Family Picnics

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

This takes place about 7 months after "Ninjago Next Generation: Normal Life, SO NOT ended.

"Are we seriously having a family picnic?" Justin asked.

"Yes, we are," Jay responded to his son. "It's a beautiful day and it would be nice to spend some time as a family."

"What do you have against family time?" Alex asked her brother.

"I just kind of...was hoping for..." Justin started drifting off. Alex gave him a look that said 'you better spill.' Justin sighed. "I wanted to spend more time with Rosie. There! Are you happy?!"

"I'm stuck on this family picnic too. Not that I don't like spending time with dad, but I could be hanging out with Max."

"Would you two please stop complaining?" Nya said. "Your grandparents don't want to hear it. We haven't seen them in a while and they want to catch up on all of the exciting things you've been doing."

"But does our whole team have to be in different parts of the park with their families?" Alex asked.

"Everyone wants to spend time with their families," Jay said.

The four of them start to walk to a couple of picnic tables where Ed, Edna, Ray, and Maya are waiting.

"There's our grandkids," Edna says and walks up to Justin and Alex with Ed following her and gives them a big hug. "You're both so big."

"Well, we are 16, grandma" Justin said.

"Don't smother them dear," Ed said.

"Thanks grandpa," Alex said.

"Anytime." Ed always tries to act like the cool grandparent with them even though it never works. Justin and Alex just go along with it.

"We haven't seen you two since you stopped your first villains," Maya said as she and Ray hugged their oldest grandkids.

"Nya, where's your brother?" Ray asked.

"He should be here soon," Nya said. "You know Kai. He's never punctual."

"That's because he always has to make sure his hair is 'perfect,'" Jay added.

"True," Maya said.

"How have you been Jay?" Ray asked his son-in-law.

"I've been good," Jay responds as he shakes Ray's hand.

"How has he really been Alex?"

"He's the best father I could ever have," Alex responds.

Ray always teases Jay by asking Alex questions, but Alex always says good things about Jay because of their close relationship. "I would hope so," Ray says.

"There they are," Maya says as Kai, Skylor, Juliet, and Zeke are walking up to them.

"Grandma! Grandpa!" Zeke calls out as he run up to Ray and Maya to hug them.

Juliet walks up after. "Hi grandma and grandpa," Juliet says as she hugs her grandparents.

"It's good to see you guys again," Maya said.

Juliet breaks from the hug to greet the other older couple. "Hello Ed and Edna."

"Hello Juliet dear," Edna said. "It's good to see you."

"Your late," Ray said.

"Sorry dad," Kai said.

"How are you Skylor?"

"I'm good," Skylor said.

All twelve of them sit down at the picnic tables.

"So kids, what's been going on in your lives?" Maya asked.

"Well, junior prom is in a couple of weeks," Alex said excitedly.

"Who are you going with, Alex?" Edna asked.

"I'm going with Max."

"You and Max finally started dating?!"

"We've been dating for over seven months now."

"What about you, Justin?" Ed asked.

"I'm going with Rosie," Justin said. "Before anybody asks, we've been dating for a while now too and even though she's a freshman, I was able to get her a guest pass since we're dating."

"Yeah," Juliet started with annoyance in her voice. "I don't get to go because I'm a freshman who's dating a freshman."

"Who are you datin, Juliet?" Ray asked.

Juliet's annoyance turned into happiness. "I'm dating Mason!"

"That's Cole and Seliel's son, right?" Maya asked for confirmation. "The new Master of Earth?"

"Yeah, he is."

"You all get to talk about relationships and I'm still single!" Zeke said, clearly annoyed.

"You're also 12." Juliet flicked her brother. "You don't need to be in a relationship yet."

Zeke crossed his arms. "But I have to listen to the rest of you talking about your relationships."

Justin, Alex, and Juliet all got messages on there phones and looked at them.

"I got a text from Rosie!" Justin exclaimed.

"I got one from Max!" Alex said excitedly.

"I got one from Mason!" Juliet exclaimed.

"See," Zeke said to the adults who all just rolled their eyes.

A different part of the park

"Max, put your phone away," Britney told her son. "We're having a family picnic."

"I'm just texting Alex," Max said.

"Put it away," Britney said sternly.

"Max, listen to your mother," Lloyd said.

"Putting it away."

The three of them walked over to where Wu and Misako were waiting for them.

"Grandma! Great Uncle Wu!" Max said as he went over to hug them.

"Hello Max," Wu said.

"How have you been?" Misako asked.

"I've been good," Max said.

"He can't stop texting his girlfriend," Lloyd said.

"Let me guess, your girlfriend is Alex?" Misako said.

"Was it seriously that obvious that I liked her?" Max asked and everyone nodded. "Well, now we're a couple and we're going to the junior prom together."

"That's wonderful!"

Max received a message on his phone and took it out to read it. "Sweet! Another text from Alex!"

"What did I say about your phone?!" Britney said angrily.

"Sorry mom." Max put his phone away.

Another part of the park

"Do we seriously have to be here?" Mason asked annoyed.

"Yes, you're grandfathers want to see you," Cole said.

"I don't want to hear anymore about the Royal Blacksmiths and the performing arts school junk," Harper said.

"Can't really blame you there." Cole rubbed the back of his neck.

"At least your other grandfather will be there too," Seliel said. "You like listening to him talk about stuff that's happening in Nom."

"That's...something," Mason said.

The four of them walked over to the picnic table that Lou and Seliel's dad were sitting.

"There you guys are," Lou said.

"Hi grandpa and grandpa," Mason said.

