Time With Grandpa/Sensei Wu: All Nighter

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Thank you Demigod_399 for this request.

The picture above was drawn by the AMAZING artist; ninjagofanfic101! Thank you for drawing this! If you like this picture, go check out her book: MY EPIC NINJAGO PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!
⬆️Yep, the title has that many exclamation marks... That's how epic it is!!😋

I'm sorry for not updating a lot, school is back in where I live, and it's difficult to get used to all of the homework/studying/tests/ect again. But I hope to be able to update more often soon!

I think the next chapter(s) will be special, as an apology for not updating much lately.

Also, people are wanting me to do Asher, Phoenix & Nixon X Reader, so I thought "I could just make a new book if that's what people want." Well, would you guys like that? Please let me know in the comments!

And, just so you know, the kids will be playing manhunt. There are many ways to play manhunt, but the kids will be playing the way that my friends and I play: in the dark, at night, with flashlights and teams.

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia Out!!

All of the ninja and their wives' have gone away from the monastery for the night, leaving their children with Sensei Wu.

It's 8:30pm, and it's just gotten dark outside of the monastery

"C'mon guys, let's go!" Eclipse calls as she, and Fawn, run out the front doors of the monastery

"Woo!" Nixon is next out the door and onto the front lawn, Phoenix and Asher follow close behind. Sesnei Wu walks out and the kids stand in a line

"You all have flashlights, correct?" He asks

"Yes, Grandpa." They flash their flashlights in sync

"Good, I will expect you all back here at 10:30, no later, do you understand?"

"Yes, Grandpa." They nod

"Good." He smiles "Go and have fun." And with that, all five kids take off running to the back yard

"What are we going to play?" Fawn asks

"Hmm, what about manhunt?" Phoenix asks

"Let's do it!" Nixon exclaims

"Boundaries: you have to stay within sight of the monastery." Sensei had already told them that was a rule, there was no arguing it. Everyone nods.

"Okay, so it's girls against boys. Who's it first?" Asher asks

"We will be!" Fawn exclaims happily

"Alright, go and face the wall and count to 100." Phoenix points to the wall of the monastery. Fawn and Eclipse walk to the wall, face it and cover their faces' with their hands'

They hear the guys run into the forest as they begin to count.

"98...99...100! Ready or not here we come!" Fawn and Eclipse speak in sync

"Where do we check first?" Eclipse asks

"It would probably be the most efficient to check around the monastery first." Fawn answers, Eclipse nods

"Circle around." They each take off away from each other, circling around the monastery and meeting in front again

"Find anyone?" Eclipse asks

"Nope." By the lack of companion with Eclipse, Fawn can tell that she didn't find anyone either

"Next, the forest." And that's where they head.


"If the girls find us, we split. Then we regroup after we've lost them." Phoenix says

"Sounds like a plan. Nixon, can you still see the monastery?" Asher looks to Nixon, who shines his flashlight back the way they came

"Yep, easy." They're only using one flashlight for now, as to not draw as much attention to themselves. The girl must tag a boy before he is caught, but it's still best to try and stay hidden.

"There they are!" They hear Fawns voice from not far behind them

"Run!" The boys all turn their flashlights on and run in different directions. Phoenix runs back towards the monastery, Asher runs along the tree line of the monastery, and Nixon runs deeper into the forest.

Fawn turns to follow Phoenix, and Eclipse runs after Asher.

"C'mon Fawn, you can run faster than that!" Phoenix taunts, turning his head for a second to see that she's only a few steps from catching him

"I caught you!" She begins to giggle as her hand lightly touches Phoenix's shoulder. They stop running and he turns to her

"I can't believe it." He smiles "you really are fast."


"Let's go find the others."


They take off down the trail Fawn was just chasing Phoenix down.


"I'm gonna catch you!" Eclipse smiles and thrusts her hand out in front of her, just missing the fabric of Asher's shirt

"No you aren't!" He calls, not turning back because he knows that would just slow him down

"Yes I a-!!" Eclipse's foot catches on a branch and sends her flying into the back of Asher, ending with them both on the ground

"Eclipse, you okay?" Asher asks, shining his light at the girl on top of him

"Y-yeah. I'm fine." She quickly jumps up, helping him up as well

"Well, I guess you caught me." Eclipse can just see the outline of Asher's smile without shining her flashlight at him

"Yeah, let's go find the others." Eclipse turns and begins walking down the path, Asher follows behind.


"We found you Nixon!" Fawn calls, she and Phoenix are chasing him on the left side, while Asher and Eclipse are close behind him on the right

"Give up, you can't run forever!" Asher calls.

All of the kids' flashlights are illuminating anything and everything as they run

"Ahh!!" Nixon screams as his four cousins tackle him to the ground

"Dog pile!" Fawn laughs from her spot on top of the pile. The others laugh from under her.

"It's our turn to hide!" Eclipse calls as they get off of Nixon

"What time is it Fawn?" Phoenix asks

"Umm, it's 9:30." She answers

"So we've got time for another game." Nixon let's out a loud cheer at Asher's words.


The boys turn towards the wall and cover their faces with their hands.

"1...2...3..." Fawn and Eclipse take off into the forest as fast as their legs will carry them.

