Dream date | Jaya

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In the bustling city of Ninjago, where towering skyscrapers and ancient temples coexisted, a special bond had formed between Jay and Nya. They had been a couple for quite some time, and their connection had only grown stronger over the years.

Jay, with his endless energy and a heart full of affection, often showed his love for Nya in myriad ways. He would surprise her with small gestures, thoughtful gifts, or simply whisper "I love you" when they were alone. He couldn't help himself, and he couldn't hide his deep affection for her.

Nya, on the other hand, had always been a bit reserved when it came to expressing her feelings. She allowed Jay to shower her with hugs and kisses, but she was cautious about who she let into her personal space. And while she cherished their relationship and loved him deeply, she rarely initiated those three little words – "I love you." It wasn't that she didn't feel it; it just wasn't her way.

One sunny afternoon, Jay had a special plan in mind. He wanted to surprise Nya with a romantic date, something out of the ordinary. With a grin on his face and a twinkle in his eye, he set out to prepare a memorable evening.

Meanwhile, Nya found herself in their shared workshop, nestled beneath her brother Kai's motorcycle. She had a deep bond with her older brother, and it was her go-to place to clear her thoughts. Today, Kai had been struggling with some engine troubles, and Nya decided to lend a hand.

As Jay worked tirelessly to arrange the perfect date, he couldn't wait to see Nya's reaction. But before he could whisk her away on this special adventure, he needed to ask her out first.

With a bouquet of roses in one hand and a nervous excitement in the other, Jay made his way to the workshop, hoping to find Nya amidst the clang of metal and the hum of machinery.

As he stood at the entrance of the workshop, Jay took a deep breath to steady his nerves. He gazed at Nya, who was busy beneath the motorcycle, her skilled hands working on the engine. With a smile, he cleared his throat and softly asked, "Nya, I've got something special planned for us tonight. Would you be up for a romantic date with me?"

Nya, engrossed in her work, felt Jay's presence before she saw him. She wiped her oily hands on a rag and looked up at him, noticing a small oil stain on her right cheek. Her eyes sparkled as she met Jay's gaze, and a warm smile spread across her face. "Jay," she said, her voice filled with genuine happiness, "I'd love to go on a romantic date with you."

Jay's eyes lit up with excitement, and he couldn't hide his happiness. "That's great to hear,! I can't wait."

Nya, still grinning, then added, "But, you know I need some time to get ready, right?"

Jay nodded, understanding her need for preparation. "Of course, take all the time you need. I'll be waiting."

With a playful twinkle in her eye, Nya leaned in a bit closer and asked, "So, where are we going tonight?"

Jay, always one for surprises, chuckled and replied, "Ah, that's a secret for now. Just make sure you dress nicely, and I promise it'll be a night to remember."

Nya raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the mystery of it all. "A secret, huh?" she mused. "Now, you've really piqued my curiosity. But tell me, how nicely should I dress exactly?"

Jay couldn't help but laugh, finding Nya's anticipation endearing. "You'll figure it out. Just trust me on this one."

With that, Jay handed her the bouquet of roses, a mixture of red and white petals, beautifully arranged. He grinned at her before turning to head out of the workshop. His excitement was palpable, and it stayed with him as he walked down the hallway.

Just as he reached the hallway, he bumped into Cole, his trusty friend and fellow ninja. Cole had been in on the plan and couldn't contain his curiosity any longer. "So, what did she say? How'd it go?"

Jay beamed and eagerly shared, "She said yes! She's in for the surprise, and she's getting ready as we speak. It's going to be an amazing night!"

Cole grinned and gave Jay a hearty pat on the back. "That's awesome, Jay! I'm happy for you. It's going to be a fantastic evening."

Meanwhile, Nya had made her way to her room, ready to get cleaned up after her work under Kai's motorcycle. She reached for her phone and sent a quick text to her brother Kai, explaining the situation:

[Hey, sorry, but your bike will have to wait till tomorrow. Jay just asked me out for a surprise date tonight 🥰 Hope you understand! 😗]

Nya couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and a touch of guilt as she hit send. She knew her brother would be supportive - for the most part, but she also couldn't resist the allure of Jay's mystery date.

