Fun at Disneyland|Season 1|(Part 1/2)

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Sooooo I need to say some stuff.

Number one, I will update this book every other week, now that I have Redemption to write.

Two, I have actually never been to Disneyland or Disneyworld because I'm both broke and live like ten countries away from each.

Three, if Street Fighter references can exist in the Ninjago universe so can Disney.

Onto the story XD.

Third POV

"Can we please go?" Lloyd pouted for the hundredth time today, clinging off of Kai's leg.

"For the tenth time, no," Kai said, glaring at him.

"But I want to go!"

"You didn't know what Disney was until last week! What happened to your comic book obsession?" Kai said, dragging him to the living room where the other's sat.

They both stopped once they saw the others staring at them, but they chose to ignore them. Cole, Jay, and Nya watched a movie together while Zane and Sensei Wu played chess on the other side of the room. They all ignored them after a while, as it was just one of their usual rows.

"Disney owns the characters!" Lloyd said. Although he left Kai stunned, it didn't remove the angry expression that was plastered across his face.

"He's right, you know," Jay popped in the conversation, stuffing his mouth with popcorn.

"You don't even know what we're talking about!" Kai snapped, glaring at him.

"Yes we do, Kai. And we were hoping on having a nice afternoon without you two fighting again," Nya rolled her eyes, turning to Lloyd. "Go and get ready," she said to him. Lloyd nodded his head excitedly, running to his room.

"Wait- what?! We're not actually going, right?" Cole said to her stunned.

Nya shrugged her shoulders, turning off the television. "Well, do you have anything else to do?" She said. "Plus, we'll get to entertain Lloyd for a bit. He's alone all day, maybe he'll make some friends."

Kai sighed. "Fine... but only this one time. So who's coming?" Everyone except Sensei Wu raised their hands.

"Why will you not come with us?" Zane asked Wu, moving his chess piece.

"It will be nice to get some peace and quiet while they are gone," he whispered to Zane, who chuckled, much to the others' confusion.

He ordered them to go get ready along with Lloyd. He came in the moment Sensei Wu said that, dressed in something unusual, to say the least.

He was wearing a 'space suit', and it closely resembled the costume he wore for the Day of the Departed. And it was that suit, but this time he had an added ray gun he held in his hands. When they asked him about it, he said he won it in one of those contests the comic book store held. Even though it was fake, it looked way more realistic, compared to his costume, at least.

Even though he wasn't happy about it at first, he decided to stay with Wu while the others got dressed. Sure, Wu teaching him how to play chess wasn't the best thing in the world, but he understood that it would be worth the wait. Plus, he got to blabber over his favourite superheros (something that Wu wasn't particularly excited about).

The others (much to Wu's relief) got ready pretty quickly. Kai and Cole didn't even bother to change. Zane wore a simple light blue sweater and jeans, much like Jay whose sweater was a darker shade of blue. Nya meanwhile, wore a blue shirt and yellow pants instead of her usual kimono.

Lloyd, seeing they were finally ready, jumped from his seat and immediately exited the door over to the dragons.

"I guess we're using our dragons," Nya said, as she and Kai quickly exchanged looks. "I'm guiding Flame!" She exclaimed, running outside, with Kai following her. The others laughed and went outside after saying goodbye to Sensei Wu.

Sure enough, Nya was already sitting in the front petting Flame's head, with Kai holding onto her behind. Lloyd had already mounted on Shard and waved for Zane to come. Zane surprisingly mounted on Shard behind him, holding Lloyd's hands as helped him properly hold on to his dragon.

Jay and Cole got on their dragons as well, and they all flew off. The ride was surprisingly long, but it was worth the wait seeing the lights of the park in the distance.

Since they didn't want to draw attention to themselves, they landed a certain distance away from it and walked the rest of the way to the entrance.

Zane paid in the front, and luckily the line wasn't that long. Lloyd ran excitedly inside the park, spinning around in excitement to see all the rides.

"So where are we going first?" Zane asked Lloyd.

Lloyd simply shrugged his shoulders, looking around the park. He turned around and his eyes lit up, as he took Zane's hand and tried to drag him along.

"They have a Starfarer section?!" Jay exclaimed instead of Lloyd. He awkwardly chuckled when everyone stared at him, as he cleared his throat and let Lloyd finish.

