Just A Myth? Part 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

Long ago, there were elemental masters who protected Ninjago...or so the legend goes.  They saved people from dark forces that loomed over the land.  They were led by two warriors.  One was named Wu and the other was Garmadon.  They also happened to be brothers.  One of the brothers, Garmadon, got poisoned by evil and turned against the other elemental masters.  The elemental masters banished him to the Underworld, but it's said that he will escape one day and try to once again take over Ninjago.  A new team of elemental masters will be destined to save Ninjago from the evil Lord Garmadon.  This team will be lead by a powerful green ninja.  But all of this is only a myth...or so we thought.

Anyways, my name is Nya Smith.  I'm a junior at Ninjago High School.  I'm also the popular girl who is the captain of the cheer squad.  To be honest, I don't really like being the popular girl all that much.  I don't really feel like I can be myself, but there's a way things work at this school and I'm at the top of the hierarchy.  My brother, Kai, doesn't have a problem with it.  He's a senior and he enjoys being the hot guy with all the girls swooning over him.  He always tells me how we need to be at the top of the hierarchy to stay off the radar of bullies.  I mean I understand, but I hate it!  I really wish things would change.

Kai and Nya were at their lockers.  They were getting ready for their first class of the day.  "Do you ever wish that you could be someone else?" Nya asked.

"No," Kai answered.  "Because if I could be anyone else, I would be me."

"Typical," Nya mumbled to herself.

A boy with auburn hair and blue eyes walked by them with his head hung low as people threw stuff at him.  "Look at that nerd," Kai said.

"His name is Jay!" Nya snapped.  "And you might like him if you got to know him."

"He's a nerd, Nya.  We can't get caught socializing with him."


The bell rang.

"I better get to class.  See you later."  Kai waved as Nya walked off.

As Kai was finishing up at his locker, the jocks of the school started walking by.  The captain of just about every sports team in the school was Cole.  He also happened to see Nya as she was leaving.  "That girl, Nya, is hot," Cole commented.

Kai slammed his locker and confronted Cole.  "You know she has no interest in you, right?"

"She will.  A jock and a cheerleader.  She'll fall for me eventually."

"No, she won't!  You can't force someone to like you!"

"And how are you going to stop me?"  Cole gave Kai a small shove which led to a big fight breaking out between the two and people crowded around to watch.

"Hey!  Hey!  Break it up!" the principal, Mr. Maneja, yelled and got in between the two.  "This is a school!  There will be no fighting!  Detention, both of you!"  He handed Cole and Kai detention slips.  "Now, everyone get to class!"

As the two were picking back up their backpacks, a boy with blonde hair and green eyes walked by.  He was wearing a green hoodie and hand his hood pulled up and his hands in his pockets.

Cole gave Kai a little nudge.  "We're going to be stuck in detention with him."

"Doesn't he have detention for a month for breaking into the principal's office and hijacking the intercom?" Kai asked.

"Yep."  They both split up and started walking to class.

"I am not so sure about this, Skylor," PIXAL said.

"What?  We still have three minutes," Skylor said.

"I mean, I am not so sure about this prank."

"Don't worry, Pix.  It'll be fine and it could get us noticed around here.  I just started this school a week ago and you're my only friend so far."

"You are the only friend I have ever had here.  Not that I mind."

"This will get us more friends."  Skylor looked and saw people coming.  "Here we go."  A guy walked by and tripped a string that made a bucket of water fall on them.  Skylor, PIXAL, and a bunch of other people who saw started laughing.

Unfortunately, the principal also saw it happen.  "Miss Chen and Miss Borg."

Skylor and PIXAL froze up for a second and then turned to face Mr. Maneja.  "Pranking other students.  Detention!"  He handed them detention slips.  "Now, get to class!"  The two of them started walking to class.

"Today we will be talking about Othello which I previously assigned to you to read," Ms. Shine, an English teacher at the school said.  "In Othello, the main character struggles with-"

"Jealousy because of Iago," one of the students, Zane, interrupted.

"Yes.  That is correct, Zane.  Please raise your hand next time you want to speak."

"Iago tells Othello that-"

"Cassio and Desdemona are having an affair."

"Zane!  Please, don't interrupt me again."  Ms. Shine was getting very annoyed with him.

"This leads to-"

"Distrust and it drives Othello to start being rude to his wife and even hit her."

"I told you not to interrupt me again!  Zane, detention!"  She handed Zane a detention slip.

"I'm so late!" a girl who has pink hair with a blue streak said as she skateboarding through Ninjago City.  "It's ok.  I might be able to convince my teacher to not mark me late as long as I don't run into the principal."  She noticed how she was about to run into people.  "Coming through!" she yelled and they moved out of her way.  She managed to make it to school, but the halls were completely empty because everyone was already in class.

"Late again, Miss Phantom."  She turned around to see Mr. Maneja.

"You can call me Seliel."

"Miss Phantom, your father pulled a lot of strings to get you into this school.  He has a lot on his plate being the mayor of Nom.  You don't want to disappoint him, do you?"  Seliel shook her head.  "Good.  I'm giving you detention and I won't call your father...this time."  He handed Seliel a detention slip.

Nya was sitting on a bench in the corner of the school.  It was a place that people didn't go often.

"Hey Nya."

She looked up at the mention of her name and smiled.  "Hey Jay."

"Are you sure about this?"

"Relax.  It's ok to skip class every once in a while."

Jay released a breath that he was holding and sat down next to Nya.  "Do you have it?"

"Of course I do."  Nya reached into her backpack and pulled out blueprints.

Jay looked at it in amazement.  "This is really impressive!  What do you call it?"

"I was thinking the Samurai X mech."

"I like it!  You know, you're a really good inventor.  Why don't you want anyone to know?"

"Because I just don't.  It's a secret that I'm just sharing with my boyfriend."

"Is it really a relationship if no one knows about it?"

"You tell me."  Nya pulled Jay into a kiss.

Both of them pulled away and looked up when they heard someone clearing their throat.  "Skipping class, I see," Mr. Maneja said.  "Miss Smith, no surprise there, but Mr. Walker, I never expected to see you skipping.  Detention, both of you!"  He handed both of them detention slips and walked off.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this story!  Just so you know, Lloyd, Nya, and Seliel are the only juniors.  All the others are seniors.  Anyway, tell me what you think so far.

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