Letters from home

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Ryder's P.O.V.:

I thought it would be a good idea to have Ethan take his dragon and get as far as he could go. That way we could see just how long it was to shore.

I saw his dragon approaching the shoreline of the beach and as soon as he got into shore, he face planted into the water.

"Ethan!" I shouted and ran to him. Lily and Jax followed me.

Lily used her powers to push the tide out and Jax and I pulled him back to the beach. I turned him over and he sat up coughing and catching his breath.

"There's... just water..." Ethan caught his breath. "I went for miles... nothing but water..."

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, I just... need a second." He said.

"We'll stay with him." Lily said and Jax nodded.

"Ok, thanks." I said.

I walked over to a different part of the beach where Matt and Trent were working on a raft to get us home.

"How is it going guys?" I asked.

"Well it's no bounty, but I think it's coming together." Matt said.

Just then Trent tripped and part of the raft came undone.

"I'll fix it." Trent yelled.

"It's still a work in progress." Matt shrugged.

"Alright, keep working on it." I said.

Alex had been tirelessly working on trying to crack open the chest. He was trying his best but it wasn't going well.

"Ugh, that's not right either." Alex said, frustratedly shaking the chest.

"Uhh everything ok buddy?" I asked.

"I have examined this thing multiple times and nothing is popping out at me." Alex said. "How is this so complicated?"

"Maybe you should take a break." I suggested.

"No, I am a nindroid, I do not require rest." Alex said.

I ran back to the tent where Amber and Ashley were working on healing Allison and Blake. Blake had been doing better, but being on the island means that we still couldn't get Allison the proper treatment she needed. After the accident in the cave, she definitely needed a few stitches, but thanks to Ashley's power, she was able to keep her stable. However that meant Allison had to be extra careful, which she was not a fan of the idea.

"Allison, please stay still."

"It's ok Amber, I think I can manage." Allison said as I saw her limp out of the yurt.

"Guys, what's going on?" I asked.

"I'm trying to get Allison to stay put, but she won't." Amber complained.

"Well I'm sorry, I just wanna help you get us off this pile of sand." Allison said.

"Thanks Allison, but we have it under control. You can just take it easy." I suggested.

"Take it easy? Have you met me?" She asked.

"Come on cookie, let's go see how much fruit we have left." Amber said.

"Ugh, ok." She frowned.

Amber went to take Allison back into the yurt. I looked out at the water and wondered what our parents were feeling right now. We were supposed to be back two weeks ago and now they probably think we're dead. I was doing everything in my power to get off the island, but yet we're still here. As the leader I felt as though it was all my fault. What am I doing wrong? I wish I could ask my dad about it right now.

I took a deep breath and sat down on the beach. I was watching the waves and then I saw a drone splash into the water. It looked damaged.

"What was that?" I asked.

"We better go check it out." Alex said.

Me, Alex, Lily and Jax ran out into the water to search for the object. Lily found it and then we went to the shore, met by everyone else. Alex started looking at it and gasps as he saw it.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"It's a drone. That's my father's signature symbol." Alex said.

"Wait, our parents sent that here?" Ashley asked. "Do you think they're ok?"

"I don't know, but the drone sure isn't." Alex said.

As he picked it up, the bottom compartment fell open and a bunch of envelopes fell out of it. We all looked at them and they all said our names on the front.

"Wait, these are addressed to us." I said.

"But how did they know we were here?" Blake asked.

"They must have traced Ryder's distress call and sent the drone here as a tracker, but this damage is extensive." Alex said.

"Can you repair it?" Ashley asked.

"If I had the proper tools I could, but I will try." Alex said.

"Can we read the letters now Ryder? Please please please?" Ethan begged.

"Sure bro. Come on Ash." I said.

We all went back to the yurt and sat around reading our letters.

Amber's P.O.V.:

I set with Blake and Trent and began to read our letter aloud.


Dear Amber, Blake and Trent,

Your mom and I miss you so much, but we know you're doing great and that you will find a way to get off that island. Amber, we don't know if you've popped the question yet, but even if you didn't, know there is absolutely no pressure. Blake, we know how nervous you were about getting on that boat, but we're so proud of you for powering through that and being the bravest you, probably better than your dad. Trent, I know you were upset that we didn't let you bring your suit, but you never needed it in the first place. Just do the best you can and keep going no matter what. We believe in you, all of you, and we know we'll see you soon. We love you.

