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Kai’s POV

What the heck just happened?

My sister just turned into a ninja. How? She seemed so scared when she left to go to the bathroom with Pixal and Nya. What is happening right now? First, all of us somehow manage to have the same dream and now, Nya just turned into a ninja. We moved so we could get away from all the drama, but it just seems to follow us around everywhere.

My thought process was broken when Seliel came back out of the bathroom looking pretty upset. She sat down and was instantly hugged by Cole. I saw him whisper something in her ear that seemed to cheer her up a bit, but I couldn't work out what he said.

After a few moments Pixal appeared at the doorway of the bathroom. I couldn't really tell what she was feeling because she never really shows any emotion. Come to think of it, neither does Zane.

I looked towards the bathroom door, expecting Nya to come through it in a few moments, but she never did.

“Hey Pix, where's Nya?” I asked still looking at the door.

“Firstly, please don't call me Pix again, my name is Pixal, and secondly, she left via the back door” Pixal answered.

“What?! And you didn't think to tell us?” I asked her in shock that she didn't think to tell us this detail.

“I presumed that Seliel had told you”

“Hey don't drag me into this, I'm still in shock, you know I don't talk when I'm in sho-” That's all I heard her say before I grabbed my coat and started to leg it back home.

“KAI, WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!” I heard Jay scream after me as I ran down the street


“CAN I COME!!?” jay shouted enthusiastically

“NO!!” I shouted back and continued to run back to our new apartment.

I knew Nya would be there, she always felt safe when she was at home. It was her safe place. The place she found most secure.

As I was running I decided to take a shortcut through a small alleyway, well what I thought was a short cut. As I came out the other end of the alleyway I decided to take another left and then a right and then another right. But as I ran to the left, again, I decided that maybe this wasn't a good shortcut and decided to make my way back. It's only then that I couldn't remember which way I came. I wanted to kick myself. I'm sure I came from the left? Or was it the right? No, actually straight on looks familiar, but now I'm saying that, left also looks familiar. Arrrrrrhhh….. Why did I take that shortcut? Nya needs me.

A distant scream caught my attention. A female scream. *Gasp* Nya…..

I legged it towards the scream, but as the cries got louder, I realized that it wasn't Nya. It was more high pitched. I signed and started to walk away but I stopped in my tracks when I thought to myself, what am I doing? Someone is in danger and you're walking away? Since when do I walk away?

I turned on my heels and paced it towards the cries. I rounded the last corner and my eyes fell upon a man, probably in his 20’s, pinning a younger girl to the wall. I couldn't see what she looked like because in the time I was getting lost, it had become really dark and I could only see a silhouette of her.

“HEY!! Leave her alone” I said, filling my voice with as much confidence and energy as I could.

“Or what? You gonna run ‘ome an’ tell ya mommy?” He said turning to me. The younger girl was dropped to the floor and whimpering as she held her knees close to her chest. The man squinted his eyes at me before giving a little chuckle. “Go ‘ome kid, this has nothing to do with you, so turn on ya heelz and walk away before ya get 'urt”

As he was looking at me I finally got a good look at him, he had a fairly thin face and a tattoo on his left arm of a dragon breathing fire and burning down a small village. His chin and cheeks were dotted with black bits of stubble and he wore a hideous grin that curled up at the lefthand side. He had a gold tooth that glimmered in the little light that was left and a crooked nose, and his bald head looked recently shaved. He was wearing black jeans that were ripped and had a red substance splattered one side of his legs. He also had a white top with no sleeves and hung low on his chest revealing a bit of chest hair and a we'll build body.

“Ok, but you leave that girl alone.” I tiny bit intimidated but trying not to show it.

“Last chance kid. Walk. Away” He said said taking a step closer. He was so close now I could just reach out and touch him.

“Fine. But first……” I clenched my fist and used all my strength to give him a parting gift of of a punch in the face. As my fist connected with his jaw I heard him yelp out in pain and stumble back a few steps.

