Just A Myth? Part 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Thank you to everyone who read the first chapter and voted and commented.  Here is chapter 2!

"Mommy!" a 5-year old boy yelled as he ran up to his mother who had just returned home.  He was staying with some friends of his parents while they attended to an emergency.  The little boy noriced that his mother had been crying.  The boy was also confused as to why his dad wasn't with her.  "What's wrong?" he asked concerned.  "Where's daddy?"

"He's gone," she responded.  She took a deep, shaky breath.  "And he's not coming back."

"Why is he gone?"  The boy couldn't believe that his father would leave him and his mother.

"Something bad happened, sweety."

"B-but he can't be gone!"  The boy ran into his mother's arms and started crying.  "He can't be gone!"

Lloyd started walking to detention once school was done.  He was used to it.  He always finds some way to get into trouble.  The last stunt he pulled landed him a month's worth of detention.

He walked into the detention room to find that the only person there so far was Zane.  Zane was sitting in the front left seat which was the one Lloyd always sat in.  Lloyd walked up to Zane.  "That's my seat," he said.

"I do not believe you own this seat," Zane said.

"I always sit here.  Beat it, dweeb."

Zane timidly moved a couple seats back and Lloyd sat down and put his feet up on the desk.  Cole and Kai arrived next and glanced at each other with a disgusted expression.  Things were still salty between them since their fight.  Cole sat down in the seat exactly in the middle and Kai sat in the back right seat.  They were followed by Skylor and PIXAL.  Skylor sat in front of Kai and PIXAL sat in front of Zane.

Seliel came in shortly after.  "Looks like skater girl also got detention," Cole commented.

"You think you're so great, but I bet you don't know how to ride a skateboard," Seliel shot back.  Cole couldn't think of a comeback.  Seliel sat down behind Cole.

Nya was the next person to walk in.  "Sis, what are you doing here?" Kai asked.

"I got detention," Nya responded.  "Why else would I be here?"  She took the seat in front of Cole.

Finally, Jay walked in and Nya gave a subtle gesture to the open seat next to her which was in front of Skylor.  Jay sat down and whispered something to Nya and she started laughing.  Everyone else was kind of confused as to why Jay was in detention and also why he was talking to Nya of all people.

"What did he say to you?" Kai asked.

"He was just telling me a joke," Nya said.

Before anyone else could ask questions, the teacher watching over detention for the day walked in.  "Hello everyone.  I am Ms. Moore," she said.  "You are all here for a reason.  You broke school rules.  I'm going to call out the names of everyone who should be here and you should know how taking attendance works.  PIXAL Borg."


"Skylor Chen."


"Lloyd Garmadon."

"Here," Lloyd responded with a nod.

"Lloyd, detention again."

"You know me, Emily.  How's the cat?"

"He's doing well.  Thank you for asking."  Everyone was staring at Lloyd confused as to why he was on first name basis with the teacher.  "Let's continue.  Cole Hence."


"Zane Julien."


"Seliel Phantom."


"Kai Smith."


"Nya Smith."


"And finally, Jay Walker."


"Ok.  Looks like everyone is accounted for.  I have a meeting to go to, but I expect all of you to stay in here while I'm gone.  No talking.  No phones.  I'll be back."  She left the room which left the nine students alone.

"Well, she's gone," Lloyd broke the silence.

"I thought we weren't supposed to talk," Jay said.

"You're talking," Lloyd smirked and Jay had an annoyed look on his face.  "Relax, the teacher is gone.  She has no idea if we're talking or not."

Cole started shooting spit balls at Jay.

"Knock it off, Cole!" Nya demanded.

"Whatever you say, babe."

"Ew.  Don't call me that.  Ever."

"I still have some questions," Kai said.

"How did you even get detention, Kai?" Nya asked before Kai could ask anything.

"Got into a fight."

"With who?"

"With me," Cole said.  "And I totally won.  Do you want to go out with a winner?"

"Ew.  Again."

"You did not win!" Kai said.  "We were broken apart before either of us could win."

"I got detention for constantly interrupting the teacher," Zane said.

"What do you expect from someone who was made in a lab," Lloyd said.

"I was also made in a lab," PIXAL said timidly.

"And how did you get detention?"

"I was Skylor's accomplice for a prank."