With a sense of anticipation and excitement, Nya stood before her closet, contemplating her outfit choices for the special evening. She sifted through her collection of clothes, each one holding memories of different missions and adventures. It was a difficult decision, but she finally settled on something that felt just right.

She slipped into a stunning red dress, one that she had reserved for truly special occasions. The dress hugged her figure, the deep crimson color complementing her fiery spirit. It featured delicate lace details and a modest yet alluring neckline. Nya felt a sense of confidence wash over her as she admired herself in the mirror.

Completing the look, she selected a pair of matching red heels that accentuated her elegance and a simple necklace with a pendant that held sentimental value. Her hair was pulled back into a neat but casual updo, and she added a touch of makeup to enhance her natural beauty.

Nya couldn't help but smile as she looked at her reflection. She felt ready for whatever Jay had in store for their unforgettable date.

She quickly checked her phone to see if Kai had responded. Her brother, understanding as always, had sent a supportive message:

[No problem, sis. Enjoy your night with Jay. Have fun]

Then a second message came in reading:

[Not to mich fun tho!]

She chuckled, feeling reassured, she grabbed a small handbag, slipped her phone into it, and headed out of her room, making her way to where Jay was waiting.

As she approached the entrance of the workshop, she paused for a moment before stepping into Jay's view. She had put in the effort to look her best for this special evening, and she was determined to surprise Jay with her appearance. With a hint of excitement, she walked into his line of sight, her eyes meeting his.

Jay's reaction was exactly what she had hoped for. His jaw dropped, and his eyes widened as he took in Nya's stunning appearance. He was momentarily speechless, and then a bright smile spread across his face. "Nya, you look absolutely amazing," he exclaimed, his admiration and affection evident in his voice.

Jay couldn't resist the urge to express his admiration for Nya. With a gentle yet affectionate gesture, he reached for her and planted a soft kiss on her lips. It was a tender and heartfelt moment that conveyed his deep affection for her.

Their lips parted, and Nya returned the sweet smile before she took his hand. Together, they made their way out of the workshop, heading towards one of the innovative vehicles they had created together.

Jay, being the enthusiastic driver, took the wheel and navigated them smoothly through the streets of Ninjago. The cool breeze of the evening brushed against them as they sped towards their first destination.

With a mischievous grin, Jay turned to Nya and said, "Our first activity, my love, is going to be a dance lesson. But not just any dance lesson – a dance under the stars. I've set up something special for us in a secret spot. Are you ready?"

Nya's eyes sparkled with excitement, and she responded with a joyful "Yes, Jay, I'm ready!" She couldn't wait to see what her creative and romantic boyfriend had in store for them.

The drive was pleasant and filled with laughter and conversation as they enjoyed each other's company. Before long, they arrived at their secret destination. Jay parked the vehicle, and together, hand in hand, they walked toward the spot he had prepared.

Jay led Nya to a picturesque garden illuminated by the soft glow of hanging lanterns and the twinkling stars above. It was a tranquil, romantic setting, the perfect place for their dance lesson under the open sky. Nya couldn't help but appreciate the effort Jay had put into this surprise, and she gave his hand a gentle squeeze as they continued walking.

As Nya stepped into the beautifully illuminated garden, her eyes widened in awe. She was genuinely taken aback by the enchanting scenery before her, with the soft lights casting a warm and inviting ambiance. "Wow," she said, her voice filled with wonder, "this place is absolutely magical."

Jay couldn't help but watch Nya's reaction with a fond smile. He was pleased to see her so captivated by the setting he had arranged, and it made him all the more thankful for Cole's assistance with the surprise.

Inwardly, he sent a grateful thought to Cole, thankful for his friend's input and support in making this evening so special for Nya. It was clear that his efforts had paid off, and Nya's sparkled admiration was all the reward he needed.

