When Your Child Hurts You With Their Powers

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Hey guys! Super sorry for not updating!
I am taking requests again, so if anyone's got requests, I'd be happy to hear them!
Thank you Zoey-Julien-Nindroid for this request!

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia Out!!


You and Kai had been trying to teach Phoenix how to control his powers for a while now. He's gotten pretty good at it, but still has trouble when he's angry.

You sit in the living room reading (favourite book/comic). You hear a scream of frustration and a few doors slam... Maybe leaving your hot-headed husband, and equally hot-headed son in a room together, while one is trying to teach the other, was not such a good idea...

In a matter of minutes Kai is storming into the living room, practically steaming. He plops himself on the couch beside you and you set your book down

"What was that all about Kai?" You ask your red-faced husband

"Phoenix is refusing to let me teach him how to punch properly." Kai narrows his eyes at the wall, almost as if he's imagining Phoenix standing there

"That's hardly something for you two to get angry about." you stand up and begin walking out of the room, stopping when you hear Kai's voice

"Uh, Y/N, where are you going?" He asks, more nervous then angry

"I'm going to talk to Phoenix," you answer and begin to walk again

"Uh, Y/N," Kai jumps up and catches your arm, you turn to him "I don't think that's a good idea, he seemed pretty mad..." Kai trails off

"Kai, your being ridiculous!" You shake his arm off and march into Phoenix's room. All of the lights are off and you can see the faint outline of your son sitting in the corner.

You flick the lights on

"Mom! What are you doing?!" He asks angrily

"I came to see if you're okay," you slowly make your way over to your son

"I'm fine, mom... I just got into a fight with dad..." He looks away from you

"I heard... You know, having him want to teach you something is not anything to get angry about, Phoenix," in an instant his eyes are back on you, an angry look in them

"So you're on his side?! I knew it!!" He screams

"Phoenix! Calm down!!" As he stands, you back away slowly

"No, mom!! How could you?! I can punch just fine!!!" His hands burst into flames

"Phoenix!" You screech. The flames on his hands drip onto the ground, extinguishing on contact "please, calm down!!!"

"Stop telling me to calm down!!" His body spontaneously bursts into flames.

One of the bright flames hits you, burning your arm. You fall to the floor, holding your arm in pain.

Kai, hearing the screaming, rushes into the room. By now, Phoenix has realized what he's done and is panicking

"Dad, what do I do?!" He screams

"Phoenix, you have to calm down! This won't go away until you do!!" He screams, walking towards Phoenix

"No, I don't want to hurt you!" Phoenix steps back, dripping fire onto your stomach

"Ah!!" You scream. This wasn't going to create scars, but it sure hurt.

"Mom!! I'm so sorry..." He backs up and Kai catches him (Kai's element is fire too, so this wouldn't hurt him.)

"Phoenix, calm down..." Kai doesn't scream or yell, instead he says this soothingly. Phoenix begins to cry as he sees you struggling to keep your consciousness on the floor

Your vision begins to go black "Mom!! Mom I'm sorry!!" You hear Phoenix's desperate cries as you pass out...


Zane had been doing well at teaching Fawn how to control her powers, but there's one emotion that makes her powers unpredictable; fear.

When Fawn gets frightened her powers take over her body.

You and Fawn are sitting in the lawn, meditating. I know, a child who enjoys meditating, weird. But, any way, you did this together often. Fawn said that it helped her feel stronger and not as afraid.

You only open your eyes when you hear Fawn jump up and start running around. You see her chasing a light pink butterfly, the flying creature sends shivers down your spine.

You stand up and feel a hand on your shoulder, you look over and see Zane watching happily as Fawn chases the butterfly.

You're still watching, when Fawn suddenly chases the butterfly into the forest

"Fawn!" You scream her name and both you and Zane run after her. You follow her until you can't see the monastery anymore.

She stops when the butterfly disappears

"Where'd it go..?" Small pants come out of Fawns mouth as she looks around; she can't see you or Zane, and you can't see her.

You hear rustling in the bushes and a girls voice calls out in panic "mom?! Dad?!"

"Fawn!!" You follow her voice and pick her up as soon as you see her.

You hug her close. That's when you hear that unnatural voice that you know oh-to-well

"Aw, how adorable," General Cryptor steps out of the shadows, letting out a cackle as he does

"What do you want, Cryptor?" Zane shouts, pushing you and Fawn back

"I-" before he can speak, Fawn turns ice cold in your arms. You scream and she jumps out of your arms

"I'm sorry..." she whispers, then continuing to clutch her head and double over in pain

"Fawn...?" You soon realize that she must be afraid, causing her powers to act up. You try to touch her, but when you do, she's freezing

"Y/N, what's wrong with Fawn?!" Zane asks as Cryptor charges at him

"She's afraid!!" You scream and stand up. You hear the sound of metal clashing and make a choice; your pain for her safety.