"Do you mean that water bucket prank?" Kai asked and Skylor nodded.  "That was hilarious!  I was wondering who did that.  You're the new girl...Skylor?"

"Yeah.  That's me," Skylor said.  "And you're Kai, right?"


"How did you get detention?" Cole asked Seliel.

"I've been late...a lot," Seliel said.

"You know," Skylor said.  "My prank might have been good, but it wasn't as good as when the intercom got hijacked."

"That was awesome, Lloyd!" Cole said and everyone started laughing.

"People actually believed that school got cancelled for the week after that," Nya said as they were laughing.

When the laughter died down, Lloyd spoke.  "Since we're asking how everyone got detention, I would like to know how the nerd got detention because that will probably be the lamest reason for detention."

All eyes turned to Jay.  "W-Well I-I-"

Nya cut him off by grabbing his hand.  She figured that they might as well tell everyone.  Plus, she knew that Jay didn't like getting put on the spot.  "He was with me and we were skipping class."

"The nerd skipped!" Cole exclaimed surprised.

"Why were you two skipping together?" Kai asked suspiciously.

"He's my boyfriend," Nya responded which shocked everyone, especially Cole and Kai.

"You're dating?!  What?!  How?!  When?!"

"How did the nerd end up with the prettiest girl in school?!" Cole asked and leaned back into his seat with his arms crossed.  "All life has lost meaning."

"How did this even happen?!" Kai asked.

"We talked to each other one day and really hit it off," Nya responded.  "I can date whoever I want."  The room fell silent for a few minutes after that revelation.  Nya looked around the room which had a poster of the elemental masters legend.  Every room in the school had one.  "Do you guys remember the legend of the elemental masters?" Nya asked.

"I loved that story as a kid!" Jay said.  "I always imagined what being an elemental master would be like, you know, if the legend was real."

"It's just a myth," Lloyd said.  "A bedtime story for kids."

"Yeah," Kai agreed.  "Who would believe that people could harness the power of elements?"  Everyone started laughing at how ridiculous it seemed.

"And some great villain is going to rise up again and destroy Ninjago," Skylor said.

"And what was his army supposed to be again?" Seliel asked.

"Skeletons," Cole responded.

"It does not seem logical," Zane said.

"It is not," PIXAL agreed.

"I have to ask, Lloyd," Nya said.  "Why are you always getting in trouble?  Some things you do are hilarious, but why?"

"My last name is connected to the myth," Lloyd responded.  "Everyone expected me to a troublemaker, so I figured that I might as well play the part."

Just then, weird noises could be heard from outside.  They couldn't quite hear what was going on, but it didn't sound right.  They all looked at each other confused.  Nya stood up and walked to the door.

"Nya, you don't want anyone to see you peeking out," Jay said before she could open the door.  "You don't want to get in more trouble."

"I'll be fine, Jay," Nya said.  "I want to know what's going on out there."

"I hat to say it, sis, but I kind of agree with Jay here," Kai said.  "Maybe we shouldn't know what's going on."

Nya didn't listen and creaked the door open slightly and was not expecting what she saw.  She quickly closed the door again.

"What is it?" Skylor asked.

"You remember how we were talking about how the legend isn't real," Nya said.  Everyone nodded.  "I'm starting to rethink that statement."

"What do you mean?" Cole asked.

"I mean, there are skeletons in the hall!"  Everyone stood up from their seats.  Cole and Kai went to look out the door themselves while Nya moved closer to the others and they huddled together.

Cole and Kai opened the door just a crack and saw what Nya saw.  A bunch of skeletons who looked like they were looking for something.  The two boys gasped which, unfortunately, caught their attention.  "There are skeletone in the hall!" Cole yelled.  They quickly closed the door and moved to huddle up with the others.

The skeletons knocked the door down and saw the nine scared teenagers  on the other side.  "Leave us alone, skeletons!" Kai yelled at them.

"Skeletons?" one of them said.  "We are called the Skulkin.  I am named Samukai and I believe that we have just found the people we were looking for."

"Us?" Skylor asked confused.

As the Skulkin moved closer, Jay got in front of Nya protectively.  "You really don't have to do that, honey," Nya said.  "I know you're scared too."

"But I will always protect you," Jay said.