After going in so far that they can just see the monastery, they stop

"They're going to be finished counting soon, what's our plan?" Fan asks

"We should climb a tree, they won't find us up there." As Eclipse stops speaking, they hear the boys yelling from the monastery

"Ready or not, here we come!!"

"Go!" Fawn is the first one up the tree, Eclipse following just in time. The girls turn their flashings off and wait

They're a good distance up the tree when the three boys appear under them

"I thought you said you heard them?" Phoenix questions

"I did, they must be hiding..." Asher says, they begin looking around

Fawn quietly snaps a twig off of the side of the tree, she throws it to the left of the tree they're in

"Over there!" Nixon calls, they quickly rush over to where Fawn threw the branch. Eclipse breaks off another one and throws it deeper into the forest, again, the boys follow the sound.

When the boys are far enough away, the girls drop out of the tree

"Where should we go?" Eclipse asks quietly

"Let's hide back at the monastery."

"Let's do it."

They fist bump before running back to the monastery, leaving their flashlights off to make sure they aren't seen.

The boys quickly pick up on the sound of the girls, but loose track of them once they are on the grass

"Girls? You still have a half an hour left?" Sensei questions the running girls

"Shh, you didn't see us." Eclipse says before running off with Fawn.

They break for the edge of the forest and hide behind a few trees, watching for the boys.

"Did the girls go through here?" Nixon asks

"I did not see them." The elderly answers

"So that's a no?" Asher answers

"I did not see them." Sensei refuses to say anything else

"Looks like we'll have to find them ourselves." Phoenix and Nixon take off around the monastery one way, while Asher goes the other.

They circle the monastery many times before finally ending in the back yard by the tree line

"I can't find them..." Asher pants

"Us either..." Nixon and Phoenix pant in unison

"Ready to scare them?" Eclipse asks Fawn, Fawn nods her head

"One... Two... Three..."

"BOO!!" They jump out from behind the trees and onto the lawn. The boys jump and scream, making Fawn and Eclipse laugh

"Haha, very funny..." Phoenix crosses his arms

"Guys... Don't... Do that..." Nixon holds his chest and over exaggerates his heavy breathing

"You know, we technically haven't caught them yet..." Asher says, the three of them nod and smirk

"Dog pile!!" The girls don't even have time to run before their tackled to the ground by the three laughing boys

"Guys, you're crushing me..!" Eclipse gasps from the very bottom of the pile

"Being on top is fun!" Nixon states happily, making the others laugh.

They all get off and head for the monastery. The girls and boys get changed and take their sleeping bags out to the living room, where they will be spending the night

The couches, chairs, end tables and coffee table have been moved to create a big space for the five to spend the night in.

They set their sleeping bags down in a circle and sit on top of them, in their pyjamas. Sensei enters the room

"Alright, I will be going to sleep now. I will be in my room if you need anything." He turns around, beginning to exit the room

"Wait, what time do we have to go to sleep at?" Nixon asks. Sensei turns slightly, a smile forming under his beard

"Your parents are not here, you may stay up as late as you would like." And then he leaves

The five look at each other in disbelief, then, all at once, they cheer... Rather loudly...

They talk and laugh about school until 12:00, then run out of things to talk about

"Guys, we should get the laptop." Asher says,

"Why, what's on the laptop?" Eclipse asks

"Oh no, you don't want to play Slender, do you?" Phoenix asks timidly

"Of course we're playing! I love that game!!" Nixon exclaims, rushing to the desk to get the laptop.

Phoenix sighs, of course they want to play the game that gave him nightmares as a kid.

They sit around Nixon, who holds the laptop on his lap. For the first round, Nixon will be using the mousepad for the flashlight, and Asher will be moving by using the arrow keys.

They start the game up. Asher hits the "Start Game" button and they're immediately thrown into the game. Text saying "Collect all 8 pages" comes up in the middle of their screen, then slowly fades away

"Let's do this." Nixon and Asher jump right into the game and find their first page on a tree, Nixon reads it out loud

"Don't look... Or it takes you." He clicks and takes it, earning constant booming sounds from the game

"Guys, I don't like this game..." Phoenix looks around the room. Fawn puts her hand on his shoulder

"Don't worry, it's only a game." Her voice is calm and soothing. Eclipse's voice startles the two into looking back at the screen

"There's another one!" She points to a wall of the brick building they were inside

"Always watches, no eyes."

They quickly make their way out of the building, claiming that staying in there for any longer than needed is a death trap.

They continue walking the path, when Slender suddenly appears in front of them

"Turn the other way!" Fawn's voice is shrill and panicky

"Run!" Phoenix's voice matches Fawn's

They turn and sprint into the forest in a panic, veering away from the path, not daring to turn around

"Where do we go now, we lost the path?" Asher questions

"Why don't we try to find it again?" Nixon turns around

"Nixon, no!" The other four yell in unison, but, it's to late. They scream as Slender appears and turns the screen to static.

Then it's the girls try, they're defeated when they've gotten three pages.

After hours of determination, they finally collect all 8 pages and erupt in laughter and cheers.

It's 4:37am

"{yawn} I'm getting tired..." Eclipse crawls back to her sleeping bag

She's answered with a chorus of "me too"'s.

They climb into their sleeping bags.

Surrounded by friends, they fall asleep, even Phoenix, who was sure he'd have nightmares.

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