"I know right?! Come on, let's go!" He ran towards the entrance that was decorated with flashing lights. They could still see some of the booths and rides, even from a distance. Lloyd (along with Jay) dragged Zane to the area, and the others started following them soon after.

"I think me and Cole have something better to do other than your nerd stuff," Kai said, earning a glare from both Jay and Lloyd.

Cole to their surprise agreed. "I heard there's a new Haunted Mansion ride," he said to Kai. "Wanna go?"

Kai nodded and leaned over, whispering to Nya's ear. "You can come too if they bore you too much." Nya giggled, denying his offer. The two left as the rest walked in.

All of the booths inside had merchandise that consisted of comic books, shirts, and even hats. There were tons of teens and even adults running around in cosplay, and some of them even 'battled'. Lloyd got some compliments on his cosplay as well and even exchanged a few words with kids his age.

Lloyd's eyes suddenly lit up yet again, pulling on Jay's sleeve to get his attention. He jumped up and down as he pointed at something in the distance, and soon the others turned around to see what was going on as well.

Jay gasped and joined in Lloyd as they both jumped around excitedly. "What is it?" Zane asked, but the two didn't speak. Instead, they both pointed again to a black-haired man giving autographs near the roller coaster.

"It's- It's Cliff Gordon!!" Lloyd exclaimed. "Can we pleaseeee go?" He said, as Jay quickly nodded as well.

"Who's Cliff Gordon?" Nya asked. Both Jay and Lloyd gasped, feeling offended.

"Only the actor Fritz Donnegan! Most famous actor in Ninjago! The hero everyone looks up to!" Jay shook Nya's shoulders in excitement. "This is a once in a lifetime chance!"

Zane sighed in defeat. "Let's go and meet him then."

They all started walking (well, Jay and Lloyd mostly ran) towards the line. Zane and Nya chatted while walking behind the and eventually Zane joined in next to the two as well, leaving Nya behind.

She was ready to join the others in the line but got stopped once she felt someone grab her wrist. She turned around and saw no one. It was only when she glanced down that she noticed a little girl looking up at her with a curious look. She had white hair that was tied into two braids and wore a green dress.

"Are you Snow White?" She said shyly.

Nya almost burst into laughter after looking at her clothes, just now realizing the similarities. She nodded, and the girl smiled, pulling a notebook and pen out of her dress's pocket.

"Can you give me an autograph? You're the last princess I need!" She begged her with pleading eyes.

Nya laughed, accepting her offer. She took the notebook and started writing. "What's your name?" She asked her.

"I'm Harumi," she said, as Nya finished 'Snow White's' signature. The girl gasped, scaring Nya a bit as she pointed behind her.

"It's Florian! I didn't know he was here too!" She exclaimed, drawing the attention to them. People luckily ignored them after a bit. Nya turned around only to see Jay looking confused. She tried to find Lloyd and Zane, seeing they were a few people away from meeting Cliff Gordon.

"What are you doing here?" Nya raised a brow. "Aren't you going to meet Cliff?" She asked him.

Jay only shrugged his shoulders in response. "I just wondered why you stopped. By the way, who's Florian?" He whispered to Nya, looking at the little girl in confusion.

Nya giggled. "I think it's the prince from Snow White."

"He has a name? Since when?"

Their conversation was interrupted once Harumi spoke. "Can I bring some friends please? They would love to take pictures with you!"

Nya awakrdly rubbed the back of her neck. "I can come, but I don't think Florian here can. Princes are pretty busy you know," she said to the girl, giving a thumbs up to Jay.

"No, no, it's fine. Anything for our fellow people," he said and bowed a little for dramatic effect. Harumi thanked them, taking them both by hand and walking away from the Starfarer area and onto the Princess one.

"What about Cliff?" Nya said to Jay.

"Don't worry about him. I asked Lloyd to get me an extra autograph," he smiled.

"Whatever you say, Prince Charming," Nya smiled, rolling her eyes.

Jay cleared his throat, and looked at his girlfriend dead in the eye. "Excuse you, I think you mean Florian."

They both laughed as Harumi dragged them along, and they could see lots of excited little girls coming their way. This was going to be a tough day.

So yeah, I decided to split it into two parts XD.

So yeah, I saw Snow White recently and I couldn't stop thinking how they looked like Jay and Nya. And apparently the Prince's name is Florian?? Oh well, the more you know XD.

C ya!

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