"Awww.  That's sweet."

"Is this really the time to be cutesy?!" Kai asked.

The Skulkin moved closer and Jay put his hands out and lightning shot out of them.  Everyone looked at him in surprise and he looked at his hands surprised.

"How did you do that?" Cole asked.

"I have no idea," Jay said.

While Jay was still in shock, another Skulkin was getting ready to hit him.  "Look out!" Nya yelled and moved Jay out of the way.  She stuck her hand out and water shot out of it which pushed the Skulkin back.  "Woah.  Elemental masters...are real?"

One of the Skulkin grabbed Lloyd's arm.  "Back off!" he yelled and shot a green energy blast at him.  "This can't be real."

Skylor touched Nya while they were huddled together and ended up shooting water and then brushed against Jay and shot lightning.  "This.  This can't be real," she said.

Cole goes in front of everyone because he became curious if he has powers too.  He ends up making rocks fly around the Skulkin and hitting a few with the rocks.  "You know, this is actually pretty cool," Cole said.

"The powers may be cool for you, but getting attacked like this is not," Kai said and fire shot out of his hands.  "Ok.  The powers are really cool."

"This is not logical," Zane said.  "Powers are not logical."  Ice shot out of Zane's hands and he froze a couple Skulkins.  "This is still not logical."

There were still a lot of Skulkin surrounding them and backed them into a corner.  "There's too many!" Seliel said.  "And I don't think that PIXAL and I have any powers!"

A gold tornado thing came into the room and beat up all the Skulkin.  When the gold tornado dissipated, an old man stood in it's place.

"Uncle Wu?" Lloyd said.

"Hello, Lloyd," Wu said.

"I haven't seen you in forever."

"I am sorry about that, but I have my reasons.  I have been watching you and your friends."

"We aren't friends," Cole interrupted.

"We don't even know each other," Kai added.

"But you are elemental masters," Wu said and started walking up to each one individually.  "Skylor, Master of Amber.  You can use any of the other elemental masters by touching them.  Nya, Master of Water.  Now, the four main elements.  Jay, Master of Lightning.  Cole, Master of Earth.  Kai, Master of Fire.  Zane, Master of Ice.  And finally, Lloyd, the Master of Energy.  The green ninja."

"Wait," Lloyd said.  "I'm supposed to be the green ninja?!  The myth is real?!"

"It is.  I am one of the warriors who led the elemental masters.  I am Wu.  You can call me Master Wu.  I will train you."

"If you're Wu, doesn't that mean Garmadon is your brother?" Jay asked and Wu nodded.  "And if your Lloyd's uncle-"

"He can't be my father!" Lloyd yelled.  "That's impossible!  My father is dead!  He died when I was 5!  That's what my mother told me!"

"We thought it would be best not to tell you," Wu said and turned to the others.  "The seven of you are said to be the elemental masters destined to save Ninjago."

"What about us?" Seliel asked, referring to herself and PIXAL.

"I guess you two can come to watch them train since you know about this."

"Does anyone else think this sounds crazy?!" Kai said.

"Maybe we're dreaming," Cole suggested.

"It is impossible for us all to be having the same dream," Zane said.

"Well, how do you explain this?!"

"I'm in," Nya spoke up and everyone turned towards her.  "You saw what we did.  If Ninjago is in danger, I'm willing to help save it."

"I'm in too," Jay said and grabbed Nya's hand.  Jay smiled at Nya which she returned.

"I guess I'm in too," Kai said.  "There's no way I'm letting Nya go without me."

"Count me in," Skylor said.

"I will join," Zane said.  "It may not be logical, but I cannot deny what we did."

"I'm not gonna be left behind," Cole said.

Everyone turned to Lloyd.

"Come on, Lloyd," Nya said.  "There's no way we can do this without you."

Lloyd looked around to the others and caved in.  "Fine.  I'll do it."

"Come with me to begin your training," Wu said.

"What about detention?" Jay asked.  "We'll be in big trouble if the teacher comes back and we're gone."

"The teachers ran out screaming when the Skulkin showed up.  Now, let's get going."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!  I didn't expect this chapter to end up so long.  This is probably longer than most chapters will be.  If you were having trouble imagining where they were sitting in detention, I made a visual:


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