Love, Mom and Dad


I was blushing because of what they wrote, but it was kinda nice to hear from them. It was weird that they didn't say anything about themselves, but I didn't think much of it.

Lily's P.O.V.:

Jax and Matt sat down with me and we started reading our letter.


Dear Jax, Lily and Matt,

We hope you are doing well. Your Dad, Olivia and I miss you so much. Oh and Matt, your uncle Dean says hi and he wants to plan a movie night when you get back.

     Anyway, we weren't going to tell you until you got back, but Olivia is starting to show signs of getting elemental powers. She's been getting dizzy spells and she's a descendent of the master of teleportation, so we think that's the power she'll get. We love you and miss you and we hope to see you soon.

Love, Mom, Dad and Olivia.


"Wait, Olivia is getting powers?" Jax looked at me.

"I guess that's why they didn't want her to come." I frowned.

"It's weird they didn't tell us before." Matt said.

"I wish we were there to help her get through that." Jax frowned.

"Why?" Matt asked.

"Elemental fevers are no joke. Ours were really tough, but we had each other." I said. "Poor Olivia is all alone."

"I'm sure Mom and Dad know how to handle it. She'll be ok." Jax said.


Allison's P.O.V.:

I sat down on and opened my letter and read it to myself.


Dear Allison,

     Hey cupcake. Ben and CJ miss you so much and we hope you come back home soon. The boys got into some trouble, but they're doing fine now. We're actually going to train them so they can learn how to defend themselves to prevent farther mishaps.

Anyway we hope you're doing alright and we know you can find a way home. We'll have a big cake waiting for you when you get back (that is if your dad doesn't get to it first.) We can't wait to see you again and stay safe.

Love Mom, Dad, Ben and CJ


I laughed and put the letter in my pocket. It was nice to hear from my family again, but it made me wonder what they meant by trouble that Ben and CJ got into. I know those two are troublemakers, but I love my little brothers. They may have been in my life for four and a half years, but they are the most important things in the world to me. I just hope they're doing ok without me.

Alex's P.O.V.:

I took a break from trying to figure out the chest and sat down to read my letter.


Dear Alex,

     If you find this letter, it means we are one step closer to finding your location. Your mom and I have been working tirelessly to try and find you and if you press the button on the top of the drone, it will send out a signal that will tell us your location. This invention is a prototype. In case the drone is damaged, I have included blueprints and schematics for it in with these letters. If anyone can fix it, it is you.

     Let me offer some advice. I know how stressful it can be to be trusted with an important task and have your friends pressure you into getting it done. Do not forget to, as master Wu says, "stop and smell the roses." I believe it's a metaphor telling you to take a break every now and again and leave time for leisure as well as work.

We love you and cannot wait to see you again. Stay safe out there Alex.

Love, Mom and Dad


My parents were correct. I have been stressing myself with trying to figure out how to unlock the box. Nindroids do not require rest, but going into sleep mode every once in a while is good for our well-being and anxiety levels. I had been skipping my regularly scheduled sleep mode because I was so fixated on figuring out the box. I guess I should ask for help fixing the drone instead of trying to do everything myself. I'll think on that.

"Thank you Mom and Dad." I said smiling at my letter.

Ryder's P.O.V.:

I sat down with my siblings and started reading the letter to them.


Dear Ryder, Ashley and Ethan,

     Things aren't exactly going great right now, but we're doing well with what we have. We got Ryder's distress call and are working hard to find you and if you're reading this letter we are getting closer. We hope you guys are ok and find a way to get home soon.

We know we shouldn't tell you this in a letter, but your mom was in an accident. Not to worry, she's doing ok and she really misses you guys. No need to worry and rush home, we have everything handled here. We love you and miss you and hope you guys come home soon.

Love Mom, Dad, Wu and Grandpa.


Once I finished reading the letter aloud to Ashley and Ethan, I noticed a tiny green symbol in the corner. I turned the letter around and on the back there was a note that said "for Ryder only." I told my siblings I had to pee and went into the woods to read it.


