Prom Shopping

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

Juliet and Mason were watching a movie together on the couch in the living room. Mason had an arm around his girlfriend. Rosie walked in.

"Hey Rosie," Juliet said.

"Hello," Rosie said. "What are you doing?"

"We're just watching a movie," Mason said. "Do you want to join?"

"I can't. I'm going dress shopping with Alex for the junior prom."

"Right. I forgot that you are the only freshman going to the junior prom."

"I get to go because my boyfriend is a junior. There are going to be people from other schools there too."

Justin, Alex, and Max walked in.

"Hey Rosie," Alex said. "You ready to go?"

"Yes," Rosie replied.

"Where are you girls going?" Max asked.

"Prom dress shopping," Alex said. "Dad gave me money for it.

"My dad did too," Rosie said.

"Dad didn't give me money to rent a tuxedo," Justin complained.

"You don't know how to work him like I do," Alex said. "It's called girl tears. The greatest power of all."

"Maybe I can convince mom."

"I convinced my mom to give me money to rent a tuxedo," Max said.

"I'll be right back," Justin said and then gave Rosie a quick kiss on the cheek. "Have fun." He left to go find Nya.

"We should get going," Alex said. "Come on Rosie."

Max grabbed Alex's hand and kissed her cheek before she left. "Have fun," he said. The two girls left.

"You realize we've been here the whole time," Mason said who was still on the couch with Juliet.

"I did...not."

Justin came back in. "Ok," he said. "My mom gave me money, so now I don't have to use my own. Let's go."

"Quick question: Did you realize that Juliet and Mason were here the whole time?" Max pointed to the couch.

"Wait! What?!" Justin turned to the couch and saw them sitting there. "Oh. Hey guys. You're being as quiet as ninja over there."

"Not really," Juliet said. "We've been watching a movie. You guys are just oblivious."

"Let's get going before this gets even more awkward," Max said.

"I'm with you there," Justin said and he left with Max.

"They're in their own little world," Juliet said.

"Yeah, but now they're gone," Mason said. Juliet snuggled up to him and they didn't notice Kai walk in.

Kai saw his daughter with her boyfriend and went over and wedged himself between them. "So, what are you guys watching?" he asked.

"Seriously dad?!" Juliet said angrily.

"What?" Kai acted clueless.

"I'm trying to spend some time with my boyfriend!"

"And I would like to know if he's treating you right." Kai looked at Mason.

Mason gulped. "I-I would n-never hurt her, Master Kai."

"You better not...or you're a dead man."

Mason gulped again. He was terrified of his girlfriend's father.

"DAD!!! LEAVE!!!" Juliet exploded at her father.

"Fine," Kai said. "I'm going." Kai left them alone, but Mason was petrified.

"It's ok," Juliet said comfortingly and grabbed Mason's hand. "He's just...overprotective when it comes to me having a boyfriend. He was the same way with my Aunt Nya."

Mason calmed down and pulled Juliet close to him and they continued watching their movie that they had been interrupted while watching too many times.

Ninjago City

Two mysterious men were standing on top of a building, watching Alex and Rosie as they were walking.

"Shall we get her now, sir?" one of them asked.

"No," the other replied. "I want to get them when they're together. We can't mess this up."

Down on the sidewalk, Alex and Rosie were walking to a dress store.

"What kind of dress are you looking for?" Alex asked.

"I don't know," Rosie said. "What kind of dress is appropriate for prom?"

"Don't worry. We'll find you something." The two girls walked into the store together.

Elsewhere, Justin and Max were at a tuxedo rental store.

Justin picked out:

Max picked out:

"Why do girls make such a big deal out of prom?" Max asked.

"That is one of the world's greatest mysteries," Justin said. "Who even knows what goes on in a girl's mind?"

"You probably have an easier time figuring out your girlfriend's mind, considering she's a nindroid."

"You would think, but no. I'm in the same boat as you. She may be a nindroid, but she acts just like a regular girl."

"I wish there was a way to understand how girls think."

"There's no technology in the world that can help us with that. Also, why do girls get the easy job for prom? We're the ones who have to pay for dinner, a limo, and the corsages."

"The guys always get the hard job, but this is what it's like having girlfriends."

Back at the dress store, Alex already found her prom dress:

She was now trying to help Rosie find a dress. "Come on Rosie. I want to see it."

"I don't know," Rosie said.

"Let's just see it."

Rosie walked out in this dress:

"Wow," Alex said. "You look amazing!"

"Really?" Rosie said. "I mean I like it, but will Justin?"

"Trust me, he'll love it. I am his twin, remember."

"I didn't think that I would be so excited for prom."

"Why not?"

"I don't know. Me being a nindroid."

"You are not just a nindroid. You are so much more than that. You were programmed to be able to act like a regular teenage girl and to are one."

"Thank you Alex." Rosie gave Alex a smile.

"Of course." Alex smiled back.


Kai was in this kitchen when Cole walked in angrily. "What did you say to my son?!" Cole yelled at Kai.

"What do you mean?" Kai asked a little nervously.

"Why would you threaten him?!"

"I was just making sure he was treating my daughter right."

"Why do you have to be so overprotective? You were the same way when it came to Jay and Nya's relationship, but you will not be that way towards my son! He is dating Juliet because they care for each other a lot!  He risked his own life to save Juliet's when they defeated their first villains!"

"I guess she's just growing up too fast for my taste."

"We all have to accept how our kids are growing up. At least Juliet and Mason haven't kissed yet."

"How do you know if they've kissed yet?"

"Uh...I may or may not have...stalked them on a few dates and snuck into my son's room a couple of times to look through his phone."

"Ha! You're just as overprotective as me! Also, I don't feel comfortable with you stalking my daughter!"

"At least I'm not threatening anyone!"

"Ok. Maybe we both need to let go a bit."

"Yeah." Cole looked up at Kai with a mischevious smile. "Want to go see if we can get a hold of their phones and look through them?"

"You know I do."

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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