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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago, just the story and my OC's.

"You always stick up for others?  Why don't you stick up for yourself?  I know the tough guy thing is all an act.  Deep down, you're afraid of being alone.  You think Rosie likes you?  She's pitying you.  She'll leave you eventually.  They all will."  Justin heard Nathan taunt him while beating him up.

Justin woke up sweating and gasping for air.  He had been having that same nightmare for a few nights now.  That scene just kept playing for him over and over again in his mind.  He felt weak.  He couldn't defend himself with Nathan.  He had heard from the others that when they tried to stop Nathan and his father again, they were walking into a trap.  He wished that he had been able to go with them for that.  Rosie got her rematch against Yuying and now, he wanted a rematch against Nathan.

Rosie opened the door to Justin's room.  "Justin, are you ok?" she asked quietly.

"I'm ok Rosie," Justin said.  "It was just a nightmare."

"About Nathan?"

Justin nodded.  "What about you?  Couldn't sleep?"

"I kind of had a nightmare too, so I was coming here to see if you were possibly awake."

"As you can see, I am.  What was it about?"

"When Yuying beat me.  Do you by any chance want to go into the living room to talk?"

"Yeah.  That sounds great."  Justin got out of his bed which he has been allowed to do now and walked with Rosie to the living room.

"What's going on?  Where am I?" Alex asked.  She was surrounded by darkness.


"JUSTIN!!!" Alex screamed.



"MOM!!!  DAD!!!"  Alex was scared now.

"You can't save them," Nathan's voice taunted.  "They will all die."

She saw all of her friends and family's lifeless bodies laying around her.  She ran over to the bodies of her parents, brother, and boyfriend.  "NO!!!  THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!!!  THIS ISN'T REAL!!!" she sobbed.

She woke up sweating and screamed, "NO!!!"  That dream terrified her.  She didn't want that to happen.  She didn't want to lose the people she cared about.  She almost lost her father when she was so young and she recently almost lost her brother.  She didn't know what she would do if she actually lost someone.

Max opened her door.  "Alex, are you ok?" he asked and walked closer to her.

"Yeah," she responded.  "It was just a nightmare."  Alex looked up at Max and saw that his eyes were red and puffy.  "Are you ok?"

Max gave a small nod.  "I had a nightmare myself."

"What happened in your nightmare?"

"I failed as a leader," Max mumbled.

Alex grabbed Max's hand and squeezed it.  "In my nightmare, I failed to save the people that I care about."  She looked at him and it looked like he didn't really want to be alone and neither did she.  "Do you want to go out to the living room and talk?"

"Sure."  They walked out to the living room together.

Juliet was fighting along side her team and they were winning, but all of a sudden, they started losing badly.  She watched as everyone started to get hurt.  "NO!!!  It's not worth it!  The fighting isn't worth this!"

Juliet woke up sweating and crying.  She had been questioning if fighting is worth it, but she knew that she had to protect Ninjago or innocent people could die.  She just didn't want the people around her to get hurt because of the fighting.

"Juliet?" Mason asked as he walked in.  "Are you ok?"

"Just a nightmare," Juliet said.

"Yeah, well, you aren't the only one.  What was yours about?"

"Everyone got hurt because of us fighting.  What about you?"

"I wasn't strong enough to save someone."  Mason didn't want to tell Juliet that the person he couldn't save was her.  "Do you want to go to the living room?  It would be a nice change of scenery."

"I'd like that."  They walked out to the living room.  When they got there, all of the other members of their team were already out there.

"Looks like everyone is here," Max said.

"Couldn't sleep?" Alex asked.

Juliet and Mason nodded.

"Join the club," Justin said.  "Grab some blankets and sit down."

Alex and Max were cuddled up together on the couch and so were Justin and Rosie.  Zeke, Harper, and Felix were all sitting together on the ground in front of the counch.  Juliet and Mason went to grab a couple of blankets and sat on the ground next to the three youngest members.

"All of you guys had nightmares too?" Juliet asked.

They all nodded.  "I came out here with Justin and Zeke, Harper, and Felix were already out here," Rosie said.  "Shortly afterwards, we were joined by Alex and Max."

"This is not a fun part of being the protectors of Ninjago," Justin commented.  "Although, neither is getting beaten up by the bad guys."

Rosie laughed.  "Or dismantled," she said.  All of them laughed a little.

"Do you think we can beat them?" Harper asked.

"I know we can," Max said.

"Then why can't we all sleep?" Zeke asked.

"We're all probably just worried and imagining the worst case scenario," Alex said.

"It's been different for me and Rosie," Justin said.  "We were seeing what already happened."

"Our nightmares can be different for all of us depending on what we're most afraid of," Felix said.

"Felix, I know we're nindroids, but we don't always have to tell the facts," Rosie said.

"Ok, you've been spending too much time with Justin," Mason told Rosie.  Everyone laughed again.

"Well he is my boyfriend."

"Are we just going to stay out here all night?" Zeke asked.

"Ooh!  We could have a team sleepover!" Juliet exclaimed.

"That would be some good team bonding," Alex said.

"And we would probably all sleep better together than if we went back to our individual rooms," Rosie added.

"As long as the entire team agrees," Max said.  Everyone nodded.  "Ok.  Let's do it."

The four that were on the couch moved down to the ground and everyone all laid down on the ground.

"This is actually pretty nice," Harper said.

"No matter what, we're a team," Max said.  "We help each other out and if that means sleeping together in the living room because we all had nightmares, then so be it."

The entire team slowly drifted off.  They all ended up having dreamless sleep which they needed.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed!

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