First Crushes!

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Thank you
Natalia415 and
For this request!

Also, your child is now 11 years old and in grade 6!


You've been noticing that Phoenix had been acting differently lately. He's been happier and less hot-headed... But neither you or Kai can figure out why...

Phoenix, however, doesn't notice that he's changed at all... But he has noticed that he feels weird around a girl at school... Her name is Shannon, but everyone calls her Shay for short. Phoenix thinks she's pretty and nice, but he denies having any sort of 'crush' on her.

-One day at school-

The bell rings, signalling the end of the school day. Phoenix walks to his locker. When he opens it a small, pink piece of paper fall out of it and onto the floor. He bends down and picks it up, reading it as he does:

Hey Phoenix,
I think you're cute...
I hope we can hangout sometime soon!

Phoenix smiles as he rereads the note over and over. He shoves his stuff into his bag and shuts his locker, doing all with the same little grin on his face.

When Phoenix turns around he catches Shay's eye, she smiles and winks at him, making his cheeks go pink.

She walks to his locker, since they've been walking together lately. When they get outside she smiles and says

"See you tomorrow Phoenix,"

"See you tomorrow Shay."

Phoenix holds the note tight and walks over to you and Kai

"Hey Phoenix, how was school?" You ask

"Good" he looks longingly at the school building. You notice the little pink blush on his cheeks and smile a little, wondering what happened.

Phoenix is quiet the whole ride home. He only looks out the window with a smile on his face.

You take his backpack and hop out of the Ultra Sonic Raider, that's what you'll pick Phoenix up in from time to time.

You turn around when you hear Kai speak

"What's this?" Kai snatches the note from Phoenix's hand

"No! Dad! Give it back!!" Phoenix jumps up and down, but Kai holds it high above his head and reads it out loud

"Phoenix, I think you're cute. I hope we can hangout sometime soon! Shay~." Kai smirks at his, now pouting son

"Aww, Phoenix, that's so cute~!" You sing, walking back over to your son and husband. His cheeks go bright red

"It looks like someone's got a crush!" Kai teases

"No I don't!" Phoenix screams. He snatches the note from the unsuspecting Kai, who just looks at Phoenix, who looks angry and embarrassed all at once.

He stomps into the monastery

"Good job Kai, now you've made him angry." you follow Phoenix inside

"What-?" Kai holds his arms out to the side, confused as to weather you are joking or not.


You and Zane had noticed that Fawn had been acting differently lately. She's been daydreaming and she's had her head in the clouds.

Fawn has a 'friend' at school, his name is Carson. They sit next to each other in Math and Literacy. Fawn thinks he's cute, but, much like her father in his younger years, she has no idea what her feelings mean. Because she's never 'liked' someone before...

-At School, Math Class-

Fawn and her class sit in Math class. Her teacher is giving a lesson on Algebra while the class takes notes.

Fawn feels a nudge on her arm and looks to Carson. She looks up from her notes and to him

"I was wondering if I could talk to you after school for a few minutes?" He asks quietly

"Um, alright, but it'll have to be quick, my parents will get worried about me," she whispers back

"Okay, I'll meet you by your locker,"

"Oka-" Fawn gets cut off by the teacher calling her name

"Fawn! You are supposed to be taking notes!" She yells, the class looks to Fawn. Fawn's cheeks go hot and tears sting at her eyes, she's never gotten into trouble for speaking during class before.

As Fawn opens her mouth to apologize, Carson speaks up

"I'm sorry, it was my fault. I was asking her what you'd said because you were speaking kinda quickly and I couldn't copy notes fast enough. So, I'm sorry." The teacher look back from Carson to Fawn

"Alright Carson, but next time, ask me to repeat myself instead of interrupting Fawn" The teacher turns back to the black board. Fawn whispers a quick 'thank you' and Carson smiles in response.

At the end of the day, Fawn rushes to her locker and grabs her bag quickly, shoving her things into it. She closes her locker and Carson walks to her

"Hey Fawn" he calls

"Hi Carson" Fawn smiles "what did you want to talk to me about?" As she speaks they begin to walk out of the school building together

"Um... I wanted to ask you if you could maybe, tutor me in Math. I'm falling behind and you're really good at it." He looks to the ground shyly

"I'd love to help you with Math!" Fawn smiles and he looks back to her, also smiling

"Thanks, we'll have to pick a night to study together!" He exclaims

"Alright" Fawn nods. She turns when she hears your voice

"Fawn!" You call and wave her over to Zane and yourself

"I'll see you tomorrow!" She calls to Carson as she walks over to you

"See you!" He waves, walking towards his parents.

