Fun at Disneyland|Season 1|(Part 2/2)

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Soooo I was sick these past two weeks, so please forgive him for not updating :).

I was able to add a cover though~~~~

Anywaysssss, let's go!

Third POV

"Were the lines always this long?" Kai groaned.

"Yes. Now shut up, we're almost there," Cole glared at him, taking a step forward in the queue while dragging Kai with him. "You know, for someone who's always fighting with Lloyd, you two are a lot alike."

Kai raised a brow, crossing his arm. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're stubborn, hothead," Cole rolled his eyes, Kai only growling in response.

The tension was cut by the employee tapping Cole's shoulder, and it was only then that they realized it was their turn. They chuckled awkwardly, as the employee (who was obviously annoyed after hearing their constant bickering) guided them to their seats.

The sign of the roller coaster could barely be seen from where they sat, and they couldn't see what awaited them either because of the grim lighting of the place. It was called the Haunted Mansion, after all.

"Do you think you can handle this?" Kai smirked to Cole, who playfully glared back.

"I'd ask the same thing to you," he said. They both put on their seatbelts and the ride immediately started, making them jump a bit.

The lights of the rides slowly started to flicker, and the decorations looked more like a Haunted House rather than a Disney ride. Even with the small amount of lighting, they could clearly see that there were next to no kids in the ride. Only teachers and adults.

Apart from that, there were, of course, decorations like fake skeletons and ghosts. The roller coaster started to move a bit faster. A little too fast.

"See? This isn't scary at all-" Kai said but was cut off by the lights flickering again. Suddenly, the ride stopped.

There was only silence. Nothing else. A faint scream suddenly echoed in the room, and Kai and Cole couldn't help but scream themselves.

The lights suddenly opened- all of them. The walls lit up, and flashing lights of all kinds of vibrant colors filled the room. It was almost blinding to look at, but they got used to it after a bit. The sound effect of the scream finally stopped, and the roller coaster finally started to move, this time at top speed.

Kai and Cole held onto their seats and tried not to fall off the ride, even though they both knew the metal seatbelts that suffocated them wouldn't let them.

Finally, the actual scary part came on. From passing through a giant cobweb to having fake voodoo dolls thrown into their seats, they were glad no kid had gotten on there. Heck, even some actors managed to jump onto the ride and get a good scream out of them.

They screamed and gasped more than any other person on the other, but the ride was luckily over rather quickly.

Their eyes were still shut, and they slowly opened them to see the other side of the ride.

The employee was looking at them, their arms folded, as she pointed to the exit. They realized they were practically the only ones left on the coaster. Instead of them taking it themselves, the employee took out their seatbelts instead, helping them out.

Cole searched his pockets and gave them a tip, apologizing for the situation. They sighed, guiding them out of the ride without saying a word.

"I don't think they want us back there," Cole whispered over to Kai as they walked away.

"Good. Because we're not going back there," Kai said, clutching his stomach. "Are you up for some cake, boulder head?"

"Any time, porcupine."


Zane ran around the Starfarer section, running from booth to booth. Not one person had seen him pass by.

He checked the first booth one last time- and he finally found him. "There you are," he let out a sigh of relief, immediately taking Lloyd's hand. "You're not letting my hand go ever again, got it?" He raised a finger, his tone turning into a stricter one.

"I know..." Lloyd looked at the ground. "But look! I found a new ray gun!"

Zane raised an eyebrow, eyeing him suspiciously. "Found?"

Lloyd tried to avoid eye contact with Zane. Zane knelt down to Lloyd's level, which was quite uncomfortable, considering their big height difference. He put a hand on Lloyd's shoulder, sighing.

"Lloyd, I believe we already talked about this," Zane said, trying to change to a strict tone.

"I'm sorry, okay? I couldn't find you and I didn't have any money on me but it just looked so cool!"

"I accept your apology," Zane smiled. "But I believe you should return the item. That's what Fritz Donnegan would do."

