Family day - Part 2 | Kai & Nya

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As requested by UwU-1stylelik1-UwU here is a second part 😀


The Ninja, since moving into Sensei Yangs temple, had their visitor's always call them so one or two of the team could go get them. Cole and Zane heard the telephone and got up. "It's Kai and Nya's parents." Cole says. "Then we should go get them." Zane answers, going towards the front door.

Both of them summoned their elemental dragon's. Hopping on top of them, the two collected Kai and Nya's parents.

The siblings where sitting in Nya's room. Ready for a day with their parents. When the two heard the elemental dragon's of their friends, Nyas heart skipped a beat. She looked at Kai, her worry mirrored in his eyes. It was the moment they had both been dreading.

Nya's bedroom door swung open, and there stood their parents, a mix of excitement and nervousness in their expressions. Their mother, a warm smile on her face, looked at Nya in her dress and leggings and commented, "Nya, you look adorable in that outfit!"

Nya blushed but managed to offer a shy smile. "Thank you, Mom."

Their mother then turned her attention to Kai. "And Kai, you look great too!"

Kai nodded, still feeling a bit unsure but appreciating the compliment. "Thanks, Mom."

Their father stepped forward, his face filled with mixed emotions. "Hello, kids."

Kai and Nya exchanged glances before responding in unison, "Hi, Dad."

It was a moment filled with both tension and hope. Their parents, eager to make up for the lost years, began to explain their plans for the day. "We've prepared a special day for you both," their mother said with enthusiasm. "We'll start with a delicious breakfast right here at home."

Kai and Nya exchanged a glance, their uncertainty hidden beneath polite smiles.

Their father continued, "After breakfast, we're going to spend the day at the meseum. Your mother and I want to see what you have accomplished. Don't worry after that we'll go to the amusement park. And we'll finish it all off with a lovely picnic."

The children nodded, still absorbing the overwhelming prospect of a day with their parents. For Kai, who had faint memories of his parents from his very early years, there was a mix of emotions. He had missed them, but that didn't erase the uncertainty that had grown as he'd grown up without them. Nya, on the other hand, had no memories of them, so this was a completely new and somewhat intimidating experience.

Their parents, unaware of the complex emotions bubbling beneath the surface, were thrilled at the prospect of a day with their children. Kai and Nya silently hoped that maybe, just maybe, this day would mark the start of something beautiful and lasting.

Maya and Rey made their way to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone. The two parents worked together seamlessly, cooking up a hearty breakfast to fuel the adventures ahead, knowing that there would be enough for everyone in the household.

As the delicious aroma of breakfast wafted through the house, Jay couldn't resist sneaking into Nya's room. He found her sitting on the edge of her bed, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in her eyes.

"Hey, Nya," Jay greeted her with a warm smile. "Do they know we're dating?"

Nya looked at Jay, her expression cautious. "No, Jay, not yet. I'm just not ready to share that with them."

Jay nodded understandingly. "I get it. It's a big step, especially given everything that's happening right now. You'll tell them when you're comfortable, no rush."

Nya smiled appreciatively, feeling grateful for Jay's support. "Thanks, Jay. I'll tell them when the time is right. It's just... there's so much to process already."

Jay nodded, understanding her. "That's okay. Whenever you're ready, we'll talk to them together."

As Jay gave Nya a reassuring hug, she leaned into the embrace, taking comfort in his warmth. She realized that even in the midst of all the changes, her friends had always been there for her.

Just as they were about to part, Kai walked into the room, surprised by the sight of Jay and Nya hugging, since the two had agreed to wait. "So you want them to know?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

Nya looked at Kai, her expression softening. "Not yet," she replied.

Kai nodded in understanding. "Alright, then you should stop. You can be all lovey-dovey later. Besides, the food's ready, and I don't want to keep Mom and Dad waiting."

Nya couldn't help but smile. Together, they left her room and joined the rest of the family for a breakfast that held the promise of a new and uncertain but potentially beautiful beginning.

Maya decided to break the ice and share an embarrassing but endearing story from Kai's childhood.

"Kai," she began with a teasing grin, "do you remember the time when you were just two years old, and you thought the mud puddle in the park was a swimming pool? You took off all your clothes and jumped right in!"

Kai's face turned several shades of red, and he squirmed in his seat. "Mom, do you have to bring that up?"

Nya, keeping her confusion to herself, shot Kai a subtle look, asking without words if this was a normal thing for parents to do. Kai tried to reassure her with a discreet nod and a smile. Despite his embarrassment.

The other Ninja, not wanting to miss the chance to tease Kai, burst into laughter. Lloyd said between fits of giggles, "Oh, that's classic, Kai!."

Cole chimed in, "I can't believe you went skinny-dipping in a mud puddle, buddy!"

Kai, his embarrassment gradually giving way to amusement, chuckled along with the rest of the Ninja. Maya couldn't resist one more story, which made everyone burst into laughter once again. "Oh, and how can we forget the potty training saga? Rey, you were so determined to potty train Kai. Remember that time you tried to get him to use the big boy toilet?"

Rey grinned, a mix of fondness and amusement in his eyes as he recalled the tale. "Oh, yes. I was convinced I could make it happen. But it turned into a water fight, and I think Kai won that round."

