What happens in the Allyways

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I just want to say sorry for the late update, but as my apologie I have decided to write two chapters for today, so hope you enjoy and without further ado:

Cole's POV

“KAI, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” I heard Jay scream at Kai after he made a sudden departure out of the shop

“I HAVE TO GO FIND MY SISTER!” He shouted back, his voice getting more distant.

“CAN I COME!!?” jay shouted way to enthusiastically.

“NO!!” Kai shouted back and continued running down the street.

Jay came back into the shop and plopped down on his chair and started to sulk.

“Are we just going to pretend that this never happened and forget about it?” Lloyd asked us all.

“I for one am not gonna, I mean, Hello? ARE FRIEND JUST TURNED INTO A FREAKING NINJA!” Seliel shouted while scrunching her hair on top of her head and pretending to pull it out.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa” I said taking her hands out of her pink hair and placing them in the table. She gave me a really annoyed look and a dramatic sigh. “Honestly guys, I think I'm gonna take Seliel home” I lowered my voice and whispered to Lloyd, “You know how she can get pretty dramatic-” Obviously not quiet enough because she gave me a playful -but hard- punch in the arm.

“Drama is my life, so don't judge me” She said standing and putting in her coat. That was my cue to do the same.

After saying our goodbyes we exited the shop and made our way back to the high school where Seliel’s mum had said she would pick her up form. We walked in silence for a few minutes until Seliel broke the silence.

“Hey….. I'm sorry for being, like, OVERLY dramatic back there.” She said pointing with her thumb over her shoulder.

“Why are you sorry, it's your personality. I, errr, I for one really like that about you” I answered giving her a crooked grin.

She blushed a bit and elbowed me in the ribs

“Thanks, that means a lot to me” she said looking up at me.

We both blushed and looked way for each other. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck and she started to bite her fingernails

We walked the rest of the way in silence, well my brain wasn't silent. I just wish I could tell her how I feel, and have felt for two years now. But….. I know she doesn't like me, and even if she did she deserves a ton better than what I have to offer. But it's so strange, I've never been afraid to tell a girl I like her, what’s happening to me? I can't even speak to my dad about it because he will just say something along the lines of son, you're a brookestone, brookestone men are not afraid to tell a girl they like them, but if you want to win her heart, you have to go big. My situation is hopeless…….

“Hey I see my mum's car, ummm….. We can give you a lift if you want?” She asked turning to me.

“Nah, that's alright, I only live a couple of blocks away, I'm fine walking” I answered giving her a small smile.😮

“Ok, well I'll see ya tomorrow then, 'kay” She said before taking off running towards her mum's car.

“See ya” I shouted after her. I watched her jump into her mum's blue Volvo and speed off out of the parking lot.

I shoved my hands into my pockets and started the long walk home. Okay, so I know I told Seliel that I only live a few blocks away, but the truth is, I actually live just outside of Ninjago. It's a long walk, but it always gives me time to think about stuff, plus I love looking at Ninjago at night, it's so cool with all the big billboards and flashing lights.

I had only gone a few steps before I heard someone running and panting really hard. I turned around and saw a very worried looking Kai sprint past me. I don't even think he noticed me at all. Shouldn't he be at home with Nya by now? From what I saw he seemed to be able to run really fast and should of gotten home ages ago. But then I noticed what he was wearing. A NINJA GI?!?! Where, when and how did he get that. His was different to Nyas, being that hers was blue and red and his was all red.

I was about to shout after him but something else caught my attention. A really loud siren blaired out causing everyone to jump out of there skin. I saw figure run out of the bank, he was dressed in complete black and had a bag full of money, which was leaving a trail of notes.

In an instant I sprang into motion and chased the figure down the street. He rounded the corner, entering a little allyway. Bad idea, I thought to myself, I know all the allyways of Ninjago City like the back of my hand. Unfortunately, my knowledge of the back tracks of Ninjago didn't come into play because as soon I rounded the corner as well, I couldn't see him, but I heard him. All the evidence led to him hiding behind a big dumpster. He was breathing really heavily and the trail of notes seamed to end all of a sudden. I crept slowly towards the suspect, making sure he didn't hear me.

