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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

"He'll be ok, right Zane?" Lloyd asked worriedly as Zane was scanning Max.

"He'll be fine," Zane said.  Lloyd and Britney let out a sigh of relief.  "He just needs some rest."

"Who could've done this?  Why would somebody do this?" Britney asked.  She may not have been a ninja or anything, but she's known them long enough to know how dangerous the life of one could be.

"I don't know," Zane responded.  "But judging by the fact that Justin and Alex were taken, my guess would be that those two were always the original targets and Max got in the way."

"But why would they want Justin and Alex in the first place?" Lloyd asked.

"That is...anybody's guess."  Zane sighed.  "I wish I knew."

Max started waking up.

"Max!" Britney exclaimed and hugged her son.

"Mom.  Dad.  Master Zane.  What's going on?" Max asked.

"You passed out when you got back," Lloyd said and also hugged his son.  "Do you remember what happened?"

"We were walking in the park after going bowling, which I won at."  Lloyd and Britney smiled at how their son had to add that he won.  "We were attacked and while fighting, I noticed they weren't after me, they were after...Justin and Alex.  I need to find them."  Max tried to get up, but was immediately stopped by his parents and Zane.

"You're not going anywhere," Lloyd said.  "You need to rest."

"But they're in danger!"

"And you can't help them in your condition."

"I'll step out," Zane said and went out to the living room where the rest of the new team and most of the parents were.

"What's the status, Zane?" Cole asked.

"He's awake.  He said that while they were fighting, it was clear that Justin and Alex were the targets."

"Justin and Alex?  Why?" Juliet asked.

"We don't know."

Kai looked around the room and noticed that Jay and Nya weren't there and he hoped they weren't doing something stupid.  He had a feeling where they went and went down to the Samurai X Cave.  He found them scanning all of Ninjago for any signs of their kids.

"How long have you guys been down here?" Kai asked, making both Jay and Nya whip their heads around, but immediately looked back at the screen.

"Don't know," Jay responded.

"You know exactly why we're down here, Kai, so why are you here?" Nya asked.

"I noticed you two were missing and I wanted to make sure you weren't doing anything stupid," Kai said.  Nya rolled her eyes.  "Look, I know you guys probably want to find them more than anybody, but it's getting late and you both should go to sleep."  Jay and Nya didn't respond.  "I don't want you two to make yourselves sick looking for them.  Jay, I know you're more susceptible to that after what happened all those years ago."

"Whatever Kai!  We're not stopping!" Jay snapped.

Kai stood shocked for a minute.  He's never seen Jay so angry.  "Whoa.  Dude, I kno-"

"You don't know, Kai!" Nya yelled.  "You're kids weren't the ones who were taken!"

"I understand.  You forget that they're also my niece and nephew.  I care about them too.  To be honest, I would probably be like this if my kids were taken and you guys would try to do for me what I'm trying to do for you right now."  No response.  Kai sighed.  "Please, get some sleep.  You might have better luck with fresh eyes."

"We're not leaving, Kai...and you know it."

"That's what worries me."  Kai started walking out, but took one last look at his sister and brother-in-law.  "They'll be ok," Kai said to himself and then left.

Location Unknown

"There has to be someway out of here!" Justin yelled.

"Would you please be quiet for two minutes?!" Alex yelled back as she fiddled with something in her hands.

"What are you doing?"

"My plan."

"Care to fill me in."

"Not after the comment you made to me earlier."

"I'm sorry, Alex.  I was just ticked off about some guy taking us, but we have to work together if we're going to get out of this."

"Fine."  Alex looked to make sure that Aaron wasn't around to listen.  "I keep some spare parts in my gi just in case of an emergency."

"And how is that going to help us."

"I've been trying to make a small communicator with it and contact Rosie for help."


"After you got beaten up by Nathan and Rosie had wires ripped out of her by Yuying, she told me an emergency frequency that I could always use to reach her just in case."

"Reach her?  I get that could be helpful, but what if she needs to reach you?"

"I programmed the same frequency into my phone, but Aaron and his goons took our phones when they captured us and smashed them."

"How do you know that?"

"They haven't picked up the pieces yet."  Alex gestured to the smasked phones outside of what they were contained in.

"Wow.  Maybe I am oblivious."

"Who told you that because whoever did is correct."

"Juliet."  Justin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Let me guess.  You and Max didn't notice her sitting on the couch with Mason before I left with Rosie to go prom dress shopping."

"Nope.  Max asked me if I noticed after mom had given me money to get a tux and he didn't notice until Mason spoke up."

"Boys can be so oblivious sometimes."

"Hey!  I take offense to that comment."

"I know you do.  Anyways, let's hope that I can get a signal to Rosie with this."

"Do you believe what he said?  About us having special powers because we're twins?"

Alex sighed.  "I don't know."

"I don't believe our parents would keep this a secret from us."

"If it is true, then according to Aaron, not many people know.  That would mean that our parents probably wouldn't know.  Right now, let's send out the message."  Alex turned on the little device she made.  "Rosie.  If you get this, please track the signal.  They want us because of some sort of twin power we supposedly possess.  Please hurry.  He wants to take over Ninjago!"

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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