Jay led Nya to a small open area within the garden, a space that he had prepared as their own private dance floor. He adjusted the portable speaker and turned on some light, melodic music that filled the air with a romantic ambiance.

As the gentle notes of the music played, Jay and Nya swayed together, their movements graceful and synchronized. Their eyes met, and they moved in perfect harmony, as if the world around them had faded away, leaving just the two of them lost in the dance.

As they danced in the soft glow of the garden, Nya couldn't help but express her gratitude. She looked into Jay's eyes and said with sincerity, "I really appreciate all the effort you put into this. It means so much to me."

Jay grinned, his affection for her evident. "I'm just glad to see you happy."

With a playful twinkle in her eye, Nya teased, "You know, you're really setting the bar high for future dates. I hope you're ready for that."

Jay chuckled softly at Nya's teasing and decided to play along. He gave her a sly smile and said, "Well, maybe this will be our last date if I can't keep raising the bar like this."

Nya laughed softly, realizing she might have taken it a step too far. She playfully took a step back and replied, "Wait, wait, I take that back! Let's just enjoy tonight, and we'll worry about the future dates later."

They continued to dance, their laughter and playful banter adding to the magic of the evening, where their love for each other was stronger than ever.

After a few more long and amazing moments, Jay gently spun Nya around before bringing her back into his arms. With a warm smile, he asked, "are you ready for the next part of our date?"

Nya met his gaze and nodded, her eyes filled with anticipation. "I'm ready"

He couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable she looked in that moment. "You're just too cute," he said with a soft, affectionate tone. Then, with a twinkle in his eye, he continued, "Now, for the next part of our date, it's time for some stargazing. I've got a surprise set up for us on the rooftop. Are you up for it?"

Nya repeated with playful incredulity, "Up for it?" She nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

He took her hand and led her up the stairs at the side of the small building in the garden. As they reached the rooftop, Nya was left utterly stunned by the breathtaking scene before her. The rooftop had been transformed into a stargazing paradise, with blankets and pillows laid out under a canopy of twinkling fairy lights.

Nya's eyes wandered from the cozy setup to the expansive view of the night sky. She gasped in amazement, her gaze fixed on the stars that shone brightly above.

Jay couldn't help but enjoy every second of her reaction. He had put a lot of thought and effort into this surprise, and seeing Nya so astounded and delighted made it all worthwhile. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her close, both of them now lost in the beauty of the night.

The night was clear, and the stars painted a dazzling picture in the sky. Jay and Nya settled on the soft blankets and pillows, their fingers intertwined as they gazed up at the celestial display above.

Nya finally found her words and turned to Jay, her eyes still filled with awe. "This is incredible. I can't believe you set all of this up."

Jay smiled warmly, his eyes never leaving her face. "I wanted tonight to be perfect for you. Just like you deserve."

She blushed at Jay's sweet words. Overwhelmed with affection, she leaned in and pressed a soft, loving kiss on his lips. Their lips met in a tender embrace, conveying their deep emotions without the need for words.

After the kiss, Nya snuggled onto Jay's chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close and secure. They continued to talk, their voices filled with intimacy and warmth as they shared their thoughts, dreams, and the boundless love they had for each other.

Nya, still nestled in Jay's embrace, shared her love for stargazing. She looked up at the glittering night sky and said, "You know, star gazing has always held a special place in my heart. It's something I used to do with Kai when we were kids."

Jay listened intently, curious about her story. Nya continued, "Back then, we had limited resources, our parents had been gone since I was three. Stargazing was a way for us to connect with them, to feel their presence somehow. It brought us comfort and a sense of unity."

She gently traced a constellation in the sky, her voice filled with nostalgia. "It's one of the reasons I love the stars so much. They remind me of my family, even in their absence."

Jay listened to Nya's heartfelt story with empathy, understanding the significance of stargazing in her life. He gently brushed his fingers over her hand as a sign of support.

After a moment, Jay smiled and said, "You know, Kai actually told me that I should take you stargazing. At least this time, he didn't lie to me and risk your health with your perfume allergy again."

