Unexpected Visitors

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

"What are you doing here?" Britney asked her parents once they were sitting down inside.  She doesn't even remember inviting them in.  She assumed Lloyd must have done it since he offered to get them some tea which they accepted.  She didn't understand why Lloyd was trying to be nice after how they have treated him.

"We can't want to visit our daughter?" Mrs. Ly asked.

"We haven't even spoken in over 11 years!"

"A visit was long overdue," Mr. Ly said.

Britney groaned in frustration.  "Tell me your real reason."

Kai walked into the kitchen where Lloyd was.  He also didn't realize why Lloyd was trying to be nice to them.  He remembered what happened at the rehearsal dinner for their wedding and he also kind of wanted to kill Britney's parents.  "Why are you being nice to them?" he asked.

Lloyd sighed.  "Maybe if I try to be nice they'll like me and it might change their mind about elemental masters."

"Come on.  They pushed away their own daughter because of how they feel about elemental masters.  What makes you think that you can change their mind about that?"

"I don't know, but I want to try."  Lloyd poured the tea into a few cups and put it on a tray.

"Just call me when it's time to kick them out."

Lloyd rolled his eyes, picked up the tray, and walked to the living room.  "Here you go, Mr. and Mrs. Ly," he said as he handed them their cups of tea.

"Thank you, Lloyd," Mrs. Ly said.

Lloyd turned around to his wife and handed her a cup of tea also.  He wanted to try to calm her down.  He then sat down next to her.  All of the other adults were also in the room.  None of them were very happy with Britney's parents being there, but were leaving it to Britney whether to kick them out.

Mr. and Mrs. Ly looked around at everyone who was in the room.  "We were hoping this could be a family matter," Mrs. Ly said.

Everyone looked to Britney and she nodded which told them to leave.  Everyone left except for Britney's parents, Britney herself, and Lloyd.

Mrs. Ly glared at Lloyd.  "I thought I said family matter."

"Lloyd can be a part of this too," Britney said sternly.  "He is my husband."

Mrs. Ly switched the target of her glare to her daughter.  "Fine.  I guess the four of us will talk."

Just then, Alex and Max walked in.  The two of them had just gotten back after doing charity work all day.  They were happily talking.  The four adults in the room noticed the two enter and became silent.  Alex and Max looked around and noticed his parents with two people who looked vaguely familiar.  "Mom, Dad, what's going on?" he asked.

"Max, this is not really a good time to-" Lloyd started saying, but he was cut off.

"Max!" Mrs. Ly said and stood up along with Mr. Ly.  "Look how big you've gotten."  As she was talking, it was obvious she was trying to act nice, but there was still a little resentment laced in her tone.

"Who are you?" Max asked.

"We're your grandparents," Mr. Ly said.

Max didn't really remember what they looked like since the only time he met them was when he was 6, but he did remember what they said about him and his father.  "What are you doing here?" Max asked angrily.

"We can't just drop by for a visit?" Mrs. Ly said.

Lloyd could tell that his son was about to blow up at his grandparents and he also knew that Britney didn't want Max involved in their conversation.  "Max, why don't you and Alex go out to the training yard for now?" Lloyd suggested.

"No, I-" Max started, but was cut off by Alex.

"Of course we will, Master Lloyd."   Alex dragged Max outside with her.

Everyone sat back down when the two had left and Britney said one word to her parents.  "Talk."

Max didn't like how Alex dragged him outside.  "Why did you do that?!"

"Because we're not quite sure why they're here and I don't think blowing up at them will help anything," Alex told him and grabbed his hand.  "Let your parents deal with this.  We both know how they feel about your grandparents."

Max started to calm down.  "I guess you're right."

"You know I am."

Juliet, Mason, Zeke, Harper, and Felix walked into the training yard of the monastery and didn't notice Alex and Max there at first.  "We have to find them," Mason said.  "There has to be some clue as to where they could've gone in the messages they sent me."

"What's going on?" Alex asked.

The others realized that Alex and Max were watching themand listening to their conversation, but didn't want to worry them.  "Heeeyyy guys," Mason said awkwardly.  "It's nothing to worry about."

"Mason, you are a terrible liar," Max said.  "Tell us what's going on."

"We might have...lost track of Justin and Rosie."

"What?!" Alex exclaimed.  "What do you mean you lost track of Justin and Rosie?!"

Mason was about to respond, but Juliet interjected.  "They missed a check in and we went to their last known location to possibly figure out why.  We found a recording device that Rosie made left behind and...they got captured."

"Where are they?!"

"We don't know," Mason said.  "They were hoping to be able to tell us where the main headquarters of these guys are during the check in they missed.  We have no idea where they could be.  Hopefully, there are some clues in the messages they sent me.  Don't worry.  We'll find them."

"Oh yes, we will," Alex said and turned around to start walking back inside.

"Alex, what are you doing?" Max asked.

"Changing into my ninja gi and grabbing my gear.  I'm not sitting this one out."

Max looked back at the others.  "Alex is right.  We can't sit this one out when Justin and Rosie's lives could be on the line.  We'll meet you in the Samurai X cave."  Max turned around to go back into the monastery to also change into his ninja gi and grab his gear.

Mason turned to face the others.  "You heard the man," he said and the five of them started to head to the Samurai X cave.

A/N: I'm sorry this took so long.  I've been so busy recently.  I hope you enjoyed!

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