When Your Children Meet

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Short, Important A/N:
The five children will refer to Jay, Kai, Cole, Zane and Lloyd as their 'uncles' even though their not actually related. Of course the child will call whatever guy is his or her father 'dad', but the other four will be 'uncle'. I guess all the children will consider each other cousins then, although their not actually related.

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas


The five kids have been living in the same house for a while now, but have never really met each other. The guys' and their wives' think that it's about time that everyone met.

All five kids' walk into the living room with their parents'

"Phoenix, meet Eclipse, Nixon, Asher and Fawn"

"Fawn, meet Asher, Eclipse, Nixon and Phoenix"

"Nixon, meet Asher, Fawn, Phoenix and Eclipse"

"Eclipse, meet Asher, Fawn, Nixon and Phoenix"

"And Asher, meet Fawn, Nixon, Eclipse and Phoenix"

They, being the curious children they are, run into a group in the middle of the room

"Whoa, your eye is awesome!" Phoenix points at Fawn's bright blue eye

"Thank you Phoenix" Fawn tucks some of her hair behind her ear

"Yours too Eclipse!" Asher smiles at her

"Thank you" She smiles back

"And your blue hair!" Nixon adds

"Your parents let you get it dyed?" Fawn asks

"Uh, no, I was actually born with it" Eclipse looks down

"Awesome!" The other four exclaim in unison. After that the boys discussion and the girls discussion separate

"Wow" Fawn says

"What?" Eclipse asks

"Nixon and Phoenix look a lot like their dads'" Fawn answers and looks at them

"They really do... Who does Asher look like? I mean, he looks like his dad, other then his hair" Eclipse questions

"I've heard my dad say that he looks like his grandfather, who Uncle Lloyd also looks like, other then his hair" Fawn answers, looking around at the boys, then looking back at Eclipse

"I didn't think Nindroids could have coloured eyes?" Eclipse looks at Fawns eye, she looks to the ground

"Ya, nobody knows why my eye is blue... My parents say it makes me special" Fawn sighs

"I've heard that before" Eclipse sighs back

"So, you understand how I feel?!" Fawn looks to Eclipse with big eyes

"Yeah, I really do" Eclipse smiles at the blonde other

"Yay! Finally someone who understands!" Fawn hugs Eclipse. Eclipse smiles and hugs back

"Finally" Eclipse says.

-Boy's conservation-

"Have you guys figured out your powers yet?" Phoenix asks the other two

"We've got powers?!" Nixon asks, obviously excited

"Yeah, my dad told me that it's likely that all five of us got elemental powers" Phoenix answers

"I heard my dad talking about our possible 'elemental powers' with our uncles..." Asher trails off

"Awesome! I want powers!" Nixon jumps up and down

"It would be fun" Asher smiles

"I can't wait to see if we actually do have powers" Phoenix sighs

-Adults' Conversation-

"Looks like the kids are getting along" Cole's wife says

"I'm glad, they are going to have to live together, after all" Kai's wife adds

"I hope their always this nice to each other" Jay's wife fantasies

"The odds of them always getting along are quite small" Zane's wife figures out the exact numbers in her head

"We know Y/N, but it's called hope" Lloyd's wife sighs

"Do you think they'll fight?" Jay asks

"It is more then likely" Zane answers

"All kids fight" Kai's wife adds

"Yeah, but if they do all have elemental powers, someone could end up getting really hurt" Lloyd says

"He does have a point" Jay's wife agrees

"And what'll they do for school?" Cole asks

"They'll just have to learn how to control their elements" Lloyd's wife shrugs

"So our children have super powers {sigh} great" Cole's wife sighs

"We don't know if they have powers yet" Kai tells them

"But it is most likely that they will have powers" Zane says. They begin to worry about their children having powers. Will it be a good thing, or a bad thing?

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