Kai laughed heartily, sharing in the memory. "I did win that one, didn't I? Dad never stood a chance."

As the stories continued to flow, Nya couldn't help but notice that all the tales were centered around her brother, and there were no stories about her. It made her feel a bit left out, as if her early years had been forgotten. Still, she tried her best to ignore those feelings and focus on the joy of the moment.

The family finished their breakfast with warm laughter and shared memories, and then, together, they cleaned up the table and kitchen.

Rey looked at his family with enthusiasm and announced, "Alright, kids, let's head to Ninjago City for some fun! We have two fantastic activities in mind."

Kai and Nya perked up, eager to hear what was in store.

Rey continued, "First, we're going to visit the Ninjago History Museum. It's a great place to learn about our city's history and Maya and I can see what happened druing our time away oh and of course see the heroic deeds you."

Nya's eyes gleamed with interest, feeling a connection to her roots and her friends. "That sounds amazing."

Rey grinned and added, "And after the museum, we'll go to the amusement park. There are exciting rides, games, and delicious treats waiting for us." Excitement filled the room as they looked forward to the day's adventures.

As they explored the Ninjago History Museum, Rey and Maya couldn't help but feel a sense of pride when they came across an exhibit showcasing their children's heroic deeds. The museum displayed artifacts, holograms, and images of their brave adventures, from defeating powerful villains to protecting the city from imminent threats.

Rey placed a hand on Kai's shoulder and said, "Kai, I had no idea just how many incredible things you and your friends have accomplished."

Kai, a hint of humility in his eyes, replied, "It's all part of being a Ninja, Dad. We do what we can to keep the city safe."

Maya smiled warmly at Nya and the other Ninja. "And Nya, I'm so proud of you."

Nya beamed, her heart filled with a newfound sense of belonging. "Thank you, Mom. I'm grateful to have such great friends."

The visit to the museum was a special moment for the family, a reminder of their shared history and a chance for Rey and Maya to connect with their children's past.

After the museum the four went to the amusement park. There the family made their way to a thrilling water ride with a towering, steep waterfall drop. Maya and Nya exchanged excited glances and agreed that they wanted to give it a try.

Maya turned to Kai, who seemed a bit hesitant, and asked, "Kai, are you coming with us?"

Kai glanced at the massive waterfall and admitted, "You know, I'm not really a fan of water rides. I'll watch you both from the sidelines."

Nya couldn't resist the opportunity to tease her brother. She playfully gathered a small orb of water into her hand, creating a swirling sphere. "Aw, come on, Kai. What's the matter, afraid of a little water?" She grinned mischievously as she swirled the water around.

Kai chuckled and shook his head. "Okay, okay, you win. I'll come along, but I might need a few of your water tricks to keep me dry." The family shared a laugh as they joined the line for the water ride.

After braving the steep waterfall drop, the family returned to solid ground, drenched from head to toe. Nya and Maya were exhilarated and laughing, their hair clinging to their faces as they enjoyed the post-ride rush. Nya pulled the moisture out of their clothing to dry off - except for Kai. Who on the other hand, was utterly unhappy and grumpy, his clothing dripping with water. He muttered, "I knew I wouldn't like this."

Nya couldn't resist giving him a playful nudge. "Come on, Kai, it wasn't that bad!"

But Kai's grumpiness persisted until Nya decided to take matters into her own hands. She discreetly used her water powers to pull the moisture from Kai's clothing too, gently releasing it into the nearby plants. Slowly but surely, his clothes began to dry, and his mood lightened as he felt the warmth return to his body.

Kai looked down at his now dry clothes, his annoyance replaced with surprise. "Thanks, Nya. I guess water isn't so bad when you can control it."

Nya grinned, happy to have lightened her brother's mood, and the family continued to explore the amusement park. She couldn't contain her excitement when she spotted a massive roller coaster with numerous loopings. Her eyes sparkled with anticipation, and she turned to her family, practically bouncing on her feet.

"Mom, we have to go on that roller coaster! It looks amazing!" Nya exclaimed, pointing to the towering, looping structure.

Maya shared her daughter's enthusiasm and said, "I'm in! Let's do it, Nya."

Kai and Rey exchanged a nervous glance. Both of them had never been fans of the wild roller coasters. Kai chuckled and whispered to his father, "Mom and Nya have lost their minds if they want to ride that thing."

Rey nodded in agreement, "Absolutely. I'd rather keep my feet on solid ground."

Nya, unable to contain her enthusiasm, teased her brother and father, "Aw, come on, guys, it's just a little looping and twisting. What's the worst that can happen?"

Kai and Rey both shared a knowing look. They weren't going anywhere near that roller coaster, content to let Nya and Maya enjoy the thrilling ride without them. As the girls lined up for the ride, Kai and Rey stayed behind, shaking their heads in mock disapproval and agreeing that roller coasters were not their cup of tea.

The two watched Nya and Maya as they excitedly boarded the roller coaster. In the midst of the park's joyful chaos, Kai turned to his father and began to speak from the heart.