When I thought I was at a good distance to pounce, I dug my foot into the ground and swung round the bin only to come face first with not only the robber, but two other guys.

“You idiot!” A man, who looked to be the tallest of the three, growled whacking the original robber over the head, “you said no one was following you!”

“I-i-i-i didn't think that a-anyone was s-s-sir” The original robber answered rubbing the back of his head.

“Well you should’ve checked” He growled again raising his hand to hit him again.

“I-i-i’m s-sorry sir, I'll g-get it right next t-t-time” the first guy said holding his hands up to shield himself from the next whack.

“You shouldn't have followed mate” the third guy said to me in a strong Australian accent. “You’re in a deep load of sh*t now” He finished, nodding to the other two who started to surround me.

They were all laughing hysterically and I started to instantly regret trying to be a hero.

The original man lunged at me but tripped over his own feet and landed in a dirty puddle. The second guy got distracted by the first guy tripping over and I took this to my advantage by kicking him in his gut. He stumbled back, clutching his lower abdomen. Taking this to my advantage again, I punched him in the face. He looked really dizzy then fell ontop of he original robber. Both were unconscious.

“Ha ha! Two down one to g-” My speech was cut off by a sudden pain in my jaw. I stumbled back before catching my myself before I fell down. My jaw ached and ached but I refused to give up. I turned around and kicked his knee, causing his knee to buckle and him yelp out in pain and crouch on the floor. I felt a cold substance trailing out of my mouth  and nose and brought my clenched fist up to wipe away the blood.

The man recovered quickly. Standing up, he clenched his fists and and went into a ready position.

I mimicked his position and we both started to circle each other. He suddenly let out a quick gasp and stepped back, tripping over his other fallen comrades and falling down on his back. At this point the other two had woken up and were also looking pretty frightened. They all started to crawl away backwards, while not letting there eyes off me.

I looked at my clenched fists and noticed that black gloves covered my hands. Giving a sigh and gritting my teeth I refused to look at what I was wearing but quickly gave into the temptation and gasped.

(Once again I can't be bothered to describe so just look at the top of the page and you will see what Cole looks like sorry!!)

I gave a little sigh and dropped my hands to my side. Really? Me as well? From the looks of things now me, Nya and possibly Kai all have ‘ninja gi’s’ or what ever you call them. Why? Why? Why?

Hearing a distant police siren getting closer snapped me out of my thoughts and I realised those police sirens where coming for the bank robbers, who were no where to be seen. I swung around, desperate to find them. Finally I gave up and accepted that they had made a break for it. I looked around again and saw the two bags of stolen cash My eyes widened.

“Shoot" cursing under my breath, I realised that the poilce were going to think that I stole the money, i mean all the evidence is there, the guy was wearing black, he had a mask over his face and the biggest give away, TWO FREAKING, GIANT SACKS OF MONEY!!!

Red and blue lights flooded the small allyway. That was my cue to take off running in the opposite direction. Looks like my knowledge of the back lanes did come in use after all.

Spilling out of the allyway I raced back home. Twenty minutes later I arrived at my door step, out of breath and sweaty. My pocket started vibrating and I took out my ringing mobile phone. Seliel picture was flashing on the screen. I touched the answer button and pressed the phone to my ear.


“Cole, something happened….” Seliel voice said through the speaker. She sounded worried and scared .

“What's up? What happened?” I asked started to get concerned.

“Let's just say I got my very own ninja gi…..” She answered almost in a whisper.

Okay, make that me, Nya, Kai and Seliel.

I'm getting pretty bored of writing them all changing into there Gi's, so I'm just gonna write about one more in detail and then leave the others stories untold.

Love you all for reading and sorry for the wait but it was worth it for two chapters right?

Anyway good bye and thanks for reading 💗💗💗

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