Once you're all in the Ultra Sonic Raider, Zane asks

"Who was that, Fawn?"

"Oh, just a friend from school," she answers

"Just a friend?" You question

"{sigh} yes mom, just a friend. He wanted to ask me if I could tutor him in Math... So, can I?" She asks. You and Zane look to each other

"I don't see any problem with that..." Zane answers

Fawn whispers a small "yes" and smiles happily the whole ride home.


Asher and this girl at school had become really good friends. Her name is Raven. Everyone at school teases them about being so close, the kids at school think their dating.

You and Lloyd had asked him about her in the past, but he denies having any feelings towards her and insists that most girls are weird and annoying.

-At School, Lunch-

Asher sits at a table in the cafeteria with his friends and cousins. Raven approaches the table and sits down beside Asher

"Hey Ash," that's her nickname for him

"Hi Raven" he smiles happily. Most people at the table smirk and breathe an 'ohhh' to Asher and Raven.

Raven giggles and blushes, Asher, however, tries to hide his blush. He still insists that he doesn't like Raven, but people, mainly you and Lloyd, can tell that his feelings for her had been growing lately.

Asher and Raven enjoy their lunch and plan to meet by her locker after school.

Asher sits in his last class of the day; Science. He feels his desk partner poke him. Asher looks up from his work and sees his desk partner smirking. He holds a small mint green piece of paper out to Asher.

Asher takes it and opens it slowly. He reads it quickly

Raven likes you!

Asher shook his head. Raven wasn't even in this class, this was probably just some stupid prank.

Asher shoved the note into his jeans pocket and went back to his worksheet.

Asher quickly grabs his bag from his locker and meets Raven at her locker

"Hey Raven, ready to go?" He asks as she closes her locker

"Yep!" She smiles happily and throws her bag over her shoulder. Some kids smirk, snicker or giggle as they walk down the hall. Asher tries to ignore his hot, probably red cheeks and continues walking.

They get outside and Raven speaks first

"I'll see you tomorrow Ash!" She says, beginning to walk to her parents

"See you tomorrow Raven!" Asher smiles, his cheeks still red. He walks to you and Lloyd

"Asher, your cheeks are red" Lloyd smirks and pokes Asher's cheek. His cheeks go an even darker shade of red at Lloyd's teasing. Asher pouts all the way home. You're all in front of the monastery when you can't hold your tongue any longer

"My baby's got a crush~!" You sing happily

"No I don't! Mom, you know I think that girls are weird!" He yells

"C'mon Asher, you can't think all girls are weird. You hang out with Raven to often for you to think she's weird," Lloyd smiles

"You know we're only friends!" And with that he disappears into the monastery

"That's what I used to say about you." Lloyd says

"He's so got a crush." you cross your arms and follow Lloyd and Asher inside.


Eclipse had been hanging out with this boy at school a lot lately. His name is Gavin, they've become good friends since Gavin found out that Eclipse is not a normal, girly girl.

Cole thinks that this boy could get Eclipse into trouble, but you think that she'll be fine and that he's a nice boy. Eclipse had been getting butterflies whenever he was around, but she told herself she didn't have any feeling for him.

-At School, Gym Class-

Eclipse and Gavin are in the same gym class, and they're both very competitive. Actually, everyone in their gym class is competitive, which makes for a very fun game of dodgeball...

So, the class was split into two teams to play dodgeball. Eclipse's gym class takes dodgeball extremely seriously, meaning that whoever wins, is the better team. The teams are pretty even. Gavin and Eclipse are on opposite teams, that doesn't happen often. Eclipse is the leader of her team.

She calls her team to huddle and they do. They discuss their strategy and then get into a line on the wall.

"Ready... Set... Go!" The teacher demands. The two teams run for the balls.

Eclipse grabs a ball and tries to hit Gavin, he dodges it and throws his ball at Eclipse, she dodges too

"Don't think you can get me down that easily!" She laughs, picking up another ball

"I wouldn't expect you to go down easily!" He smiles. She throws her ball at him and he ducks "you should know that I don't go down that easily either!"

"Oh trust me, I know" she laughs

"Eclipse, stop flirting and help me!" Her friend says. Eclipse blushes at the word 'flirting'. Eclipse's friend throws her a ball and counts to three. On three they both throw their balls at a girl on the other team. She can't dodge them both and gets hit by Eclipse's ball.