Lloyd's eyes lit up as he saw Cliff Gordon finally walking from his panel. He grinned at Zane, giving him a thumbs up. "I guess you're right. Can we buy some candy after we return it?" He gave him a pleading look.

Zane chuckled. "I don't see why not. But only if you promise to stay beside me at all times. I am responsible for you, after all."

Lloyd nodded quickly, dragging Zane's hand. "Come on, it's this way." Zane smiled, happily following beside Lloyd as he blabbered about all the comic booths. Who knows, maybe he earned himself an extra comic for his collection.


"So, how did you like it today?" Zane asked Lloyd as they -finally- exited the Starfarer section.

"Can we go again next weekend?" He blurted out, making Zane laugh.

"Maybe next time. We need to keep a low profile so the Serpentine don't find us," he informed him, and Lloyd nodded his head knowingly. Even that question bothered them a lot. How come they didn't run into the Serpentine, especially Pythor? Not that they were complaining, of course.

Zane and Lloyd walked into the Disney area and towards all the food stands in the center. Lloyd swung around his bag full of comics as he walked, and Zane didn't regret anything. As the most... mature of the other three Ninja in regards to spending money, it was embarrassing to spend so much on buying two whole comic collections for Lloyd. Of course, the rest would be mad at him, but he didn't care. Lloyd was finally starting to show proper behavior, and he wanted to treat him for it.

As they walked through all the panels and booths, several actors dressed as the characters tried to approach them and try to entertain Lloyd, but he was too focused on the sweet treats to care. Zane tried to apologize to the actors, even though he knew they didn't really care either.

Soon enough they spotted Cole and Kai sitting on one of the tables in one of the princess-themed bakeries. Cole was eating cake while talking with Kai, who didn't seem to be eating anything. They only noticed the two once they sat down at the table with them.

"So you went on a shopping spree, I assume?" Kai said and raised a brow.

"Jokes on you, I got an autograph from Cliff Gordon!" Lloyd playfully stuck his tongue out, taking out of his bag the comic book and ray gun the actor signed.

"I'll take that, thank you very much," he heard Jay's voice come from behind him, and before he knew it, the comic was gone out of the table and onto Jay's hands.

"Fine, you can have the comic. But I'm keeping the ray gun," he said, shaking hands with Jay. When they finally turned to look at him and Nya though, everyone laughed.

Both their faces were painted, and not in a good way. They had makeup all over them; from lipstick on their cheeks to facepaint on their forehead, they basically looked like they came straight out of an abstract painting.

"What happened to you two?" Cole said between laughter, scooting over so they could both sit.

"Let's just say that little girls are brutal," Nya sighed dramatically, trying to smudge the paint off of her, only making it worse.

Kai smirked. "Well, now you know how it was like to raise you."

Nya smirked back. "Oh, really Kai? Tell me, how did the Haunted Mansion ride go?" She said with a playful glare.

Kai and Cole gave a quick look at each other. "How about we go on a ride to finish off the day? It'll go dark soon after all," Cole suggested, trying to change the topic.

"I think me and Nya won't be going on a roller coaster for a long time," Jay chuckled and Nya nodded her head in agreement.

"Candy is more important now," Lloyd shrugged, getting off his seat and heading to the booth.

"Yeah, me and Cole are not going on one of these things again," Kai said and sighed, ignoring Nya's knowing smirk.

"So I suppose we'll stay here for now," Zane said and everyone agreed.

Lloyd eventually came back with his candy, but he bought a little too many. At least everyone got to share them with each other. They chatted and laughed about their day, and they were a lot more interesting than their regular routine of fighting Serpentine. And yes, they knew it sounded weird, but it didn't really matter. They finally got their day off and it wasn't ruined by them. And boy, that felt good.

Can you tell I didn't know how to end this? XD

But yeah, I'm going back to living now. I still have slight headaches so good luck to moi, I guess.

C ya!

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