You scoop her up in your arms and begin running down the path that you got there by

"Mom!! What are you doing?!" Fawn panics

"Getting you to safety!!" You answer simply

"No, put my down!! I-I don't want to hurt you!!" You see tears in her eyes, but ignore her request and continue running.

She continues to get colder. What could she be afraid of now?

"Mom!! Put me down!!!" You hear panic in her voice

"No! Fawn, we're almost there!!" Yo get those words out, but no more before she pushes herself out of your arms, landing on the ground and rolling a few times. She begins screaming, holding her head.

You begin walking to her, but she holds her hand out to you

"Fawn, what is fearing you?" You ask slowly

"Hurting you..." she whispers, and then, out of the blue, two ice sickles fly out of her hand. The first grazes your cheek, the second plants itself in your left thigh

"Ah!!" You fall you the ground in pain.

"Mom!" Fawn looks at you in horror

Zane begins running down the path



Your vision goes completely black before he reaches you...


Teaching Asher to control his powers hasn't been easy. He, like his father, has a lot of power, meaning that it'll be very hard for him to control them.

You are sitting on the floor in the training room watching Lloyd try to teach Asher to pick things up with his powers. So far he's dropped everything that he's tried to pick up...

Asher concentrates on the book sitting in front of him. He makes a green ball of power and shoots it towards the book, encasing the book in a green energy ball. It begins to lift... And then it drops to the ground

"Ugh! I can't do it!!" He screams

"Aw, c'mon Asher, you were doing well," you try to encourage him. You stand up and place a hand on his shoulder

"No I wasn't!" He hits your hand away

"Asher! Don't hit your mother!" Lloyd walks over angrily. Asher cowers

"I'm sorry mom..." he whispers

"It's alright Asher." You pat his head and look at Lloyd "you are being kinda hard on him. Don't you think?"

A surprised look appears on Lloyd's face

"No, he has to learn to control his powers some day!" Lloyd shouts

"Well... Let me try to teach him," you smile. Lloyd, once again, looks surprised

"Yeah, let mom teach me for today!" Asher exclaims happily. You've never tried to teach Asher before, but there's a first time for everything!

"Fine, you can try..." Lloyd turns and walks to sit by the door of the room.

You decide to teach Asher how to control his powers during combat

"Alright, try and hit the dummy on its head," you tell him, he nods and readies himself. He points his hands at the dummy and shoots his power. The force causes him to fly back and hit the wall

"Asher!" You run over to him. Lloyd quickly makes his way over as well.

Asher groans as you touch his head

"Asher, wake up!!" You begin panicking and almost crying

"Mom.... Dad..." he whispers as his eyes begin to open

"Thank goodness your alright!" You hug him tightly

"Y/N, give the kid some room to breathe," Lloyd pulls you away from Asher and he coughs a bit "do you feel alright?" Lloyd asks

"Nigh... Not really..." he looks like he's thinking "did I hit the dummy on its head?" He asks

You turn around and look, only to see a big green mark in the middle of the dummy's head. You and Lloyd both smile

"Your hit was exactly on target," Lloyd tells him. With this the boy's eyes shoot open and he fills with energy

"I did it!!" He jumps up and begins running around the room "I hit my target!!" He screams and punches the dummy a couple of times "take that!!.... And that!!!...."

All of a sudden green energy begins shooting out of his hands in bursts, going in unpredictable directions

"Asher!" Lloyd immediately jumps up

"Dad, how do I make it stop!?!" Asher begins panicking

"Asher, calm down! Panicking is only going to make it worse!" Lloyd shouts, you stand up. Asher looks at the room; things are knocked over, thrown about, or destroyed.

His panic grows stronger. One of his energy strikes hits just above your head, the other hitting directly between your eyes

"Ah!!" You scream and fall to the ground, clutching your head in pain

"Y/N!" Lloyd looks at you

"Mom!" Asher's panic turns into sadness, his powers stop immediately and he runs to your body. Lloyd crouches beside the sobbing Asher as your vision begins to be spotted with black

"Mom... I'm so sorry..." he sobs. As you reach out to take his hand your whole body goes limp and your vision goes completely black...


Eclipse is very good at controlling her powers, probably the best out of the five children. But, she's not so great as controlling her emotions, thus making her powers unpredictable at times.

Eclipse, like her father, doesn't get upset or sad often, but when she does her body will create a wall around her, and no matter what she does, she can't make it stop. The wall will go away once she's calmed down, but not until then. You and Cole assume that that's her body's way of protecting her from whatever's making her sad.

You're sitting outside one day, waiting for Eclipse to get off of the bus. You see the bus pull up, the other four kids get off, with Eclipse getting off last. She looks beyond angry.

The other four walk happily into the monastery, waving and saying hi to you when they pass you. You walk to your stomping daughter

"Eclipse, what's wrong?" You ask

"Nothing, I just had a bad day..." She avoids eye contact. You decide to let her be alone for a while.

