What now?

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story.

A young boy was coming out of his elementary school for the day.  He was planning on going to see his mother who was in the hospital.  When he got out, his dad was waiting there with a sad look on his face.  "Daddy, what's wrong?"

"It's your mother," the dad said as he kneeled in front of the boy.  "She's gone."

Tears started forming in the little boy's eyes.  "B-but I didn't even get to say goodbye."

Cole was snapped out of his thoughts by someone sitting across from him at the monastery's kitchen table.  Cole wanted to spend some time alone in there with his thoughts.  He looked up and saw that it was Libby.

"You're Lily's son, aren't you?" she asked.

Cole shrugged.  "Yeah," he said nonchalantly.  He didn't see the big deal of who's son he was.  He figured out that his mother was probably the previous Elemental Master of Earth.

"How is she?"

Cole winced at the question.  He forgot that Libby probably wouldn't know.  "She's dead."  He managed to say.  "She died when I was 10."

"Oh.  I'm so sorry," Libby said sadly.  It was clear that she wasn't expecting that.  They both say in an uncomfortable silence for a couple minutes before Libby spoke again.  "She was a great person.  She was always willing to stick up for others and she was my best friend."

"The time I got to spend with her was great," Cole said.  "I just wish I could spend more time with her."

Libby nodded.  "I'm sorry for intruding.  I'm going to go somewhere else."

Cole wanted to say, 'it's ok,' because Libby wouldn't have known what happened to Lily, but he couldn't get the words out and Libby left.

"Hey," Seliel said as she walked into the kitchen.

"How much did you hear?" Cole asked.

"All of it.  I was planning on coming in here to talk and heard Libby starting a conversation with you.  Are you ok?"  Cole could hear Seliel's concern with that question.

"I'll be fine," he replied.  "I just wasn't expecting her to bring up my mom like that."

"I get that," Seliel said.  "I mean...my mom isn't dead, but I still hate her."  She sat down at the table next to where Cole was sitting.  "If there's more you want to tell me, you always can."

"It's just...the day my mom died, my dad could've taken me out of school to see her one last time.  He could've given me a chance to say goodbye to her.  He got the phone call that morning that my mom was probably going to die that day, but he didn't pull me out of school."

Seliel was at a loss for words.  She knew Cole had issues with his dad, but his dad denied him a chance to see his mom one last time.  "That's...that's messed up."

"He claims that 'he did it for me.'"

"But still, you should've been given a chance to say goodbye to her.  It's not right that he still sent you to school knowing that your mom would probably die while you were there."

Cole shrugged.  "It's not like I can change anything anymore."

"I guess not."

Cole looked at Seliel.  He had to admit that he used to hate her and the version of himself that he was before he became a ninja never could've imagined being this close to her.  Now, he's glad to have her.  She's actually a nice person and very pretty.  Ok, that was an unexpected thought that popped into his head.  "Is it bad that I want to kiss you right now?"

Seliel shrugged.  "Eh, I've done worse."  Cole and Seliel kissed.  That was definitely something nobody would've expected before the ninja thing.  When they pulled apart, both of them wanted more.  "I think I saw a closet over there if you want to continue," Seliel said while pointing to an area on the other side of the kitchen.

"Let's do that," Cole agreed.

Meanwhile, Nya was sitting on the ground next to the couch Jay was on in the video game area.  He was still unconscious on the couch, and Nya didn't want to leave him.  She had felt so useless when Lord Garmadon was draining Jay's power in the Underworld.  Yes, she might have been able to stop the machine and pull Jay out, but that was after Garmadon left.

"Hey Nya," Kai said from behind her.  "How's he doing?"

"His fever broke which I guess is improvement," Nya said.

Kai moved to sit next to his sister and put an arm around her.  "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine," Nya lied and Kai could easily tell.

"Come on, Nya.  After what happened, there's no way you can be completely fine."  Kai pulled his sister closer to him.  "Tell me the truth."

"It's just...I felt so useless," Nya started.  "I thought having powers wouldn't make me feel so useless ever again, but I was wrong.  Exposure to vengestone and no more powers."

"I'm guessing vengestone is like our Kryptonite?"

Nya nodded and hummed in agreement and she rested her head on her brother's shoulder.  "When did our lives become so crazy?"

"When you convinced me to go with Master Wu to become ninja."

Nya sat up and playfully punched Kai's shoulder.

"What?  It's true," Kai said back.  "I thought Master Wu was crazy at first."

"To be honest, I thought so too, but I had hope that he was telling us the truth."

"And what if he was some creepy kidnapper?"

"Be glad he wasn't."

They both laughed and Kai spoke again after the laughter died down.  "So, what are we going to do about mom and dad?"

"I don't know," Nya answered honestly.  "I haven't really thought about that.  I mean, it's great to know that they're still alive, but at the same time, they're like complete strangers."

"I agree.  I thought that if they were alive, it would be great to see them again, but it kind of feels awkward and weird."

"Yeah.  I think we just need to try to get to know them better.  Hopefully, we'll get used to them being around again."


Both of the siblings turned their heads back towards the couch when they heard a groan.  Nya was quick to grab her boyfriend's hand since she knew that he was waking up.  Kai quickly got up and ran out of the room to go alert the others.  Jay's eyes slowly fluttered open and he looked around confused until his eyes settled on his girlfriend.  "Nya?  What happened?" he asked.

"Do you remember anything?" Nya asked.  "Like us getting captured by Lord Garmadon?"

"Yeah.  I remember up to saving the people in those chambers.  I meant, how did we get here?"

"The others managed to save us.  You've been out since then."

"How long was I out?"

"Since yesterday."

Well, now Jay knows that it's a new day, but he didn't even know what time of day it currently was.  "What time is it?"


Jay couldn't believe he had been out most of the day.  He started trying to sit up and grabbed his head as it started throbbing.

Nya pushed Jay back down when she saw him trying to sit up.  "Don't get up, Jay.  You need to rest.  You got your powers drained out of you by Lord Garmadon.  We still don't know the full extent of how it's affecting you."

Kai came running in with the others, minus Cole and Seliel.  They all came in and surrounded the couch that Jay was on, but let Master Wu check the elemental master of lightning out and see how he was feeling.  Jay said that he was mostly alright, except for a massive headache.  Lloyd turned off the lights in the room to try to help with Jay's headaches.  Lloyd had a lot of migraines as a kid and knew that being in a dark room helped.  There was a small amount of light coming from the doorway since they left the door open, so it wasn't completely dark.  He also instructed everyone in the room to talk quietly.

Libber didn't say anything because she didn't want to put too much on her son when he still needed more rest.  Plus, it wouldn't sound the best saying, "I'm sorry about what Lord Garmadon did to you, but hey, I'm your birth mom."  Yeah, it wasn't the right time.

Everyone turned their heads back to the door as Cole and Seliel walked through smiling.  "Where have you two been?" Kai asked.  "I was looking for you earlier."

Both of them blushed and looked away.  The guys looked clueless as to what was going on with those two, but the girls instantly knew.  "No way.  Did you two...?"  Skylor trailed off, but everyone knew what she meant.

Cole looked for a way out of that conversation and noticed Jay was awake.  "Jay!  Jay's awake!  Let's focus on him."

Jay winced in pain with how loud Cole's voice was and Lloyd immediately noticed.  "Shhhh."

A/N: Kind of an abrupt ending.  I'm sorry that I haven't updated in so long.  School has made it hard.  I hope you enjoyed!

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