago and they told me I could start on Monday. I was hesitant after what happened, but I wanted to do everything I could to help Skylor and Lloyd and Kira with the case. Plus with all the problems we've been having with money, I figured the extra income would help. I hadn't told Skylor about it and I don't think she would take it well, but we didn't really have any other options.

I would usually discuss this with Skylor first but I knew how that conversation would go, so I called him back and told him I would take it. I still had three days until my first day so I still had some time to tell her, but today was not that day. She was already mad at me for making her miss work.

I went into the kitchen and started making us some breakfast. It was a bit challenging with my ribs but I managed. When I was almost done Skylor hobbled into the kitchen. She could hardly keep her balance.

"Aw babe, you ruined it. I was gonna be all romantic and bring you breakfast in bed." I frowned.

"Sorry, but I got hungry." She said holding her head.

"Skylor sit down. I'll get you something."

She nodded and sat down at the table. I made her a plate of eggs and a glass of orange juice and brought it to her. I made myself a plate and sat across from her.

"Thanks." She yawned again.

"I can see why you're hungry. You usually work straight through your lunch break." I said.

"Well if I stop I'll think about..."

"I know." I frowned. "I need to tell you something that might distract you."


"I... I got the job at Onyx." I said.

"What? You weren't actually supposed to get the job." She yelled.

"I know, but I guess they liked something about me. It's not my fault I'm naturally likable. Plus we need the money and I can help you with tracking this guy down. It's a win-win."

"Kai that place is not safe and last time you went there you got mugged. I don't want that to happen again." She frowned.

"I won't work there for long, they're hiring extra help for the busy season and I'll only be working there for like two months, three tops."

"No, I don't want you anywhere near that place. End of discussion."

"Yeah about that... I start Monday." I said looking away from her.


"Look can't we just try it? At least for a few weeks?" I begged.

"Fine, but the second things start to get suspicious, you quit."

"Ok, deal." I agreed. "Thank you."

"Ow!" Skylor held her head again.

"Still got that headache?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nodded. "I'll be ok."

"Why don't you go lie down? I already called in sick for you and told Zane to tell Borg and Axel you weren't coming, so you can just take it easy today."

"You talked to Zane? Is he any closer to finding them?"

"Actually yeah. He said he has some kind of drone that he can send to their location. He said we could even write some letters to the kids to send with it."

"That's a great idea." She smiled. "We better get working on it."

She tried to stand up but she got dizzy and almost fell over. I helped her back into the chair.

"Let's do that later, right now you need to rest." I said.

"Ok." She frowned.

I helped her back up and walked her back to the couch so she could rest. She took a long nap. Hopefully we could think of what we were going to say to the kids but we would figure it out. Hopefully they were ok, all of them.

Nya's P.O.V.:

Jay was driving me and Olivia to her birth mom's apartment so that Olivia could meet her. She was definitely eager to meet her, but her, but I could tell she was a little nervous. We had always kept in touch with her birth mother since the adoption. We called her every week giving her updates and sent her pictures, but we both agreed not to plan a meet up until she knew about the adoption. Now that she's showing signs of powers, we had no choice but to introduce them.

During the ride I get a text from Zane:

————{{{Nya's Phone}}}————

Zane: Hey guys, I am
going to send my new
invention to the island
and we thought it would
be a good idea to write
letters to the kids and I
can send them with my

Nya: That's a great idea!

Cole: Yeah I'm sure
Allison would love that.

Kira: Great, we'll write
ours soon. Lloyd has an
appointment right now
but I'll tell him when he
gets done.

Kai: Skylor loved the idea.

Zane: Great, if everyone
could drop off their letters
tomorrow we'll send them
with my drone.

Kira: Tomorrow's not good
for us. We've been going
through a lot lately and
we've been trying to hide
out so we're not really
going out anywhere.

Nya: No problem, I
can stop by and pick
up your letter.

Kira: Thank you Nya.
I'll text you where to
meet us.

Kai: Skylor's pretty
wiped out right now
so we'll have to write
ours later.

Zane: Ok, just do it
when you can.

Nya: Thanks for letting
us know Zane. I'll tell
Jay later.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jay kept driving until we arrived at the apartment. I looked back at Olivia asleep in the back seat. I was really nervous, but Jay flashed me a smile and I felt better.

"Olivia? We're here." I whispered.

She woke up with a yawn and rubbed her eyes.

"We're here?" Olivia looked up at the building.

"Are you ready?" Jay asked.

"Yeah, but it would be easier if I had my brothers and sister here." She frowned.

Jay looked at me and I frowned.

"Don't worry, they would want you to do this." Jay said.

"Ok, let's go." She got out of the car.

"Good job." I smiled at Jay.

"Hey, I learned from the best." He blushed.

We got out and went into the building and made our way up to her apartment. Olivia wanted to knock on the door and her bio mom answered it.

"Hi." Olivia said nervously.

The older Olivia came and hugged her so tight. It was nice to see that.

"Please come in, come in." She smiled. "I made us some spaghetti for dinner, I hope you like it."

"My favorite!" Our daughter smiled.

"Hey, mine too." Olivia B. said.

"Ok pumpkin, go wash your hands." Jay said to our daughter.

"Ok Daddy." She said running to the bathroom.

"Thank you both for taking such great care of her." Olivia said.

"We're happy to do it Olivia." I smiled.

"Please call me Liv, that way there's no confusion." She said.

"Ok good, I was worried we wouldn't be able to tell you two apart." Jay said.

"She looks so much like you." I smiled.

"Did you say she was getting powers?" Liv asked.

"Not yet, but she's been getting dizzy spells and she said it feels like she's everywhere at once." I explained.

"We think that's the way her powers come in." Jay said.

