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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

Alex woke up in what looked kind of like a giant glass container thing.  She stood up and saw that it was hooked up to some sort of machine and then looked over and saw her brother in something similar to what she was in next to her and unconscious.  "JUSTIN!!!  JUSTIN, WAKE UP!!!"

Justin woke up groggily and took in his surroundings until he noticed Alex.  "Alex!  What's going on?!"  Justin stood up.

"I don't know.  I just woke up here.  The last thing I remember was...getting attacked in the park!  Oh my gosh!  Max!"  Alex started to freak out and have a minor panic attack.  Both Justin and Alex got them from their father.  It mainly happened when they were extremely scared or worried.  They knew how to control their emotions for the most part to not get them.

"Alex!  Alex, listen to me!"

Alex looked at her brother.

"We'll figure this out, but first, you have to calm down.  Freaking out will only make things worse.  I'm sure Max is fine.  It's obvious they wanted us and not him."

"Y-You're right."  Alex started to calm down.  "Do you have a plan?"

"Well, I have an idea."  Justin stepped back to not be right on top of one of the walls of what he was in and started to create sparks in his hands.

"Justin, I don't know if that's a good idea."

Justin shot his lightning at the wall and it was shot directly back at him.  It didn't hurt him, but it did knock all the wind out of him.  "Maybe I shouldn't have done that."

"I could've told you that one.  Oh wait...I tried to!"

"My powers didn't work on this thing.  Alex why don't you try using your powers?  You could fill up whatever you're in with water and maybe it'll burst."

"And risk drowning myself?!  No thank you!"

"I'm sure you'll be fine."

"Because you're last plan worked perfectly!  You're powers just got shot back at you!" Alex was practically yelling at her brother.

"You haven't even come up with a plan!  All you did was freak out about Max!  Why did he even choose you to be his second-in-command!"

"Because my plans work better than yours!"

"I have yet to see a plan that's yours!"

"Would you two stop your sibling bickering?!"  The twins looked up to see the man that captured them.

"What do you what?!" Alex yelled.

"Isn't it obvious?  You two."

"Why us?!" Justin yelled.

"Because you two happen to be elemental twins."

"What does that have to do with anything?" Alex asked.

The man pulled out a scroll.  "It is said that elemental twins have special power when their elements are combined.  Elemental twins are always stronger together.  I want to use your 'twin power', should I call it, to take over Ninjago."

"We won't let that happen!" Alex yelled.

"Why didn't our parents tell us about any special powers we possess?" Justin asked.

"Probably because they didn't know about it," the man said.  "Not many people do.  I don't even know if Master Wu himself knows.  Yes, there have been elemental twins before you, like the time twins.  They didn't reach the full extent of their powers because they didn't know about the true power they could possess."  He started to walk out.

"What's your name anyway?" Alex asked.  "So we don't just call you creepy guy."

"It's Aaron."  He left and Justin and Alex looked at each other.  It was clear that neither of them had a plan on how to escape.


Juliet, Mason, Rosie, Zeke, Harper, and Felix were all training in the training yard.  Juliet, Mason, and Rosie had finished their movie a while ago and started to train first.  Zeke, Harper, and Felix joined them once Kyara, Joseph, and Sarah left.  They had expected Justin, Alex, and Max to be back by now.

Juliet stopped for a minute.  "Has anyone heard from the others?" she asked.  "I'm starting to get worried."

"Yeah," Zeke said.  "Where are our cousins?!"

"And Max," Mason added.

"And Max!" Zeke repeated.

They turned to the monastery enterance and saw Max in his ninja gi limping towards them.  Immediately, they all ran towards him as he collapsed to the ground.

Juliet kneeled by their leader.  "Mason!  Go get his parents!" she told her boyfriend.

"I'm on it!" Mason said as he hurried inside to find Lloyd.

Juliet turned back to Max who was barely holding onto consciousness.  "Max, what happened?"

"People...came out of nowhere," Max said.  "They took them."

Mason came running back out with all ten of the team's parents.  Lloyd and Britney immediately ran over to their son.

"Who did they take?" Juliet asked.

"Justin and Alex..." Max's voice faded out as he fell unconscious.

Jay and Nya heard what Max said and their eyes went wide.  Whoever hurt Max took their children.  Nya started sobbing into Jay and Jay just stood in shock.  Rosie also started sobbing and Zane and PIXAL went over and embraced her in a hug.  Felix also joined them.

"We better get him inside," Lloyd said.

Mason walked over.  "I've got him," he said and picked Max up bridal style and carried him inside with Lloyd and Britney following close behind them.

Juliet stood up and her brother, Zeke, ran up to her and they hugged as they followed inside.  They were both worried for their cousins.  They knew that Justin and Alex were strong, but the question was: Why did whoever take them want them in the first place?

Everyone eventually followed inside, except for Jay and Nya.  They needed to try to locate them.  They had to find their kids.  They walked down to the Samurai X Cave together to try to find some clue as to where they were taken, who took them, or why they were taken.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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