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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

A young boy was playing with his sister in front of their family's small house with a blacksmith's shop attached.  He heard some noise coming from inside.  It sounded like his parents were shouting at someone, so he was trying to keep his little sister from hearing the shouting.  He didn't want his sister to worry.  The shouting noises eventually turned into fighting noises.  He grabbed his sister and took her farther away from the house.  Not too long after that he took a glance at his house and decided to go check out what was going on.  "I'm gonna go take a look," he told his sister.  "You stay here."

"Ok," she said and nodded.

He walked over to the house and didn't hear anything.  He slowly opened the door and saw that the house was a mess, but no one was inside.  "Mom?  Dad?" he called, but no one answered.  He kept looking around and found that no one was inside the house.  Some stuff was broken and there was no sign of his parents.

All he knew was that he couldn't let whatever happened to his parents also happen to his little sister.  For now, they only have each other.  Hopefully, his parents will be back soon.  He walked out of the house to go grab his sister and try to explain that something happened to their parents, but he didn't even know what.

Kai was with the team trying to search for Jay and Nya on the monitors that Jay, Nya, PIXAL, and Zane had worked to set up.  They figured that it might be helpful in the future.  They didn't know that they would need it so soon.

Kai looked up when he felt a hand on his shoulder.  He turned around to see that it was Lloyd.  "Hey," Lloyd said.  "Are you ok?  I know this is probably hard for you since one of the people we're looking for is your sister."

Kai hasn't talked to the others much since he found out Nya was missing.  Yes, he was also worried about Jay since the entire team were good friends now, but Nya is still his sister.  He made a promise to himself when he was younger to always protect Nya and now, he feels like he failed.  Skylor has been trying to comfort him as much as she could since she knows about that promise, but it hasn't really been working.  "I'll be fine once we find them."

"Ok."  Lloyd wasn't going to push him.

"We may have found something," Zane said and a picture came onto the screen.  It looked like Zane and PIXAL hacked into security cameras.

"What is that?" Cole asked.

"It looks to be some sort of portal," PIXAL explained.

Master Wu recognized it immediately.  "That is a portal to the Underworld," he said.  "I don't know how Lord Garmadon managed to get it open, but you must not let him get out."

The other ninja nodded and started heading for the portal.  Luckily, it wasn't too far away from the monastery.

"We have to find some way to close this up!" Lloyd said.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Seliel asked.

Kai thought about the portal.  His sister could be on the other side.  "What if Jay and Nya were taken to the Underworld?" he asked.  "It's just Lord Garmadon that's stuck in there, right?  The Skulkin can come and go freely from there, so wouldn't that mean that they could bring Jay and Nya there."

"Kai might be right," Zane said and Kai started moving closer to the portal.

"Kai, what are you doing?" Skylor asked.

"I'm going to save them," Kai stated.  "You guys can come if you want."  He stepped through the portal.

The Underworld

Nya stood there for a minute after realizing that her parents were in two of the chambers.  She couldn't believe it was them after all these years.  She was too young to even remember them when they went missing and now, she's actually seeing them while trying to escape from Lord Garmadon.

While Nya was still trying to process her parents being there, Jay was looking in the third chamber.  There was a picture of a lightning bolt above it.  If there was a fire symbol and a water symbol on the other two chambers and they are Nya's parents, then that would mean...

It's not possible, is it.

Nya snapped out of her thoughts to focus on the task at hand.  She needed to get Jay out since he was still too weak to even stand by himself, but she could leave her parents and the mystery person there.  

"I might be able to fry the circuits to get them out," Nya heard Jay say.

"No, Jay," Nya said.  "You've just got you powers drained out of you by Lord Garmadon.  We don't know what will happen if you try to use your powers right now."

"Well, we can't leave them here."

Nya sighed.  "I know."

"Just trust me."  Jay knew the risks, but they couldn't just leave those people there.  They were supposed to be the protectors of Ninjago and what kind of protectors would they be if they just left those people.

"Fine."  Nya only agreed because Jay might try to please everyone, but he could be pretty stubborn when he wanted to be and this was one of those times.

Jay created a small spark in his hand.  He powered the spark up as much as he could before firing it at the panel attached to the chambers.  It wasn't as powerful as he has come to find his powers usually are, but it was just enough to short out the panel.