"Dad, I'm really glad you and Mom are back," Kai confessed. "But, I have to admit, Nya and I were nervous to see you again. We've spent so long growing up on our own."

Rey's expression reflected a hint of hurt, his heart heavy with the thought that his absence had been painful for his children. He asked, "What do you think now that we're here?"

Kai's gaze softened as he met his father's eyes. "I think that, we can build something new together. I hope we can make up for the time we lost and create a real family."

Rey's expression shifted from hurt to hope, and he nodded. "That's exactly what we want. We're here now, and we're not going anywhere. We're going to be a family, and we'll make up for what you missed out on."

Nya and Maya returned from their thrilling roller coaster adventure, their laughter echoing through the amusement park. They were grinning from ear to ear, their hair windswept, and their faces flushed with excitement. Rey couldn't help but shake his head in disbelief at their exuberance.

"You two really lost your minds," he exclaimed, his tone a mix of amusement and bewilderment.

Kai chimed in, agreeing with his father, "Yeah, you guys are crazy for riding that thing."

Maya playfully teased her husband, "Oh, come on, Rey, don't pretend like you're not just as brave. You only dislike roller coasters because of what happened."

Kai and Nya leaned in closer, their curiosity piqued. "What happened?" Nya asked, eager to hear the embarrassing story.

Rey chuckled, a hint of embarrassment on his face, and began to explain, "Well, back when Maya and I were dating, we went to a theme park and decided to ride a roller coaster. Let's just say, it didn't end well. I turned a shade of green I didn't even know was possible."

Maya joined in with a laugh, her eyes twinkling as she recalled the memory. "It was all because Rey insisted on eating cotton candy right before getting on the ride. Needless to say, it didn't mix well with the roller coaster's twists and turns. The best part about it was, it happened midst looping." Nya and Kai couldn't help but burst into laughter.

After a fun-filled day at the amusement park, the family decided to leave and find a peaceful park where they could enjoy a picnic together. They drove to a nearby green oasis, which had plenty of open space and a serene atmosphere.

Rey, Maya, Kai, and Nya spread out a cozy blanket on the grass and began to unpack the picnic they had prepared earlier. There were sandwiches, fruit, salads, and refreshing drinks. The air was filled with the mouthwatering aroma of the food, and they couldn't help but smile as they set up their impromptu picnic area.

As they sat down on their picnic blanket, Maya initiated a conversation, asking, "So, what was your favorite activity today, everyone?"

Nya, her eyes still sparkling with excitement, replied, "Definitely the looping roller coaster with you. It was so much fun!"

Nya couldn't resist a playful tease, adding, "Kai's favorite activity was probably just standing there watching us since he's to scared."

Kai chuckled and admitted, "Well, I'll admit that I'm not a fan of roller coasters, but my favorite part was actually the funhouse we visited. It had all those tricky mirrors and obstacles to navigate."

Unbeknownst to Kai, Nya had been holding onto his arm tightly in the funhouse, thinking he hadn't noticed. She turned a bit red, embarrassed that her brother had picked up on it. "Oh, um, yeah, the funhouse was fun," she said, trying to play it cool. Their family shared a warm laugh.

Rey, with a contented smile, shared his favorite moment of the day, "My favorite part was watching Nya and Maya on that looping roller coaster. Seeing them so happy and excited made the entire day worthwhile."

Maya nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with warmth. "I have to agree with Rey. That roller coaster ride was a blast, and sharing that experience with Nya made it unforgettable."

As the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the park, it was time for the siblings and their parents to head to their homes. The day had been filled with laughter, new memories, and moments of bonding. Kai and Nya stood up, feeling a bit tired from the day's adventures.

Kai glanced at Nya, noticing how exhausted she looked from all the adrenaline rushes. "You look pretty tired, sis."

Nya nodded, her energy drained from the excitement. "Yeah, all those rides took it out of me."

Kai, always the protective older brother, suggested, "Why don't you hop on my Elemental Dragon for the ride back home?."

Nya gratefully accepted, and with a tired but content smile, she climbed onto the Elemental Dragon behind Kai. She held onto him tightly as they soared through the evening sky, heading back to the temple of airjitzu, their home.

As Maya and Rey watched Kai and Nya interact before taking of, they couldn't help but feel a complex mix of emotions. They were proud of the strong bond between their children, appreciating the way Kai cared for and protected Nya. But at the same time, they couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness, as it was clear that their son sometimes seemed more like a parent to Nya than they did.

"Did you notice how close Kai and Nya have become? They know each other so well." Maya asks, her voice filled with concern and happiness, at the same time.

Rey nodded, understanding the underlying sentiment. "I saw it too. They've had to rely on each other for so long. It's heartwarming, but it also reminds us of what we missed."

Maya sighed, her eyes reflecting the mixture of emotions. "I just hope that we can be the parents they need now, even if we weren't there when they were growing up."

Rey put a reassuring arm around his wife. "We will, Maya. We have a second chance now, and we won't waste it. We'll build a strong family together."

Maya smiled, grateful for their reunion and the opportunity to create a loving and supportive family for their children. As they walked back into Sensei Wu's temple, they were determined to make up for the lost years and cherish the moments they now had together.

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