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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

The next morning, all the parents woke up and walked out to the living room.  They were surprised to see the kids all sleeping peacefully together.  All of the parents look at each other and silently agree that something happened the previous night and that they needed each other.

"Should I get the gong?" Kai asked.

"No," Skylor said.  "Let's be nice while waking them up.  It looks like they had a rough night."

The parents all gently shook their kids awake.

"It's time to get up sleepyheads," Cole said.

The kids slowly got up.  They all felt better than when they had fallen asleep.

"I'll go make breakfast," Zane said and left for the kitchen.

"I'll help," PIXAL said as she followed Zane.

"Why were you guys sleeping out here?" Jay asked the barely awake kids.

All of the kids stayed quiet and looked at each other as to silently make sure everyone was ok with saying what took place during the night.

Max stepped forward.  "We all kind of had nightmares and just felt better staying together than all going back to our rooms," he said.

"Oh," Lloyd said.  "We always hated nights when we got nightmares."

"We sometimes still get nightmares," Nya admitted.  "But that's what happens in this line of work.  We all know from experience that being with other peoplehelps to get through."

"Do any of you wants to talk about it?" Seliel asked.

All of the kids shook their heads.  "We kind of already talked about it with each other last night," Harper told her mother.

"Breakfast is ready!" Zane called as they all went into the kitchen and ate the meal Zane and PIXAL prepared.  The kids all seemed to be more comfortable with each other than before.  They may have been able to talk with each other before and work together on missions, but outside of that, they would mainly stay with the ones who were their own age.  Now it seemed like they didn't care that much.  They were all friends.  No, more than that.  They were family.  They would always have each other's backs and would help each other through any issues that any of them were having.

After breakfast, Mason walked out to the training yard.  He wasn't really training, he just wanted some time to himself.  He sat down and looked around at the training yard.  He never really took the time to admire his surroundings and you think he would since he's the Master of Earth.  He just never found it important.  He was actually enjoying the peace and quiet for once.  With 19 people living in the monastery, it was hard to get just a single quiet moment.

Mason's mind drifted to his nightmare, even though he didn't want it too.  He always thought of Juliet as just a friend, but after dreaming about not being able to save her, he wasn't sure of that statement anymore.  He was always so close with Juliet and Rosie, mostly because they were the same age and same grade level, so he would always hang around them at school.  After Justin and Rosie started dating, everyone teased Juliet and Mason, telling them they would make a cute couple.  They kept insisting they were friends, but now, Mason wasn't sure if he wanted to be just friends.  Maybe everyone knew about his feelings towards her before he did.

"Mason?"  Mason immediately turned his head to see Juliet standing in the doorway.

"Hey Juliet," Mason said and then turned his gaze forward again.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" Juliet asked as she sat down next to him.

"Just trying to get in a moment of peace and quiet for once."

"Things can get pretty hectic around here, huh?"

"They can.  Let me guess, the others were playing video games and Justin beat Max and now Max is trying to annihilate his best friend."

"You guessed it."

"That happens every time they play video games.  Although it's not really a guess, but more of a...logical assumption."  They both laughed.  "You think Max would be used to it by now."

"You would think, but no, he's not...and I think he may be out for blood."

"Why are you out here anyway?"

"I was looking for you and to be honest, I needed to get out of the game room.  I didn't want to be caught in the middle of the fight."

"Did Justin use not being completely healed as an excuse?"

"Of course he did.  It didn't work, but it was worth a shot for him at least."  They both laughed again.  "Hey, I was wondering, you said that in your nightmare last night, you weren't able to save someone.  Who couldn't you save?"

"It was-" Mason was racking his brain.  He was trying to figure out what to say.  He didn't want to come right out and say, 'I saved you and might possibly have feelings for you.'  That response was completely out of the question because he still wasn't sure if he has feelings for her or not.  He also didn't want to be rejected if he did actually have feelings for her.  Plus, if she was angry at all, she could go over to Max and touch him and be able to use his powers on Mason.  Telling the truth wasn't happening!

"Mason?" Juliet said out of concern.  "You haven't answered the question yet."

"Oh yeah.  It was just a civilian."

"Your nightmare was that you weren't strong enough to save a civilian?"  Juliet was not convinced.

"Yeah well-"  Mason rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.  "I don't want to feel responsible for the death of an innocent civilian."

Juliet nodded.  "I get that.  Why don't we head back inside Dustmite?"  Juliet playfully punched Mason in the arm.

"Whatever you say Power Stealer."  Mason returned the playful punch and followed Juliet inside.  Maybe spending some time with her would help to decipher his feelings.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

Right now, I'm under a threat of possibly having to evacuate my home because of a wildfire that was caused by a thunderstorm.  If that does end up happening, I probably won't post for a little while.  Hope you all are safe wherever you live.

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