Rewrite the Stars

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Disclaimer: I don't own Ninjago or "Rewrite the Stars" from "The Greatest Showman", just the story and my OC's.

This song fits really well with the chapter and "The Greatest Showman" was a fantastic movie!

Justin was in his room, debating on what to do.  He had figured out that he did indeed have feelings for Rosie and was now realizing how Max felt when it came to Alex.  He realized that the real reason Max didn't want to tell Alex was because of fear of rejection which is what he is fearing, but Alex and Max were together now so it would be ok for him, right?

Justin decided to just get it over with and tell Rosie how he felt.  He went down to the Samurai X Cave.  "Hey Rosie," he said when he saw her with a smile on his face.

"Hi Justin," Rosie said.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm fine.  We just saw each other when we got back from school."

"I know.  That was a stupid question to ask."

"It shows you care."

"Trust me, I care more than you think."

"What do you mean?"

Justin gulped and walked closer to her.  "I didn't realize this until I talked to Alex, but I'm really glad Alex told me because she knew how I was feeling before I did and I'm rambling, aren't I?"  Rosie giggled and it made Justin smile.  "What I'm trying to say is...I like you."

"I like you too as a friend."

"Rosie, I mean I like you like you."

Rosie sighed.  "It won't work."

"What do you mean it won't work?"

"You're a human.  I'm a nindroid.  A relationship between us wouldn't work."

"But it can work."  Justin was starting to lose the smile he walked in with.

"I want you to be happy, so any feelings I have for you, I need to bury."

"So, you admit you have feelings for me?"  Justin smirked.

"We could never be a couple."

Justin frowned.  "I don't believe that.  You can't deny that we almost kissed."

Rosie sighed again.  "We weren't made to be with each other."

"It doesn't matter!  We could rewrite the stars!  (Sorry I had to.) Please!  Anything!  I just want to be with you!"

"We're too different.  You need a real girl, not me."

Justin lowered his voice.  "Rosie, please.  Don't do this."

"I'm sorry."  Rosie walked away.

Justin angrily stormed away.  He went back into the monastery and slammed the door behind him which startled everyone who was just sitting in the living room.  Justin went up to Alex.  "Thanks for your stupid advice Alex!" Justin yelled and went to his room.

"What wrong with him?" Nya asked.

"What advice did you give him Alex?" Jay asked.

"Uh...I don't really know if he would want me to tell you guys," Alex said.

"Alex, what is your brother upset about?" Nya asked firmly.

"Well, Justin developed a crush on Rosie and I figured it out and I may have told him that he should pursue it," Alex said quickly.

Everyone in the room was shocked.  They weren't shocked when Alex and Max started dating, but hearing about how Justin felt about Rosie shocked them all.

"I thought she like him too," Alex added as she got up and started going to the Samurai X Cave.  When Alex got there, she saw Rosie and it looked like Rosie was actually trying to hold back from crying.  "Rosie," Alex said which caught the nindroid's attention.  "What did you say to Justin?"  Alex was angry.  She may not always show it to her brother, but she cares about him deeply.  They are twins after all and Alex could tell that he was really hurt.

"It was nothing," Rosie said.

"Nothing?  Nothing?!  He was slamming doors, yelling at me, and stomping to his room!  He became upset about something after talking to you!  I know that he likes you and I believe that he came down to tell you that, so what did you say?"

"You're right," Rosie said and started sobbing a little.  "He did tell me he likes me."

"So what?!  You break his heart!  You don't care about him!"

"Of course I care!" Rosie snapped.  "I've liked him for a long time, but I surpressed my feelings."


"Because I wouldn't be able to make him happy!  I'm a nindroid!  He's a human!  I can't make him happy!"

"You can make him happy by just being you.  He likes you because of who you are."

"We won't work as a couple."

Alex started to leave, but wanted to say one last thing to Rosie.  "Just so you know, you really hurt him."  Alex left and Rosie started crying.  She didn't want to hurt Justin.  She felt like she would hurt him worse if she started to date him.

