Tracking Him Down: Part 2

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Cole's P.O.V.:

I was picking the boys up from their karate practice. They didn't want to go, but I feel like it was important to get them back into the swing of things. They were asking me every day where Allison was, and no matter how many times they asked, we never had an answer.

It was getting so bad that the boys never wanted to go anywhere unless Seliel and I make them go. We even tried taking them to all their favorite places like Buddy's Pizza and Mega Monster Amusement Park to distract from Allison being gone, but nothing worked to make them happy.

I parked my car and went inside, and I found the twins sitting in the time out corner. The Sensei came over to me.

"Mr. Brookstone." He came up to me.

"What did they do this time?" I sighed.

"They brought a smoke bomb to class and used it in the middle of sparring practice." The Sensei said.

"I'm so sorry, they must have gotten into my wife's old phantom ninja armor again." I apologized. "Next time I'll search them before we leave."

"Don't let it happen again." He said.

He walked away and I locked eyes with the boys. They knew they were in trouble.

I picked them both up and carried them to the car. They didn't say a word the whole ride home.

We got home and met Seliel at the door. She saw how angry I was when I walked in.

"Hey guys, how was karate?" Seliel asked.

The twins looked up at me, but this was something they had to tell her on their own.

"Go on boys, tell your mom what happened." I insisted.

"We got in trouble." Ben frowned.

"What did you do now?" Seliel asked.

"We used one little tiny smoke bomb and fogged up the whole dojo." CJ said.

"Boys, what have I told you about breaking into my phantom ninja suit?" Seliel yelled.

"We're sorry Mommy." They both said at the same time.

"Go to your room, both of you. We'll talk about this later." Seliel said.

The boys ran upstairs and went into their room. I sat down at the bar with my wife.

"What are we going to do with them?" She sighed.

"You know they're only acting out like this because they miss Allison." I said.

"I know but this is getting out of hand. Those smoke bombs are dangerous if used improperly. We need to do something about this."

"I do have an idea, but you aren't gonna like it."


"We should train them on how to be ninja." I suggested.

"Are you crazy? They don't even have powers."

"Neither did you, but you still found a way." I added. "Look, I know they miss Allison, I do too, but if we don't find them an outlet for their anger then their just going to keep acting out like this. Can't we at least give it a try?"

Seliel took a deep breath and sighed. "I'll think about it."

"That's all I'm asking." I said.

"I gotta go talk to the boys."

"You want me to come too?"

"No thanks, I got this." She cracked her knuckles.

She stormed upstairs and I stayed and listened. By the sounds of it, it sounds like the boys got a long and loud lecture followed by at least a week of being grounded. They kind of deserved it this time, they could have seriously hurt someone with those smoke bombs.

Seliel came back down and I could tell she was exhausted. She sat down at the table and I poured her some tea.

"Thanks." She said drinking it.

"At least they aren't shoplifting." I shrugged.

"Don't give them any ideas." Seliel said. "It's like I hardly know them anymore."

"They're only four. They can't be getting into that much..."


We heard the window break from upstairs followed by our kids screaming. We ran out of the front yard to see the window was broken and our two boys on the ground.

"Ben! CJ!" I yelled.

Seliel ran to get CJ and I ran to Ben. CJ landed in a bush and was covered in thorns, but he was ok. Ben had hit his head and was unconscious.

"CJ, are you ok?" Seleil asked him.

"Ben!" He yelled and tried to run to his brother.

Seliel had to hold him back. We didn't want him to see his brother like that. Kirby came out to see all the commotion.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"Kirby, call 911." I yelled hovering over Ben.

Kirby quickly grabbed his phone and made the call. I looked Ben on the ground still not moving.

"Ben? Ben can you hear me?" I screamed.

After a few seconds, he finally opened his eyes. Seliel and I were so relieved he was ok.

"Daddy?" Ben tried to sit up.

"Careful, don't move son." Seliel said.

"What hurts?" I asked.

"My head." He said.

"CJ, are you ok?" Kirby asked him.

"My wrist hurts." He cried.

Just then the paramedics pulled up in the driveway. I picked up Ben and took him in the ambulance and Seliel walked with CJ. Kirby offered to stay and fix the window in the boys' room as well as clean up the lawn.