"Eclipse, watch out!" A boy on her team yells. She looks over and sees Gavin throwing a ball at her. The ball flys towards her and she quickly puts her arms out to catch it. She does, and Gavin's out

"Good throw Gav!" She laughs as he walks to the side to stand with everyone else who's gotten out.

At the end of the day Gavin meets Eclipse at her locker

"I can't believe you beat me," Gavin jokes

"Well, you got your butt kicked by a girl!" She jokes back

"Yeah, yeah..." he smiles. They walk out of the building.

Her friend quickly runs up to her and she whispers into Eclipse's ear "you two are so cute together!" She then runs away. Eclipse immediately blushes

"Eclipse, you're getting pink, what'd she say?" Gavin asks

"Oh, um... Nothing..." she looks to the ground

"Alright. Well, I'll see you tomorrow!" He waves

"Bye Gavin!" She waves back and walks to you and Cole

"I don't like him..." Cole says, narrowing his eyes at Gavin

"I don't understand why you care who I hangout with, and he's not a bad guy." she says as you climb into the Ultra Sonic Raider

"It's because he's a guy that I don't like him" Cole begins to drive

"Cole, calm down, if Eclipse says he's not a bad guy, I believe her, and you should too" you say

"I do believe her, I just don't trust him..." You arrive at the monastery

"Dad, don't worry about me." Eclipse says, hopping onto the grass

Cole just sighs and walk with you inside.


Nixon had been getting pretty close with this girl at school, her name is Ivy. He doesn't know if he 'likes' her or not, but he'd decided not to tell you and Jay. Mostly because he thinks that Jay will tease him about it, and he's not wrong, he probably would.

You and Jay have been noticing that they've been spending a lot of time together. They have three classes together: Math, Science and History, he told you that they eat lunch together, and when you pick him up they walk together...

-At School, History Class-

Nixon and Ivy sit in their least favourite class of the day and listen to the teacher go on and on about the history of Ninjago.

Ivy gets out a piece of paper and writes something on it. She then shows what she wrote to Nixon

I'm soooo bored

Nixon gets out a pen and writes back:

Me too, I don't like History at all

She writes back:

Me either, sometimes I wish we didn't have to take history

He looks up to see her looking at the board, he then writes back

That would be awesome

She looks to the notepad and as she looks down to write something Nixon looks up and sees the teacher walking towards them. Nixon quickly grabs the notepad and shoves it in his desk

"Writing notes, were we?" The teacher questions. The whole class looks to Ivy and Nixon

"No mam" Ivy answers quickly

"That's funny, because I could have sworn that I saw you two writing notes back here?"

"Well, you shouldn't swear, you're a teacher and swearing isn't good." Nixon smiles. Ivy and the others laugh

"{sigh}, may I see your notepad please, Nixon" Nixon gulps and nervously hands the notepad over to the teacher. She reads the notes, then says "I would like to see both of you after class."

She walks to the front of the room and continues teaching the lesson. After class Ivy and Nixon stay and talk to the teacher.

They then go to lunch. They sit with their friends

"I can't believe we got caught!" Ivy laughs

"I know! We're usually sneakier then that!" Nixon laughs back

"Well, at least she didn't call our parents," Ivy begins eating her sandwich

"Yeah," Nixon didn't think his parents would care, but they would ask a lot of questions and his dad would definitely tease him about this.

The lunch bell rings and Nixon goes to his second last class of the day: Art.

During art he gets a note passed to him. He opens it and reads it quickly

We know you and Ivy have "A thing", but enough with the PDA, we totally saw you two kissing yesterday!

That never happened! He crumples the note up and chucks it into the garbage bin. He then glares at a group of laughing boys.

Nixon doesn't really care that he's being teased, but he hopes that no one's teasing Ivy.

The bell signalling the end of the day rings and Nixon grabs his things from his locker. He then meets Ivy at her locker.

"Ready to go Nixon?" She asks

"Yep, lets go!" He smiles

As they walk down the hall someone throws a paper ball at the back of Nixon's head. He turns and glares at the same boys who gave him that stupid note in Art class.

They walk out of the building and wave goodbye

"See you later Nixon!"

"See you Ivy!"

Nixon walks to you and Jay. You get home quickly, only then does Jay ask

"So, is that the girl you like?"

"Dad, I told you, I don't like her, we're just friends" Nixon explains for the thousandth time

"You know, I was once 'just friends' with your dad," you smile and hug Jay

Nixon glares at you

"Yeah, well... I don't like her like that!" He turns and walks into the monastery

"He so likes her" Jay laughs. You laugh and nod.

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