A Bad Day At School Part. 2

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The guys' and their wives' had gotten a phone call from the school. The principal had told them that their children were involved in a fight and to get to the school ASAP.

So that's what they did, and that's how they found their kids sitting in the principals office covered in bruises. All five children keep their eyes focused on the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with their parents.

Russell, Mae, Amber, and James's parents arrived in the principals office as well.

The schools principal is a middle aged man, his name is Mr. Parkson. He is tall, strong and has short brown hair.

The eighteen parents find seats and look expectingly at Mr. Parkson, who currently stood in front of his desk with his arms crossed

"Well, would any of you nine like to tell me what happened?" He asks, the nine look up to him, then to each other, and all at once, the begin to yell and scream.

Mr. Parkson sighs, then he sucks in a big breath of air "Quiet!" At his command the kids go instantly silent

"Alright, Phoenix, let's hear your side of the story." Mr. Parkson looks to Phoenix

"Alright, so, Eclipse, Nixon and I were walking down the hall, when we suddenly saw Russell, James, Mae and Amber attacking Fawn and Asher. So we, being the absolutely amazing cousins that we are, stepped in to help." Phoenix explains

"That's my boy" Kai mumbles, under his breath, smiling slightly

"Alright, and Fawn, how were they attacking you and Asher?" Mr. Parkson looks to Fawn

"W-well, sir, first they called Asher useless and told him that they were sure that Lloyd was disappointed to have Asher as a son... Then they began to tease me about being a robot, well, a nindroid, and threw water on me to see if I would rust." After Fawn had said this, Lloyd and his wife, and Zane and his wife looked angrily at Mae, Amber, James and Russell

"What?! My little girl would never do something like that!!" Mae's mother screams from her spot beside her husband, while Mae does puppy-eyes at the principal

"Yes, and I doubt that my son would ever tell someone that!!" Russell's father yells, pointing at Russell

"Interesting... Well, I'm sorry to inform you of this, but this is not the first complaint we've had about these four children. But, everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. So, James, after Nixon, Phoenix and Eclipse stepped in, what happened?" Mr. Parkson asks

"Well, Phoenix started randomly yelling at us, Nixon started pushing us around, and then Fawn started telling us that we were stupid and a waste of life. Oh, and Mae and Amber where just asking how Eclipse's grandparents were doing, when she started flipping out at them!" James looks happily at the principal, that is, until Fawn yells at him

"That's not at all what happened!!" She screams

"Fawn, please, refrain from speaking until spoken to" The principal says

"Yes sir" Fawn looks to the ground

"But sir, she's telling the truth! Phoenix was telling them to back off, Russell and James were pushing Nixon around, they were teasing me about my Serpentine jeans and Fawn started yelling because they've been bullying everyone since kindergarten!" Eclipse stands up as she yells

"That is so not true!" Amber stands up as well

"Yes it is, you four are the liars!!" Asher stands up too. Soon all the children, and all the parents are standing and verbally fighting with each other.

Mr. Parkson sighs and shakes his head. He readies himself to yell again "Enough!! Sit down, all of you!!"

Everyone quiets down after hearing his loud and booming voice. They do what they're told and sit down again

"It looks like we are going to have to ask witnesses what happened, since I'm getting two completely different stories from you nine. Could you all name some student who were present during this fight, please." Mr. Parkson sits at his desk and gets out a pen and a notepad

The kids each name a few student. Then everyone is dismissed to sit in the office, so Mr. Parkson could ask the students who were named questions in private. He calls the students down to his office one at a time, and, soon, everyone who had been mentioned had been and left the office.

Mr. Parkson peaks his head out of his door and motions for them to come back inside of his office. They follow orders and sit in their original spots in his office.

"Well, before I tell any of you what the other student said, I would like to ask a few final questions" Mr. Parkson stops briefly, then begins again "Phoenix, I was told by every student that you were the one to tackle first. Is this true?" Mr. Parkson asks

"Yes, but-" Mr. Parkson cuts Phoenix off. Russell smirks, but hides it well

"No butts." Phoenix hangs his head

"Nixon, I was also told that James started the body contact by pushing you, could you please tell me what happened after that?" Mr. Parkson looks away from his notepad and looks to Nixon

"Yes, well, after that, Asher, Fawn, Phoenix, Eclipse and I began standing up for one another and they mocked us for that. We felt upset and angry, and, you already know that Phoenix tackled Russell. But then we all started fighting." Nixon answers his question quickly

"Alright," Mr. Parkson looks at his notepad and nods, he then asks "Mae, could you tell me what you said when you 'asked Eclipse how her grandparents were doing', please?"

"Gladly, so, I had just asked her what they'd been doing to keep busy down in the tombs, and if she'd seen them in a while, then she began to scream and yell at me for no reason!" Mae begins to fake cry. Eclipse glares angrily at Mae.

Mr. Parkson, still looking at his notepad, nods his head again "okay, Amber, please tell me if, and why you and Mae threw a bucket of water onto Fawn."

"What?! Sir, we absolutely did nothing of the sort! Where would we even get the water?" Amber giggles, almost nervously. Fawn looks down to her damp dress and then sneaks a glare at Amber

Mr. Parkson stands up and walks to the front of his desk again and points to Russell, Mae, Amber and James "do you four know that all of the student I called in here told me that they were afraid of you?" He asks.

He then turns to point at Eclipse, Nixon, Asher and Fawn "and do you five know that all of the student told me that they were glad some one, or in this case, many people, were finally standing up to these 'bullies'? They told me that they themselves had been bullied by, or witness someone get bullied by these four."

"Sir-" Asher begins to speak but Mr. Parkson holds his hand out to silence him

"Well, I must tell you all that Nixon, Eclipse, Asher, Phoenix, and Fawn's stories all matched up with what the student had told me. And that means that you four, were lying." He crosses his arms. The four hang their heads

"Now, this cannot go unpunished. Asher, Eclipse, Fawn, Phoenix and Nixon, you have one week of detention. Russell, James, Mae and Amber, you have six weeks of detention. I will see you five for the next week every recess in my office, and you four for the next six weeks in my office every recess." Mr. Parkson dismisses the kids to go home with their parents for the rest of the school day.

The ninja, their wives' and their children all pile onto the Ultra Dragon.

"You all know you're not off the hook at home, right?" Kai asks

"We figured as much..." Asher answers

"We will be discussing your punishment when we get home," Jay's wife informs them

"Okay..." Phoenix sighs.

~At Home: 3:00pm, the kids' parents have discussed their children's punishment.
Oh yeah, it's Wednesday in the book, just thought I'd let you know!~

The five children sit on the couch in the living room, waiting for their punishment

"Alright, we've decided that being grounded until Saturday should be enough of a punishment." Cole speaks first. The kids' nod

"We know that this won't be your last time getting detentions, and this wasn't as serious as it could have been, so three days should be enough," Lloyd's wife speaks next

"And I would like to make it clear that we are not angry with you" Zane's wife tells them. They all look up

"You're not?" Asher asks

"Absolutely not. You were sticking up for each other, and that's great!" Jay's wife exclaims

"But, you did get into a fight, and even if it wasn't all your guys' fault, you still took part in it" Kai's wife says

"And that means that you would need to be punished, which you will be; one week of detention and three days of grounding." Cole's wife adds

"Alright, do us think we can let them go yet?" Jay asks

"Yeah, go play outside." Lloyd tells them

"Okay!" They all shout and run outside.

Their punishment might not be terrible, but the punishment must fit the crime...

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