Nya chuckled lightly at the memory, and in a playful tone, she added, "Yeah, that was so annoying, of him. But you handled it like a champ."

Jay awkwardly laughed, recalling the incident. "Well, let's just say I've learned my lesson. No more surprises involving scents for you. I'm here to make sure you have an amazing night."

They continued to enjoy their time on the rooftop, lying together under the starry sky, wrapped in a world of their own. After a while, Jay turned to Nya with a glint of anticipation in his eyes and asked, "so are you ready for the final part of tonight?"

Nya gazed at him for a moment, her expression unreadable. Jay started to worry, but before he could voice his concern, she burst out with infectious excitement, "Of course! I was born ready,!"

Jay chuckled at her enthusiastic response and said, "That's the spirit! Now, for the grand finale of our date, we're going to enjoy a midnight picnic with all your favorite foods. Just wait until you see what I've prepared. Or well, what Zane prepared."

Excitement radiated from Nya as she and Jay made their way back down from the rooftop. When they reached the spot that had once been their dance floor, they found it transformed. Blankets were spread out, and a beautiful arrangement of their favorite foods was laid before them, complete with two plates, glasses, and utensils.

Nya's eyes widened in surprise, and she looked at Jay, asking, "How did you do all of this?"

Jay chuckled, his love for Nya shining brightly in his eyes. "It's the magic of unconditional love," he replied with a playful grin.

Nya couldn't help but laugh, knowing he wasn't telling the whole truth. As they sat down to enjoy their midnight picnic, the world seemed to fall away, leaving just the two of them in a moment of pure enchantment and joy.

As Jay and Nya toasted their glasses, the ambiance around them felt magical. Nya's favorite, sushi, and Jay's love for hotdogs were both beautifully laid out before them. Alongside those were a variety of small dishes, from salads to delectable desserts.

Nya couldn't help but express her appreciation between bites. She grinned at Jay and said, "You know, you really outdid yourself. This is amazing."

Jay smiled back at her, their eyes locking for a moment. "I'm just glad to see you enjoying it. Anything for you."

Nya blushed at Jay's gesture of kindness as he placed his jacket gently around her shoulders. She smiled gratefully, the warmth of his jacket providing comfort against the growing chill of the night.

As they began to walk back to the vehicle, their steps were slow and unhurried. The evening had been perfect, and neither of them wanted it to end just yet.

In the cozy confines of the vehicle, Nya turned to Jay with a contented expression. "Jay, I had so much fun tonight. Thank you for making it so special."

Jay beamed with pride and happiness, his eyes locked on the road ahead. "I'm proud to have made it special for you, Nya. And I promise there will be many more unforgettable moments like this to come."

The two of them drove back in contented silence, the memory of their magical evening still fresh in their minds. They arrived at their shared home and navigated the hallways together, taking extra care not to make any noise that might wake anyone.

They reached Nya's room, and Jay stood by her door. He leaned in and gave her a gentle goodnight kiss, his lips meeting hers with a tender affection.

Nya, with a soft smile, asked, "Would you like to stay the night?"

Jay agreed with a warm smile, saying, "I'd love to, but I need to get unready first... or well, ready for bed." He chuckled, realizing he needed to change into more comfortable attire.

Nya quietly giggled and nodded in agreement. "Sure, take your time. I need to get unready too."

She closed the door to her room, and with a sense of comfort and anticipation, began her nightly routine. She removed her makeup, let her hair down, brushed her teeth, and slipped into her cozy sleepwear, all the while looking forward to sharing the night with Jay.

Jay gently knocked on Nya's door, dressed in his pajamas and holding Mr. Cuddleywomp, his favorite plush toy. Nya welcomed him in, and they closed the door to her room.

They settled into her cozy bed, cuddling close to each other. Their busy and enchanting evening had left them exhausted, and they fell asleep rather quickly, wrapped in each other's arms. The night ended with the gentle embrace of love and dreams, and both Jay and Nya drifted off to sleep, content and deeply in love.

The end :)

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