You walk into the monastery and Cole asks her the same question you did, he gets the same answer.

He watches her go into her room

"What's up with her?" He asks

"I have no idea, she's told me the same thing she told you." You answer.

You and Cole go and watch (favourite movie), killing a few hours. You think about Eclipse, and then stand up

"Where are you going Y/N?" Cole asks

"To see Eclipse," you answer blandly.

You walk to her room and knock on the door

"Eclipse, its me," you whisper through the door

"Come in," you hear her voice and push the door open, walking into the dark room and closing the door behind you.

You turn on the light and see Eclipse sitting on her bed crosslegged. She stares at the ground in front of her

You sigh "What happened?" You sit beside her

"... Kids were teasing me about... you-know-what..." she almost seems afraid to say it

"About being part Serpentine?" You ask, she nods silently "Eclipse... I wish I could tell you that there's someway to hid it... But there isn't... I know kids are mean... It'll get better..." you wrap your arm around her shoulders and hug her

"So... So I'm gonna have to live with this constant teasing until the kids at school become more mature?!" You feel her body start to tremble

"Not everyone teases you, so not necessarily..." you try to be reassuring, but there isn't much to say at a moment like this. She begins crying uncontrollably. You begin to worry about her powers acting up

"Mom! Get away!!" She pushes you away from her body just as a wall of tall rocks begin to rise from the ground

"Cole!!" You scream for your husband. He comes running at the sound of your panicked voice.

"Eclipse, calm down! Deep breaths!!" He shouts. She begins to breathe more deeply, only making the walls grow higher

"It's not working!!" She screams. You take a few steps towards her "No, mom! I don't want to hurt you!!" She screams at you, holding her hand out as well.

You feel pain in your left leg and look down to see a big gash in your leg and a sharp rock on the ground. You fall to the ground and Eclipse's voice starts to sound very distant.

Cole and Eclipse scream for you as you loose consciousness...


Nixon has been doing just fine with controlling his powers, they rarely get out of hand. But, when they do, watch out...

When he can't control his powers the monastery usually looses power for a day or so, Nixon electrocutes himself or an object of some sort, and things get destroyed. No one can detect why his powers act up when they do though, it seems to just happen randomly...

Jay and Nixon are in Jay's workshop while you fold laundry in the living room. You've heard a few screams come from the workshop, but they're usually followed by laughing.

You stop folding immediately when Jay calls you

"Y/N, come here!!" You begin to panic and run into the workshop, only to find Jay and Nixon standing in front of something that's covered by a tarp

"Jay! I thought one of you was seriously hurt!" You shout

"Oh... Sorry honey... But we've got something to show you!" He exclaims and smiles

You cross your arms "what is it?"

"Well..." Nixon smiles and pulls the tarp off of the human-sized robot. Its a ninja robot modelled after Nixon, like the one Jay's parents made for him, but smaller "what do you think?" Nixon asks

"You two made this...?" You stare in awe

"Yeah, pretty good eh?" Jay smiles in satisfaction

"It's amazing!" You exclaim. They proceed to tell you how they built it and what they used. They then roll the robot outside and set up targets for it to try and hit.

You watch from a safe distance as the robot knocks down one dummy after the other, only for Jay and Nixon to set them up again.

You watch that for a while, then go inside to help with dinner. Once dinner is ready, the boys bring their creation inside and leave it in Jay's office.

Nixon runs off after dinner, no one seemed to think that was suspicious, so no one investigated.

You and Jay sit in the living room with the others and talk about (important recent event).

Suddenly, somebody screams from Jay's workshop

"Nixon!" You get up and run to him, Jay following closely behind. You get to the workshop and Nixon is looking, in horror, at the destroyed robot

"Nixon, what happened?!" Jay panics

"D-dad?!" Nixon whips around to look at you and Jay "I-I wanted to test out the robot more, but my powers went out of control again and it blew up..." he looks more guilty the ever before

"Nixon-" you begin to speak, but Jay cuts you off

"I don't care about the robot, we can make another one, all I care about is that your safe." Jay walks to hug Nixon, but Nixon stops him

"Dad, don't, my powers still haven't settled down," he slinks back into the wall. He begins to shake, he screams, almost like he's in pain

"Nixon, what's wrong?!?" You panic and try to get to him

"Mom, please no!!" He begins to cry. Jay holds you back

"Jay! Let me go!!" You scream

"No, Y/N, he could electrocute you," Jay tells you. You watch in horror as your son drops to the ground and screams. You feel like crying.

You get out of Jay's grip and run to Nixon, but as soon as your hand come into contact with his body, a horrible shock throws you back into the wall

"Mom!" Nixon looks to you, still crying


Nixon finally stops shaking. You begin to get really dizzy and hold your head. You close your eyes and feel your body go limp and pass out...

So, these all ended with cliffhangers. Do you guys want a part two? Or nah?
Sorry, I had to do that!
But seriously, part two?


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