Ryder, this is your dad. I didn't want to tell you this in a letter, but I couldn't bare the thought of you not knowing what happened. It's your choice whether or not to share this with your siblings and teammates, but I wanted you to know first as the leader of the team.

Your mother's accident we mentioned wasn't an accident, she was the victim of an attempted murder. She spent over 24 hours in a coma after the surgery, but she is awake and alert and doing a lot better now. We don't know who this man is, but we are getting closer to figuring it out. Recently this man attacked me too, but I am doing fine now. Until we know who it is though, I think it would be better for you three to stay on the island. I just think that you guys will be safer if you are somewhere that he can't find you. He's after our family and keeping you safe is my number one priority.

When the drone sends us your location, Zane will be able to find you and we can come pick you up. Just stay where you are and we will come find you.

I know as the leader, you will make the right decisions for you and your team, and whatever you decide to do I'm sure it will be the right one.

I love you, stay safe.


I was so confused as why my dad sent me this. I know he just wanted to tell me what happened, I couldn't fathom why anyone would want to kill my mom. She's the nicest person in the world.

A part of me was telling me to go home and be with my mother as she was going through this, but my dad was telling me to stay here. I know he didn't want me to get hurt but I wanted to help find this guy and make sure he pays for what he did.

I just sat there reading my letter over and over again. I thought reading my Dad's words would calm me down from the stress of being a leader, but right now I just wanted to punch something. I had so much anger welling up inside me and I needed to let it out.

I ran into the forest before I totally lost my temper and turned into the Oni monster. I punched a tree with rage, causing it to fall down. Once I realized I went to far, I took a few deep breaths and turned back to normal. I felt tired and my head was pounding. I fell to my knees on the ground.

"Ryder?" I heard someone shout.

I quickly put the letter in my pocket. I didn't want my friends to read this, much less my siblings. I saw Ashley, Ethan and Amber running towards me.

"Ryder! Are you ok?" Ashley ran up to me.

"Yeah, we heard a loud noise." Ethan said.

"Yeah I'm fine." I answered.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" Ethan asked.

"I was... um... chasing a chicken!" I lied. "Yep, just a runaway chicken."

"Then what happened to the tree?" Ashley crossed her arms.

"Sometimes trees just fall. No one knows why." I shrugged."Anyway, let's get back."

I stood up but I was extremely tired and dizzy. I had only used the Oni power once before and the human side of me wasn't used to it like Ethan is.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Ashley asked.

Amber started examining the trunk of the fallen tree and noticed the purple burn marks. She looked straight at me and I shook my head. I didn't want them to know I went full Oni, especially not Ethan.

"Yeah, just dizzy." I answered. "I just need some water, that's all."

"Ok." Ashley said.

We started heading back to the beach. Amber and I were walking behind and my siblings were a little ahead of us. My headache was still bothering me and Amber could tell.

"Ashley, Ethan, you go on ahead. I'll stay back with Ryder." Amber said.

"Ok." Ashley said. "Come on Ethan."

Ashley and Ethan walked ahead and Amber sat me down on a rock to rest. She obviously knew what happened, but she didn't know why I did it.

"Chasing a chicken ha?" She laughed.

"Ok, not my best cover story, but they bought it." I shrugged.

"Ryder, you need to tell them what happened."

"I can't." I frowned.

"Why not?"

"Because of this."

I gave her the letter and had her read the part my dad wrote for me. She was shocked by it and looked at me.

"I'm so sorry." Amber frowned and gave it back.

"You can't tell Ashley and Ethan." I begged.

"It's ok, I get it. I would do anything to protect my brothers from something like that."

"So you won't say anything?"

"I won't, but I think you should." Amber said.

"My dad wants us to stay on the island until he can find a way to come get us, and even though he said my mom was doing better, something in my gut tells me she's not. And what about that guy who's after them? What if they can't catch him? What if..."

"Ryder, breathe. Your eyes are turning purple." Amber snapped me out of it.

I took a few deep breaths and calmed down. My head started spinning again and I sat on the ground.

"I'm sorry." I frowned.

"It's ok." Amber said. "You ready to go back?"

"Yeah." I nodded.

She helped me to my feet and I leaned on her so I could walk back. It honestly made me feel better that I had someone to talk to about all of this. But now I'm faced with a choice. Do I tell my team that we have to stay, or get off the island as soon as possible?

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