They got the boys into the ER and there they told us that CJ had to have most of the thorns removed and he sprained his wrist during the landing. Ben had suffered a hard concussion and he had to stay in the hospital overnight just to make sure he was ok, but if everything was fine he would be free to go home tomorrow.

They were running low on space tonight so we were waiting with CJ in the waiting room. He was asleep in the chair next to me. I hated this so much, I hated anything that had to do with hospitals, especially waiting rooms. My foot kept twitching and wouldn't stop.

"You ok?" Seliel asked me.

"Yeah, I... I just don't like hospitals." I frowned.

"Oh, right. I forgot." She frowned.

"My mother was sick for a long time and every time we went to visit her she just kept getting sicker and sicker. It got to the point where I would beg my dad not to bring me because of how hard it was to see her go through that, but he always did and it got harder every week. I would feel so guilty because I didn't want to see her, no matter how much she wanted to see me. And one day on one of our routine visits, I walked to the door and saw my mom laying there with all these tubes and machines put in her and... I was too scared to go in." I frowned. "She died the next morning and I... I missed my chance to say goodbye."

"You've never told me that story before." Seliel frowned.

"It's not exactly one I like to tell." I frowned.

Seliel comforted me by rubbing my back. It helped a little, but I still felt uneasy. Then CJ started to wake up. He was very freaked out and wasn't talking much.

"CJ, are you ok?" I asked.

"Is... Is Ben alright?" He looked at us.

"He'll be ok shortcake, we're just waiting till the doctor says we can see him." I said.

"What were you guys doing up there that made you want to jump out the window anyway?" Seliel asked him. I could tell she was still flustered by the situation, and rightfully so.

"We didn't want to jump out the window." CJ said. "The ghost made us do it."

"Ghost? What ghost?" I asked.

"There's a ghost in our house and he started attacking me and Ben. He chased us out the window and made us break it." CJ said.

"CJ, your not making any sense." Seliel said.

"Yeah, you really believe a ghost was in your room?" I asked.

"You used to be a ghost, right Daddy?" CJ looked at me.

"How do you know about that?" I asked.

"Allison told us." He shrugged.

"Ok, we'll have to have that chat when she gets home." I grumbled.

"I was just in your room two minutes before that happened. How in the world did a ghost do that to both of you within that time?" Seliel said.

"He jumped out of the closet and chased us." CJ said.

"This sounds a little far fetched." Seliel said.

"Ask Ben if you don't believe me." My son said.

"Benjamin Brookstone?" The nurse said.

I stood up with my wife and held her hand.

"Your son is awake and he's stable. He suffered a concussion and a few cuts from the glass, but those should clear up soon." The nurse explained.

"Can we take him home soon?" Seliel asked.

"We're going to keep him awake tonight just to keep an eye on him, but if everything goes well he'll be able to go home tomorrow morning, just no more jumping out of windows." She smiled at CJ.

CJ giggled and hid behind me.

"See CJ, I told you he'd be fine." I smiled.

"You two can go home if you want. I'll stay here with him." Seliel offered.

"No, I don't want you to stay here alone. I'll just call Kirby to come and pick up CJ." I said.

"No! I wanna stay with Ben!" CJ screamed.

I wasn't surprised that he wanted to stay with Ben. CJ and Ben have been pretty much inseparable since they were born.

"CJ, it's ok. We can come back and see him in the morning before he goes home." Seliel said.

"Ok." He frowned.

"I'm gonna take him home. Will you be ok?" Seliel asked me.

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

Seliel gave me a hug and I said goodbye to him and CJ and I went into the room with Ben. He was on the bed and sat up and I walked in.

"Daddy? Where's CJ?" He asked.

"He's coming back in the morning with your mom." I told him.

"The morning? You mean I have to stay here?" He started freaking out.

"Sorry carrot cake, they just want to make sure you're ok." I said.

"But I want to see CJ." He frowned.

"I know, but I'll stay with you ok."

"Ok." He frowned. "Did you catch the ghost?"

"Ghost? What ghost?"

"The ghost that chased us out the window. You gotta catch him."

"It's ok carrot cake, I'll never let him hurt you again." I said.

The rest of night, I tried my best to stay up with him and keep him from falling asleep. We talked, played cards, watched a few movies, and then the doctor told him it was safe for him to sleep as long as she woke him up every few hours, so he went straight to sleep. I tried to sleep too, but then Seliel texted me.

