First Day of Training

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

A 16 year old boy was working on making swords in a blacksmith shop.

"Can I help you?" a girl a couple of years younger than him asked.

"Sis, this is dangerous," he said.  "Let me handle this."

"You started doing this when you were younger than I am."

"I still don't want you getting hurt."

"Ugh!" the girl groaned and started to head towards the back of the shop.  On the way, she spotted swords that her brother had already finished and grabbed two.  She took them to the back with her and looked up videos to teach herself how to fight with swords.  She began practicing and her brother had no idea.

Nya, as well as everyone else, was walking up stairs that were on a mountain.  It was a steep climb and they didn't really know where they were going.  They were just following Lloyd's uncle.

"We are here," Wu said as they finally made it to the top.

"What is this place?" Nya asked as they approached a gate.

"This is the Monastery of Spinjitzu," Wu answered.  "This is where I will train you."  He opened the gate and walked in.  The others followed him.  They walked into the training yard and saw a training course.  "You will start on the training course later.  Today, I want to see how well you can fight with your assigned weapons."

"Assigned weapons?" Cole asked for clarification.


"Are they here yet?!" a women called from inside the monastery.  She came out and saw Wu with everybody.

"Mom?" Lloyd said.  "You're involved in this too."

"I am," Misako said.

"You lied to me about dad AND you knew that I had powers!"

"I did it to protect you," she tried to reason.

"How is that protecting me when I was going to find out anyway?!"

"Can we talk about this later?  In private?"

"Fine, but this conversation is far from over."

Misako nodded and turned to Wu.  "I thought there were only supposed to be seven of them."

"The other two were in detention with all of them and saw them use their powers," Wu told her.

"I see."  She looked at PIXAL and Seliel.  "Well, you two girls can watch with me."  PIXAL and Seliel followed Misako to a safe distance away from where the training was going to happen, but where they could still watch what was going on.

"Let's begin," Wu told the seven teens destined to be elemental masters.  "We will do this one at a time.  When it it your turn, you will try to use your weapons to beat me.  Let's start with Zane."  Zane walked up and took the weapons that Wu gave to him.  "Your weapons are shurikens."

Zane took a fighting stance.  Wu grabbed his bo staff and got ready for Zane to attack.  "Are you sure about this?" Zane questioned.  "I do not want to hurt you."

"I will be fine."

Zane tried throwing the shurikens at Wu and missed as Wu lunged at him and knocked him down.

"Kai, you're next," Wu said.  Kai gulped and walked over.  Wu handed him his weapon.  "Your weapon is a katana."

"A sword?" Kai questioned.  "Ha!  I make these."

Kai took a fighting stance.  He fought Wu, but Wu easily beat him.

"Just because you make it, doesn't mean you know how to use it."  He looked back at the group.  "Cole, you're up."

"Ok," Cole said, unsure.

Wu handed him his weapon.  "Your weapon is a scythe."

"It's kind of heavy."

Wu ignored him and took a step back.  Cole got in a fighting stance.  They started fighting, but the scythe weighed Cole down and made him off balance which made it easy for Wu to beat him.

"Lloyd, let's do you next," Wu said.

Lloyd hesitantly walked over.  "You'll go easy on me, right?" Lloyd said.  "I am your nephew."

Wu gave a little chuckle and Lloyd knew that his uncle wouldn't be going easy on him.  "Here are your weapons."

"Two katanas."  Lloyd got in a fighting stance and started fighting his uncle, but lost.

Wu looked at the three remaining teenagers.  "Let's do Skylor next."

"Sure," she said nervously and walked over to Wu.

"Here's your weapon."

"A crossbow?"  Wu nodded.  Skylor took a fighting stance.  When Wu started charging, Skylor tried shooting the crossbow, but missed and subsequently lost.

"Jay, it's your turn."

Jay looked at Nya who was right next to him and she gave him a reassuring smile and whispered into his ear.  "Don't worry about what happens.  Cole and Kai did awful."  Jay gave a little chuckle and walked up to Wu.

"Here is your weapon," Wu said.  "Your weapons are nunchucks."

Jay took a fighting stance and started to fight Wu, but had no idea how to use nunchucks. and lost.

Cole and Kai started laughing.

Nya noticed Jay's expression as the two were laughing.  "You guys didn't do much better!" Nya snapped.  "You don't know how to use the weapons you were assigned!"

Wu sighed.  "Looks like you all will need a lot of work.  Nya, you're up."  Nya walked over without any hesitation.  "Here are your weapons."  Wu handed her two katanas and when Nya grabbed them, she started examining them.  She looked like she was trying to see the weight and feel of them which actually gave Wu a little hope that one of them might know what they're doing.  "Are you ready, Nya?"

"Yeah," Nya replied and took a fighting stance.  She started fighting Wu, but unlock the others, she was actually blocking his attacks.  Wu was impressed that she was doing so well.  After a minute, he stopped.

"Great job, Nya," he said.

"Sis, how did you learn to fight like that?" Kai asked.

"Like you said earlier, you make swords," Nya replied.  "I may have used some of the swords you've made before and taught myself how to fight with them."

Misako started walking over with PIXAL and Seliel.

"That is all for today," Wu said.  "The seven of you must come here everyday after school for training.  It is critical that all of you are ready for when Garmadon decides to strike.  We have a lot to work on.  I will see you tomorrow."

Jay, Cole, Kai, Zane, Nya, Skylor, PIXAL, and Seliel all started walking down the mountain.  Lloyd stayed behind to have a work with Wu and Misako.  When they got to the bottom of the mountain, Seliel looked at her watch.  "Shoot!  My dad is gonna kill me," she said and hopped on her skateboard.  "See you guys later!"

"Well, I better get hom too," Cole said.  "Bye."  He left them.

"I should also leave," Zane said and left.  PIXAL also left the group, but she left more quietly.

"Where do you live, Sky?" Kai asked and realized what he called her.  "Is it ok to call you Sky?"

"Yeah," Skylor said.  "I don't mind.  I don't live too far from here."

"Do you want some company on your way home?"

"It's ok, Kai.  I can get home myself."  She smiled at his gesture.  "I'll see you tomorrow."  She walked away.

Kai turned around to see Jay and Nya who had been watching the whole thing.  "Does Kai have a crush?" Nya asked with a smirk.

"I was just being nice and what is Jay still doing here?!" Kai changed the subject.

"I was just leaving," Jay said.  "Bye Nya."

"Bye Jay," Nya said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before he left.

"I have had enough surprises for one day," Kai said.  "Finding out that you're dating Jay, finding out that we're elemental masters, and then finding out that you're actually an amazing fighter."  Kai through his hands in the air.  "I'm done with today.  Let's go home."  Kai and Nya started walking home.

A/N: Sorry this chapter took so long.  I hope you enjoyed and I hope it was worth the wait!

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