“You bastard, ya punch m’ gold tooth out,” it's only then did I see the glimmering gold tooth, lying on the ground. “You're gonna pay for that” He said as he lunged at me. I didn't have time to react before his shoulder dug into my abdomen and my pushed me back until I felt a sharp pain as my body collided with the wall. It didn't hurt as much as I thought it would.

As the bald man stood back his expression changed from giving a slight smirk to shocked. I stood back up and the guy immediately took a few steps back. He looked like he had seen a ghost.

“Ya freak, what the f*ck are you?” He said taking another step back and holding his hands up as of to say hey, I don't mean any harm, I looked at him even more confused.

I looked down and gasped. Just like Nya my clothes had changed from my hoodie and jeans to a ninja gi. Except mine was completely red (sorry can't be bothered to describe, just look at the picture at the top!! Sorry!!)

“What the?” I said still staring at my gi. Ok, no offence to Nya, but I definitely prefer mine. Wait. No no no no no. I don't prefer mine, I don't even want mine. What? Why? Hu? How did this happen? No no no, wh-

“Your a freak, stay away from me, ya hear me? Don't come closer!” My thoughts were cut off and my conscience came back to reality, when the guy started speaking again. He was obviously a bit freaked and I took this to my advantage and started taking small, slow steps towards him. He immediately took off running in the opposite direction and for a moment I actually felt grateful of this costume.

I heard someone breathing heavily and my first thought was the guy had returned for round d two but as I swung round to see who it was, I saw the girl, still in the shadows, standing up slowly. In all the excitement, I'd totally forgot about her.

“Oh, I'm sorry, you need help? D-did he hurt you?”  I asked taking a step closer

She instinctively took a step back.

“Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, umm.... you don't need to be afraid i'm just a regular high school kid” I said, demonstrating that fact by pulling my hood over my head and revealing my identity again.

“I'm not scared….” She answered quietly.

“Oh, I didn't mean to imply that you were. But why did you take a step back?” I asked curiously, but regretting it as soon as the words left my mouth. You don't ask people those kind of questions Kai, nice one.

“It's just…… *signs* it's just I've only ever seen that happen once before….” She answered jestering over to the gi I was wearing.

“Really…….? But Who?” I asked getting more curious by the second. Surly she didn't see Nya at the Café? I was positive no one was around.

She started to walk out of the shadows and I immediately could tell who it was. The red hair was kinda a give away.


“Skylor? W-what? You’ve had this h-happen to you?”

“Please don't tell anyone, my father would kill me, promise?”

“Of course” I answered still stunned with what just happened.

“Ok, good, thank you, Kai” She said looking around almost to see if we were being watched. “Um.. I must go, thank you for saving me, um… bye…” She said before turning on mer heels and running away.

“HEY, WAIT….” I shouted after her, but if she heard me, she didn't stop. “How did you know my name?” I asked almost as a whisper.

Ok….. I really need some time to process everything that has happened. Firstly me and Nya and all our friends have the same dream, next Nya magically turns into a ninja, thirdly, I magically turn to a ninja, fourthly Skylor, the girl I have a crush on, has also turned into a ninja, and lastly I'm still lost in a really bad neighbourhood and Nya still needs me. Although, looking back when this day started, I thought not having any friends was the worst of my problems. Wow, I was wrong to think moving school and house would create a drama-free-zone.

I self-consciously started to walk in a direction, I have no clue which because I was so engrossed in my thoughts to realise. After about 10 minutes of contemplating, I started to hear the busy streets of Ninjago City and ran until I saw the big billboards advising what their highest bidders paid them to advise. As I stepped out of the alleyway, i straight away knew where I was. A couple of blocks away from mine and Nyas home. I legged back, ignoring all the funny looks I was getting for being dressed up as a ninja. As our apartment came Into view I knew I was going to be having a long chat with Nya.

Hey again I've just realised that I've got 100 views. I was literally jumping up and down for joy when I found out so thank you so so so so so so so soooooo much. Love you all 💖💗💖💗

Also I wanted to say that I'm sorry this update came out a bit later than I expected, I kinda got banned from my computer, Heh heh..... Whoops? I'll try to post ASAP but my parents are very annoying at times. But I'll try my best.....

Anyway thanks for reading love you all!!!!!

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