"You did it, Jay!" Nya exclaimed in victory, but Jay remained silent.  She looked at him in time to see him pass out in her arms.  She laid him down, kneeled down next to him, and gently shook him.  "Jay?  Jay, wake up."  Nothing.  She worriedly put two fingers to his neck and checked his pulse.  She felt a slow, faint beat of his heart which only made her calm down slightly.  They needed to get out of there.

"Who are you?"

Nya froze at the sound of that male voice.  She had momentarily forgotten that there were people they had just freed.  She turned around while still kneeling next to Jay.  "Hi mom and dad," she said.

"Nya?" her mom asked.

"Yeah.  It's me."

"But you were so young when we were taken."

They still thought she was supposed to be a little kid which means that they didn't know how much time had passed.  "That was 13 years ago."

"13 years?!" her dad exclaimed.  "How is that possible?"

"I'm guessing that these were stasis chambers that Lord Garmadon kept us in," a new voice stated.  "Although, why he didn't kill us is anyone's guess."

"We can talk about all that later," Nya said as she started trying to hoist Jay up.  "Right now, we have to get out of here.  Lord Garmadon wants to use Jay to power the machine."

"Jay?" the woman that Nya didn't know asked.


The woman walked right up to them and used a hand to cup Jay's cheek.  Nya wasn't sure exactly who this woman was, but she was starting to get a good idea of who.  "My baby boy is all grown up now.  You both are elemental masters now, aren't you?"

"Yes, we are.  We've been training with Master Wu."

"Of course, you have.  My name is Libber by the way.  You can call me Libby."

"Ok, Libby.  Do you think you can hold Jay?  I need to be ready in case we encounter more Skulkin."  Nya really didn't want to let go of Jay, but she knew that if they encountered more Skulkin, she would be the only one who could fight them.  Her parents and Libby were in stasis chambers for 13 years and didn't look like they were at full strength right now.

"Of course, I can.  Ray, do you think you can help me out?"  Nya started handing Jay over.

"Yeah," Nya's father said and they put one of Jay's arms over Libby and the other over Ray.  The group started walking to try to find a way out.

Libby and Ray were walking with Jay behind Nya and Nya's mother, Maya.  "So...how has your life been going?" Maya was trying to make small talk with her daughter.  It felt weird to her seeing Nya now as a teenager compared to when she was a small child.  She had missed so much of her daughter's life.

"Well, just found out I was destined to be the elemental master of waster not too long ago and ended up getting captured by Lord Garmadon because he wanted Jay and now, I'm just hoping he's going to be ok.  So yeah.  My life has been going great," Nya ranted.

Maya wanted to try to have a nice conversation with her daughter, but obviously that wasn't going to be easy right now with the situation they're in.  "You're 16 now, right?"


"And Kai is 18.  He started college already I'm guessing."

"No.  He's a senior in high school.  He was held back a year in elementary school."  Nya laughed a little at that thought.  His reaction when he found out he was being held back was actually hilarious.

"I hope you guys went to a good family without us around."

"Actually, we managed to stay out of the foster care system thanks to someone who was looking out for us.  Now, Kai is my legal guardian."

"Isn't that sweet?"  Nya and the past elemental masters turned around at the sound of that voice.  "A mother and daughter trying to reconnect after so long."

"Lord Garmadon," Nya spat and got into a fighting stance and getting her water powers ready.

"Tread lightly, Water Ninja.  I would hate for something to happen to your parents or your boyfriend."  He saw the past elemental masters' eyes widen slightly after he said boyfriend.  "Oops.  Did they not know about you two?"

Nya didn't really care if her parents knew.  She was going to protect all of them.  "Leave them alone!"

"Skulkin!" Lord Garmadon called.  "Kill them all!"

"DAD!!! STOP!!!" Lloyd yelled as he showed up with the rest of the team.

Lord Garmadon turned around at Lloyd's voice and was face to face with his son.  "Lloyd?  How are you the green ninja?" he asked.  "Last I heard from the Skulkin, you were causing trouble at school."

"You've kept tabs on me."  Lloyd didn't think that his father would be keeping track of what he was up to, but apparently, he did.

"Of course, I have.  You're my son.  How could you betray me in this way?"

"Because I can't let you take over Ninjago, dad.  And I can't let you hurt my friends."