"What do you mean?" Liv asked.

"Before an elemental master gets their powers, they go through something called an elemental fever or get symptoms related to their powers." I explained.

"My parents told me I used to have seizures before I got mine, it wore off once my powers set in." Jay said.

"Yeah, I got night sweats as a kid and Kai and my nephew got a really high fever with their fire powers. It's just the way of an elemental master." I explained.

"So that's why you think she's getting her powers?" Liv asked.

"Are you nervous about her getting powers?" I asked.

"Not exactly, I'm worried that she'll ask me where her powers came from." Liv frowned.

"You said they came from her biological father, right?" Jay remembered.

"Yes, and that's exactly what I'm worried about." She frowned. "You see, he's..."

"I'm ready!" Olivia came in.

"Ok let's eat." Liv said with a sudden change of tone.

"Yay!" Olivia ran to the table.

Jay and I looked at each other. It was weird that she never told us much about Olivia's birth father except that they didn't know each other well and he was an elemental master. We always thought there was a reason she never told us much about him, but we figured it was hard to talk about. That was part of the reason we never asked, but that doesn't mean that Olivia knew that.

"Are you coming Mom and Dad?" Olivia asked.

"We'll be right there pumpkin." I asked.

Jay and I sat down at the table with Olivia and Liv. We served the spaghetti and ate it. During dinner, Olivia started holding her head again.

"Olivia? Are you ok?" I asked her.

"Yeah, just dizzy again." She kept holding her head.

"Do you wanna lay down for a bit?" Liv asked her.

"I'll take her to the bedroom." Jay said. "Come on sweetie."

"But I wanna stay here." She frowned.

"Don't worry, we'll save you some." I said.

Olivia nodded and Jay took her to the bedroom. I stayed there with Liv.

"Don't worry, she'll be ok." I said.

"It's not her I'm worried about." She frowned. "The reason I wanted to meet you guys was to warn you."

"Warn us? About what?"

"About Jett. Her birth father." She frowned.

"Ok, Olivia should be down for a little bit, but the spells usually wear off after a quick nap." Jay came back in the room. He sensed there was something wrong. "Um did I miss something?"

"It's ok Jay, we're just talking." I said as he sat next to me.

"Anyway, Jett was a guy I met in college. He was always so kind and sweet, or so I thought." Liv frowned. "I thought he was the best thing ever happened to me."

"So it wasn't a one night stand?" I asked.

"Kind of. We dated for about a week after I graduated and I was an alcoholic at the time so I made a lot of bad decisions." Liv frowned. "I ran into him at a bar and then we went home together and I... I was too drunk to fight him off."

"Wow, I'm so sorry that happened to you." I frowned.

"I wish it didn't happen that way but, in a way I don't regret anything." Liv said. "Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. I checked myself into a rehab, got a job as a secretary, and today I am almost five years sober."

"That's great, but why didn't you tell us that before." Jay said.

"I guess I was just worried that you wouldn't want her if I told you. Alcoholism can be hereditary sometimes and I was worried that it would scare you off and I needed you to raise her because you were the only elemental masters looking to adopt. It had to be you or I would have had to keep her and I didn't know anything about raising a child with powers. I hope you guys understand."

"Of course we do." I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure that was a hard thing to go through." Jay said.

"It was, but when I told Jett about the pregnancy he didn't care. He wanted nothing to do with her and told me to abort her because he wanted to keep his powers, but I refused and moved to Ninjago City to get away from him." Liv said. "Now that Olivia's starting to get powers, does that mean that Jett's going to start to lose his?"

"As Olivia's powers grow, they'll start becoming weaker for the original master." Jay explained. "He might not lose his powers completely, but that's only if he's trained them properly."

"If Jett thinks his powers are disappearing, he will come after Olivia. He doesn't know I put her up for adoption, I told him I had a miscarriage."

"What?!" We said.

"I thought it would be best if he didn't know, but now there's no way to hide it." Liv frowned. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was trying to keep her safe."

"And you didn't think to tell us her father was an egomaniac?" Jay yelled.

"Jay!" I shushed him. "You're gonna wake up Olivia."

"Sorry." Jay apologized. "I know you were just doing what you needed to do to save her."

"Yeah, and we will always treat Olivia as our own daughter, no matter what." I smiled.

"Thank you Nya and Jay." Liv smiled. "Please protect her at all costs."

"We always will." I said. "My sister in law is a cop and I'm sure she can track him down and make sure he's not getting into any trouble."

"His real name is Robert Jetson, but he goes by Jett." Liv told us. "

"Wait, what does Jett do for a living?" I asked.

"He didn't go to college, he worked at a shipyard down by the docs. I'm not sure he still does. Why?"

Jay and I looked at each other.

"That wouldn't happened to be Onyx, would it?" I asked.

"I don't remember but that does sound familiar." Liv thought.

"I'll let Skylor know. Thanks." I said.

"Mom, Dad?" Olivia came back into the room.

"Hey pumpkin, you feeling better?" I asked.

"Yep, all I needed was a nap." She yawned. "Can eat my dinner now?"

"Yep. And then maybe we can watch a movie or something?" Liv said.

"Do you like Starfarrer movies?" Olivia asked her.

"Those are my favorite kind of movies." Liv smiled.

We sat down and continued our dinner while talking about our favorite movies and everything like that. Olivia didn't mention her powers, but maybe we could save that story for another visit. Right now we just needed to be together.


Hey guys, I'm sorry but this was turning out to be one of the longest chapters I have ever written, so I had to split it into 2 parts. I'm sorry that Cole hasn't been in this story much, and he was originally in this chapter but I had to make some cuts. HE IS IN THE NEXT ONE! I PROMISE! Ok stay Awesome!

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