Alex went back to the monastery and went to Justin's room to find their parents trying to comfort him.  They noticed Alex walk in.

"Where did you go?" Jay asked.

"I just had to have a talk with someone," Alex replied.

Justin was holding his pillow tightly and had tear stains down his cheeks.  Alex knew that Justin rarely cries.  She knew that he must really like Rosie to be this upset over her.

"Oh Justin," Alex said kindly and walked over to hug her brother.  They honestly never hug.  They never really show how much they care for each other.  They will bicker a lot, but if one of them gets hurt physically or emotionally, the other one will be there for them.  Always!

Samurai X Cave

Rosie was still crying when her parents walked in.  She was curled up in the corner of the cave with her knees up to her chest.

"It's ok sweety," Zane said as he tried to calm his daughter.

"Can you tell us what happened?" PIXAL said.

"I-I h-hurt s-someone I c-care about," Rosie said.

"We heard that Justin has feelings for you," Zane said.  Rosie nodded.  "How do you feel about him?"

"I-I c-care for him a-a lot."

"Then why did you reject him?"

"I-I w-wouldn't be able to m-make him h-happy."

"What do you mean?"

"I-I'm a n-nindroid.  H-He's a h-human."

"That doesn't mean anything."  Rosie looked up at her father.  "The way you feel about him is all that matters.  Nindroid or human."

"Your father is right Rosie," PIXAL said.  "If you like him, it doesn't matter how different you two are.  You can make Justin happy.  You were already making him happy."

"I messed up big time," Rosie said as she sobbed more.

"The real question is: how are you going to fix it?" Zane said.

Justin's Room

Justin's parents and sister left him alone after a little while.  He still couldn't believe what Rosie said.  He wouldn't believe it!  It wasn't true!  They could be together!  Then there's the other fact.  Rosie rejected him.  He had gotten close to Rosie since the school year had started.  He just didn't realize how close he had gotten with her.  He had stopped crying a while ago.  Now, it was just a feeling of loneliness.  To be honest, Justin always wanted to have a relationship with someone.  He saw the way that Alex and Max would act around each other and it always made him jealous.  He had always felt like a third wheel with them, but never admitted it.  As the official oldest member of the team (his term), he always felt like he had to close off his feelings.  He never wanted to seem weak, yet here he was balling his eyes out over a nindroid girl.  In the end, he felt like he would always be lonely.

Knock knock

"Who is it?" Justin asked.

"It's Rosie," Rosie said on the opposite side of the door.

"Go away!"  Justin was trying not to let his emotions take over him again.

"I want to talk."  Justin didn't respond and Rosie took it as a sign to come in.  She opened the door and found Justin laying on his bed, holding onto a pillow for dear life.  She walked over to sit on the foot of the bed.  "I'm sorry for what I said.  It was wrong of me because...I've had feelings for you for a while now."

Justin perked up a little.  "You have?" he asked quietly.

She nodded.  "I was always afraid that with me being a nindroid and you being a human that I wouldn't be able to make you happy, that the minute I couldn't do what a normal girl could do, you'd leave me."

Justin sat up and moved closer to Rosie.  "I would never do that."

"My parents helped me see that it doesn't matter how different we are.  All that matters is how we feel about each other."

"Your parents are smart."  They both laughed a little.

"I just hope you can forgive me."

Justin grabbed Rosie's hand.  "Always."

They sat in silence for a minute before Rosie spoke up.  "So...what now?"

"Now, if you'll let me, I take you out on a date."  Justin smiled at Rosie.

"I'd like that."  Rosie smiled back at Justin.

"How about Friday at 7?"

"It's a date."  Rosie left Justin's room and had a smile on her face when she did and happily went to her own room.

Justin laid back down on his bed, but this time he wasn't feeling lonely, instead, he was feeling quite happy.  Maybe there was hope for him after all.

A/N: Wow.  This was a pretty dramatic chapter.  I hope you enjoyed!

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