"How have you guys been?" Seliel's dad asked.

"We're good," Harper answered.

Mason got a message on his phone and looked at it. He had sent a text to Juliet as they were walking.

"Who are you messaging?" Lou asked.

"It's texting," Mason corrected.

"He's texting his girlfriend," Harper said.

"You have a girlfriend?" Seliel's dad said. "Who is she?"

"Juliet," Mason said. "The Master of Amber."

"That's nice."

"Yeah," Harper said. "I'm not dating anyone."

"Don't worry about it Harper," Cole tells his daughter. "Mason is in high school, you're in middle school. You don't need to get into a relationship yet."

"You guys want to hear one of my Royal Blacksmith stories?" Lou asked, trying to change the subject.

"Uh..." Mason and Harper said. They really didn't want to hear another one of those stories.

"How about I tell you about something that's currently happening in Nom?" Seliel's dad asked.

"Yes!" Mason and Harper said desperately and Cole and Seliel just laughed.

Yet another part of the park

"Are you guys ready to see your grandfather?" PIXAL asked her kids.

"It's nice when we get to see him, but we don't get to see him often because he's busy with work," Felix said.

"That's because he runs Borg Industries," Zane said.

"And we have also been busy saving Ninjago," Rosie added.

The four of them walked over to the picnic table where Cyrus Borg was.

"Hello grandpa," Felix said.

"Hello Felix and you too Rosie," Borg said. "And to you Zane and PIXAL."

"Hello," Zane, PIXAL, and Rosie said.

"I'm glad you were able to get a break today to have a picnic," PIXAL said.

"Well, some family time sounded like a good idea to me," Borg said. "And I could use it." He turned to the kids. "What has been going on with you two? Any exciting plans coming up?"

"Rosie is going to be going dress shopping with Alex for the junior prom," Felix said.

"Felix!" Rosie snapped at him.

"What? You have been talking about it excitedly for a while."

"You're going to the junior prom?" Borg asked Rosie. "I though you were only a freshman."

"I am," Rosie said. "But I'm dating a junior."

"Dating a junior?"

"I'm dating Justin."

"Justin? You mean Jay and Nya's son?"


Borg's jaw dropped. "Forgive me if I looked shocked. It's because I am. I forget that you may be nindroids, but you're growing up like regular kids."

Rosie received a message on her phone and took it out.

"She's been texting Justin since we left the monastery," Zane said.

"No worries," Borg said. "She is really acting like a teenage girl. What about you, Felix? Anyone special in your life?"

"No," Felix responds.

"Well, you're a 12 year old nindroid. You'll find someone eventually."

Back to the Smith-Walker family

The adults were talking at the tables while Justin, Alex, Juliet, and Zeke were away from them a bit, standing by a tree.

"So, are we playing 'How much do you know about your sibling?'" Zeke asked.

"You guys go first," Alex said.

"What's Zeke's favorite color?" Justin asked Juliet.

"Red," Juliet said.

"What's Juliet's favorite color?"

"That's easy. Orange," Zeke said.

"What's the worst thing that Zeke has done that your parents don't know about?"

"Um...when he...uh...acted sick to get out of training," Juliet said.

"No!" Zeke exclaimed. "It was when I tried to reprogram Felix, but realized I had no idea what I was doing and he ended up malfunctioning."

"I remember that," Justin said. "You made me fix him before everyone found out. Anyways, what's the worst thing that Juliet has done that your parents don't know about?"

"Hmmm...when she was practicing with fire powers and burned a few training dummies to a crisp," Zeke responded.

"Nope!" Juliet exclaimed. "It was when I snuck out of the monastery one night with Mason." She turned to Justin and Alex. "It's your turn."

Zeke looks at the twins. "What's Justin's favorite color?" he asked.

"Blue," Alex responded.

"What's Alex's favorite color?"

"Blue," Justin said.

"What's the worst thing that Justin has done that your parents don't know about?"

"Easy," Alex said confidently. "When he got drunk at a party."

"What?!" Juliet and Zeke exclaim shocked.

"We were 15 at the time," Justin said and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly.

"And Max and I had to sneak hm into the monastery without anyone noticing," Alex added.

"I may have gotten a little carried away that night."

"Ok," Zeke said. "What's the worst thing that Alex has done that your parents don't know about?"

"She snuck into Max's room one night and they slept together," Justin responded.

"You did?!" Juliet asked shocked because she never thought Alex would do that.

"We just slept together." Alex raised her arms defensively. "Nothing more."

"Looks like you guys won," Zeke said defeated.

"That's because you can't beat the elemental twins," Justin said. He and Alex high fived, but as soon as their hands touched, they felt a surge of power flow through them and immediately pulled apart and looked down at their hands.

Juliet and Zeke noticed. "Are you guys ok?" Juliet asked concerned.

"Yeah," Alex said. "That just felt..."

"Weird," Justin finished for her.

"Weird as in normal weird or weird as in we should tell our parents weird?" Juliet asked.

"I'm sure it was nothing," Alex said.

"Probably just the excitement of us winning the game," Justin said.

Juliet and Zeke looked at each other and then looked at their cousins. They silently agreed that it was probably just nothing and the four of them walked back to the picnic tables.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed! This chapter is longer than usual, but there was a lot I wanted to fit in this chapter. I wanted to show all the different families as well as set up for what happens in the story.

Also, if you notice Juliet called Ed and Edna by their first names. I just think that since Juliet and Zeke are Kai and Skylor's kids that Ed and Edna just told the two kids to call them by their first names. Just in case anyone was confused at to why I did that.

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