>>>>>{{{Cole's Phone}}}<<<<<

Seliel: Hey, are you
still awake?

Cole: Yeah.

S: How is Ben?

C: I kept him awake for as
long as could, and the
doctor said it was ok for
him to sleep so he's asleep
now. He wouldn't stop
asking about CJ though.

S: CJ was pretty wiped
out and fell right to
sleep. I let him sleep in
our room because of the
broken window.

C: Did you see
any ghosts?

S: Not funny.

C: I'm serious. Ben's
been talking about
the same ghost all night

S: I'm convinced the
ghost thing was a prank
so they could get out of
being grounded.

C: But they really
did get hurt.

S: I know that, but I
think there's something
weird going on. I'll have
to look into that later.
How are you doing?

C: Ok I guess, just trying
to focus on Ben and not
anything else. Oh, and I
almost forgot to tell you
Zane is sending a drone
to the island so we can
write a letter for Allison.

S: Ok. That would be
a good thing for the
boys to do when Ben
gets home tomorrow

C: Yeah. Ok, I'll see
you tomorrow.
Love you.

S: Love you too, bye.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I put my phone away and tried to get some sleep, but I kept looking at Ben. What if there actually was someone trying to hurt my boys? I was going to get to the bottom of this, no matter what.

Lloyd's P.O.V.:

I came back into Kira's room from my therapy session. I still couldn't get her to believe that I wasn't a danger to myself after what happened, so I started talking to a therapist to give her some peace of mind, honestly it was giving some to me too. It was nice to let it all out and get everything off my chest, especially with everything going on.

"Hey honey, how did it go?" Kira said.

"It went fine." I sat down next to her and put my arm around her. She was writing on a clipboard. "What are you doing?"

"While you were in there, Zane sent out a text saying he plans to send a drone to the exact spot the distress call was sent from. He'll be able to attach letters for the kids so I thought we could write one."

"That's a great idea." I smiled.

"I missed seeing you smile." Kira said kissing my cheek.

"Wait a minute, what do we even say? We can't tell them all about this in a letter." I frowned.

"This is the only way we can communicate with them at all." Kira frowned.

"You want to lie and say everything's ok?" I asked.

"Of course not, but we can't tell them about the shooting. It would just freak them out and I don't want to worry them." Kira said.

"Is it bad that I kind of don't want them to come back right now?"

"What do you mean? I thought them to come home."

"Of course I miss them like crazy and I want to see them again, but with that guy out there, after our family, it's scary to think what he would do to the kids if he found them."

"I think about that too." She sighed.

"Do you think we should warn them in case the guy tries to find the island?"

"No, if we mention anything about this to them the first thing they'll do is come back here." She said.

"They're probably already looking for a way back."

"I just don't know what we're going to say to them. I want to tell them the truth but I don't think they'll take it well, and if we lie and say everything's fine, I'll feel bad about it. Maybe we just shouldn't write one."

"We can't do that. If the other kids all get letters from their parents they'll think we don't care about them."

"Yeah you're right." Kira frowned. "Come on we'll discuss it later."

"Ok." I agreed.

We got in the car and drove back to the apartment. We talked for a while about the letter and eventually we decided to say that Kira had an accident and was doing ok now. We didn't mention anything about the case or the baby, but I was still nervous about what we didn't say.

When we were done with the letter, Kira was exhausted so she went to bed. I stared at the letter we just finished.

There were so many things I wanted to tell the kids, but Kira disagreed with everything I tried to say. I understood she didn't want to worry them, but I wanted to keep them safe. And right now the safest thing for them was to stay where they were.

I picked up the letter and wrote a secret message only for Ryder on the back. I told him everything that happened and to stay on the island. I put it back where we left it and put it in an envelope.

I know, I should've told Kira about what I was doing, but I knew she would never go for it. She wants to see the kids as soon as possible, but all I really care about is that they're safe, and if that means they have to stay on the island longer, then so be it.

The next day...

Zane's P.O.V.:

I was down by the ocean ready to send my invention to the island. Pixal and I had finished our letter and the rest of my friends had gotten theirs ready and dropped them off. I took the letters and put them in the compartment of my drone. I also included the blueprints and schematics of it so they could fix it if they needed to. Hopefully it would reach the island, because if it didn't work, there was no hope.

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