"Fine then.  Looks like I'll have to add you to my enemies list.  Skulkin!  Attack!"

The team that just showed up started fighting the Skulkin to try to get to their other friends.  Meanwhile, Nya was trying to defend her boyfriend, her parents, and Libby.  She didn't have any weapons like the others which did make it harder, but she was determined not to let the Skulkin hurt them.

"Hey sis," Kai said as he finally made it to Nya.

"Kai!" Nya exclaimed happily and hugged him as the others also got to them and fought the Skulkin surrounding them.  "How did you guys get here?"

"We saw a portal open and jumped through."

Nya nodded.  "Lord Garmadon was trying to use Jay's power to be able to get out of here," Nya explained.  "I guess that the machine he created allows him to be able to leave and he needed a power source."

Cole took a glance at Jay.  "Is he ok?" Cole asked.  He saw that Jay was being held up by two people who he had never seen before, but he wasn't moving at all.

"All I know is that he's still breathing.  I'm just hoping that's a plus."

Cole walked over to the people holding Jay.  "I can take him."  They handed Jay off to Cole who was able to easily carry him.

"Who are these people?" Skylor asked.

"Past elemental masters," Nya said, not really wanting to dive into the fact that her parents were two of them.  She didn't want Kai to become distracted since they were in the Underworld with Lord Garmadon.  "We can discuss that later.  Right now, we need to figure out how to get out of here.  We know the Skulkin must have some way to travel to Ninjago."

"We already figured that part and that's why we have a plan," Lloyd said.  "Cole!  Now!"

Cole adjusted Jay to free one of his hands and caused rocks to crash in between them and their enemies which made a rock barrier.

"Move!" Lloyd ordered and they all followed.  They ran to the Skulkin vehicles and Cole put Jay in one vehicle and hopped in that vehicle with Nya, Lloyd, Libby, and Maya while Skylor, Kai, Seliel, Zane, and Ray hop into the other vehicle with PIXAL holding onto the back of it in her mech.  Lloyd and Kai were the two that were driving the vehicles.  "Masks on, everybody!  We don't want anyone to know we're the ninja."  They all put their masks on, except for the past elemental masters.  "Let's go!"  They started driving the vehicles and used a little device that each vehicle has to get back to Ninjago.

Once they got back, they drove the vehicles to the monastery.  They were pleasantly surprised that the vehicles were able to easily climb the mountain to get to the monastery.  Once they got to the monastery, they hopped out of the vehicles and Cole once again grabbed Jay and carried him inside and laid him onto the couch in their video game area.  (That's what they started calling it.). Jay had started moving on the ride to the monastery, but it looked more like he was in pain.

Nya knelt down next to Jay and felt his forehead.  "He's burning up," Nya said worriedly.

Master Wu and Misako ran into the room when they heard all of the commotion and saw Jay passed out on the couch and clearly in pain.

"I can cool him off," Zane said.  He put his hand on top of Jay's head and used his powers to try to cool him off.

"What happened?" Wu asked Nya since she was the one who was captured with Jay.

"Lord Garmadon was using Jay's power to power a machine to allow him to leave the Underworld," Nya started explaining.  "He was using Jay as a power source.  He drained a lot of Jay's power."

"Is there anything we can do to help him?" Lloyd asked.

"It is dangerous for an elemental master's power to be used in a way like this.  I know that there will probably be side effects, but I don't know what the side effects will be.  I'm guessing the fever is one.  He will need to be monitored for now until we know for sure that he will be alright."  The ninja team all nodded and Zane pulled his hand away from Jay after getting the blue ninja's temperature down to a safe level.

"Now, who are these people?" Kai asked pointing at the past elemental masters who stood off to the corner and out of everyone's way while they were all taking care of Jay.  Wu and Misako hadn't even noticed they were there.

"Ray?  Maya?  Libby?" Misako said in disbelief.  "You guys are alive."  She walked over and hugged her old friends.

"We were stuck in the Underworld in stasis chambers," Libby said.

"It's actually thanks to Nya and..." Maya started, but couldn't forgot the name of the person that was with her daughter.

"Jay," Libby helped her out.

"Right.  Jay.  They found us and freed us."

