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So, your child is now about 2 years old! I hope you're enjoying this book so far!

~Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!



It's a peaceful night in the monastery. You and Kai had an easy time getting Phoenix to sleep and then fell asleep yourselves. You only wake up when you hear screaming coming from Phoenix's room

You and Kai race down the stairs and into Phoenix's room

"Phoenix, are you okay?!" Kai screams as you take the crying child out of his bed

"What happened?" You ask quietly

"{sniffle} I-I had a dream that Slender Man was chasing through the forest" he says and looks up to you with big, sleepy eyes

"It's okay, Slender Man isn't real" you rock him back and forth

"Why were you playing Slender Man in the first place? I thought I told you not to" Kai says, looking at Phoenix

"Uncle Jay let me play while you weren't home" he yawns

"What?! Jay!!" Kai stomps out of the room and up the stairs, into Jay's room. After hearing screams, probably from Jay, you turn to Phoenix

"Do you wanna sleep with us tonight?" You ask

"Yes mommy..." he drifts to sleep as you carry him to bed. Kai comes in and gets in bed beside you and Phoenix.


You and Zane sleep in complete silence, so quiet you could hear a pin drop. You wake up when you feel a small tug on the blanket. You open your eyes and see Fawn crying and looking to you

"What happened honey?" You ask the small, crying child

"I.. I had a nightmare mommy{sniffle}" she says and looks to you

"Well, just try and forget about it, it's just a dream" you say and Zane turns over, hugging around your stomach

"Why don't you sleep with us tonight" he suggests

"Really daddy?..." She looks to him wide-eyed

"Really honey, crawl in" he lifts up the blankets and she crawls in and lays down in front of you

"Goodnight my loves".


You and Lloyd sleep in peace most nights, not disturbed by anything. Tonight is not one of those nights. You wake up in the night and get thirsty. You quietly get out of bed, walk down the stairs and into the kitchen.

As you reach for the glass you hear screaming come from Asher's room. You immediately begin running to him, leaving the glass to fall to the floor.

When you enter the room the lights are on and Lloyd is cradling the dark haired child

"What happened Asher?" You ask, hearing your voice, Lloyd turns

"I.. I had a horrible d-dream m-mommy" he opens his eyes, witch are full of tears

"It was just a dream son, it's not real" Lloyd comforts

"You can sleep with us tonight if it'll help you feel better" you say

"Thank you mommy{yawn}" Asher begins to fall asleep as you and Lloyd walk back to your room. You all get into bed and fall asleep.


Eclipse slept in her crib in your room when she was a baby, but now that she's 2 she has her own bed in her own room.

You wake up when you hear crying coming from Eclipse's room. You and Cole both get up and make your way to her room, where you find Eclipse sitting in the corner of her room, crying

"Eclipse, what's wrong?" You ask

"I-I'm scared mommy... I keep seeing things in the shadows" she cries

"There's nothing in here to be afraid of honey" you stroke her hair as Cole turns the lights on

"See, it's the same as when the lights are on" he flicks the lights off and she screams, clinging onto your chest

"Hey, tell you what, if you promise to he to sleep, you can come to bed with us" Cole says and crouches down beside you

"O.. okay daddy" she says and you pick her up. You lay her down and lay down beside her, Cole laying beside you.


Nixon was never hard to put to sleep and he rarely got up during the night. Something was different about tonight.

You wake up when you hear the small voice of your son

"Daddy?... Daddy..?... Daddy?!..." He pokes Jay and calls his name. Jay finally wakes up and jumps out of bed, crouching beside the small boy

"What happened buddy?"

"I can't sleep..."

"Do you know what my parents used to give me when I couldn't sleep at night?"

"No. What?"

"Come here, I'll show you"

They walk out of the room and you quietly follow them into the kitchen. You see Jay give Nixon warm milk. He drinks it and smiles at Jay

"Aww, such a good dad" you smile and hug Jay

"{yawn} I'm tired daddy" Nixon lets out a big yawn

"Let's go to bed" you carry Nixon to bed with you and Jay.

A/N: Don't worry about Nixon, Jay didn't drug his milk. Warm milk just helps people feel tired.

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