"Jay was half-conscious until he used his powers to free them," Nya told everyone.  "I tried to tell him not to and that we could free them a different way, but he was going to make sure we all could get out of there."  She looked towards her brother and then to her parents.  She stood up and walked over to Kai, grabbed his arm, and pulled him over to Ray and Maya.  "Kai, there's a couple people I would like you to meet."

Kai was completely confused about why his sister wanted him to meet these people.  "Why do you want me to meet them, Nya?"

"Kai?  Look how you've grown," Maya said.

"What?" Kai was even more confused now.

"It's been a long time," Ray said.

The gears started turning in Kai's head as it finally clicked as to who these people were.  "Mom?  Dad?"  The four of them embraced each other in a group hug.  Kai and Nya got their parents back after so long.

After the hug, Ray walked over to Master Wu.  "You looked over our kids, didn't you?" Ray asked.

"I did," Wu said.  "I wanted to make sure those two didn't get split up in the foster care system."

"Master Wu, you were the one who delivered money and food to us?" Kai asked.

"Yes.  I also made sure that you both would go to Ninjago High School with the others.  I figured it would be better for all of you to go to the same school."

"Thank you," both Kai and Nya said.

"Ok," Seliel said.  "We know who those two are, but who is she?" Seliel pointed to Libby.

"My name is Libber Gordon," Libby started.  "You guys can call me Libby.  I'm actually Jay's birth mother.  When Lord Garmadon was having the Skulkin hunt down elemental masters, I left Jay in a junkyard with an elderly couple in order to keep him safe.  Both my husband and I agreed to it.  I didn't leave until I saw the couple come outside and take Jay in.  I never would've expected Lord Garmadon to try to use my son to escape the Underworld."

Master Wu had explained to the team, except Jay and Nya, when Nya was looking for Jay that Jay was adopted and explained who his birth parents were.  Lloyd had freaked out a little when he found out that Cliff Gordon was Jay's birth father.  They found out that he wasn't just a fan, but a mega fan.

"Why don't you all go home for the night?" Wu suggested.  "You should all get some rest.  With Lord Garmadon figuring out a way to escape the Underworld, you will all need to be at full strength.  Jay will stay here for the night to be monitored."

The team was starting to get ready to leave and Lloyd was about to go to his room.  "Nya?"  Kai noticed that his sister wasn't moving.

"I'm staying," she said and looked over to Master Wu.  "Do you have any spare pillows and blankets?"

"They're down the hall in the cabinet," Wu answered.  He figured that she was going to stay no matter what.

Nya quickly walked down the hall and came back with two pillows and two blankets.  She carefully lifted Jay's head and placed a pillow under it and then put a blanket over him before she sat down next to the couch with a pillow and blanket for herself.

"I think I'll stay too," Cole spoke up and walked out to where Wu said the pillows and blankets were and came back with multiple and set them on the ground.  "Anybody else planning on staying?"

"I'll join," Lloyd said.

"If Nya is staying, I guess I'll stay too," Kai said.

"I'm in," Skylor added.

"I can stay," PIXAL decided.

"I will also stay," Zane said.

Seliel went up to Cole.  "Did you grab one for me?" she asked him.

"Of course," Cole said and reached down to pick up a pillow and blanket for Seliel.

They all called their parents (if they weren't currently there) and told them they were staying with friends and took a spot around the couch Jay was on and laid down.  Nya also called Ed and Edna after getting their number from Jay's contact list (he had told her the passcode for his phone) and told them that she found Jay and he was staying for a couple days with her and Kai.  

Ray, Libby, and Maya just stood and watched them.  Ray and Maya were hoping that they would get some with their kids after missing so much of their lives.  Libby was worried about Jay.  She couldn't believe how Lord Garmadon tried to use him like that, but she was glad that he had such good friends and such a fantastic girlfriend.

"Why don't we head to the kitchen to catch up?" Wu suggested.  The three past elemental masters didn't realize that Wu and Misako were standing right next to them.  The three nodded and Wu and Misako ushered them out.

The team all fell asleep pretty quickly.  They were exhausted from all the events that happened over the entire day.  From school to not knowing where Jay was to Jay and Nya get captured to trying to save them to finding the past elemental masters.  It was all a lot for one day.  Hopefully, they will have a better weekend.

A/N: An extra long chapter!!!  I didn't mean for this chapter to be so long, but I just kept writing and this chapter ended up being almost 3500 words!  I hope you enjoyed!

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