Sick | Young Kai & Nya

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It was a stunning winter morning in Ignarcia. The sun began its ascent, casting a warm orange glow on everything it touched, making the world glisten. The cold air seeped through the blacksmith, where Nya and Kai lay huddled in front of the modest fireplace in their living room, sharing the comforting warmth under a cozy blanket.

"We n-need to g-g-get up," Kai said, his voice trembling as he looked at his younger sister.

Nya sighed, her breath visible in the frigid air, and reluctantly left the blanket to start her day. She rushed to her chilly room, dressing as quickly as possible. Trembling from the cold, she proceeded to the bathroom, where the water, as expected, had frozen once more.

Having a rain barrel outside served them well in spring and summer, but it was a problem during the winter when the water consistently froze.

Beneath the blanket, they had kept a small bottle of water to brush their teeth and extinguish the last embers in the fireplace before heading to school.

While Kai prepared himself, Nya attempted to warm up by the fireplace, struggling to prepare their lunches. Her hands were so cold that every movement was painful, and even the bread felt stiff.

As the brown-haired boy descended the stairs, he grabbed his backpack and filled it with his school supplies. Once they had everything they needed, they both put on their shoes, hats, and jackets, ready to face the school day. Just as they reached for the doorknob, the wind began to howl around their building.

"It looks like a storm is coming," Kai said as he draped a scarf around Nya and then himself. "Be prepared. We might be late," he added as he opened the door and quickly shut it.

Thick white snowflakes fell from the sky, covering every surface in a pristine layer. The wind was picking up. Nya sighed again.

"I know, but we'll get through this," Kai reassured his sister, wrapping an arm around her protectively.

Hand in hand, they began their journey to school, their footsteps crunching through the fresh snow. Kai glanced up at the sky, snowflakes gently falling around them. He felt grateful to have Nya by his side, the one person he knew would never leave him. She had woven him into her daily routine, a comforting constant in their challenging lives.

As Nya and Kai trudged through the snow on their way to school, the morning became a blur of white landscapes and chilly gusts of wind. The snowflakes seemed to dance around them, both beautiful and foreboding. Kai, ever protective, kept a watchful eye on his sister, determined to keep her warm and safe.

Their school day went by as usual, with lessons and classmates. However, as the day wore on, Nya began to feel increasingly unwell. She tried to hide her discomfort, not wanting to worry her brother, but it was becoming more challenging to keep up the facade.

During lunch, she forced herself to eat a few bites of her meal, but her appetite had waned. Her head throbbed, and her throat felt sore. Nya was determined to endure the school day without letting Kai know how unwell she was feeling.

As the final bell rang, Nya realized that she could no longer hide her condition. She felt feverish and weak, and it became evident that she was not going to make it through the journey home without collapsing.

As they walked back home, Nya's steps grew slower, and her usually spirited conversations turned into tired murmurs. Worried, Kai finally noticed her condition, "Nya, are you feeling okay? You don't look well."

Nya tried to put on a brave face, "I'm just a little tired, Kai. Don't worry about it."

Kai, however, wasn't convinced. He placed a hand on her forehead and quickly realized she was running a fever. "Nya, you're burning up! Why didn't you tell me you were feeling like this?"

Nya sighed, realizing she could no longer hide her condition, "I didn't want to worry you, Kai."

Kai's expression softened, and he wrapped his arm around her, "Nya, you don't have to keep things from me. We're a team, and we're here to support each other. Let's get you home and make sure you rest." He carried her on his back.

Back at their home, Kai took care of Nya, making sure she was warm and comfortable. He had tucked her in. She was now sitting on the couch in the livingroom. The biting cold had taken its toll on her fragile health, and she lay shivering on the couch. Her cheeks were flushed, and her breathing was labored. The meager fire in the fireplace struggled to provide warmth, and their threadbare blankets did little to protect against the frigid air.

Kai, his heart heavy with concern, was determined to do everything in his power to heal his sister. He would give her everything he had, even if it meant giving up his own comfort. He spent hours researching home remedies and herbal cures to help alleviate Nya's suffering. He gathered ingredients from the kitchen, determined to make the best soup he could manage. Every spoonful was filled with warmth and love, and Nya savored each bite.

Kai also turned to the wisdom of the village elders, seeking advice on natural remedies. He brewed herbal teas to soothe Nya's cough, and he spent countless hours by her bedside - well couch-side, offering comfort and reassurance.

The living room was often filled with the gentle fragrance of eucalyptus, soothing her congested lungs. Kai's dedication knew no bounds, and he was her pillar of strength during those long, cold nights.

As her fever began to break, Kai made sure Nya was well-hydrated and rested. He held her hand and read her stories, allowing her mind to escape into the tales of far-off places, where the cold and the illness couldn't reach.

They couldn't afford expensive medications, but Kai's resourcefulness knew no bounds. He improvised with what they had, using every bit of knowledge he possessed to nurse his sister back to health.

Nya's strength slowly returned, and with it, her smile. Kai's devotion, his homemade remedies, and his unwavering love were the best medicine she could have received.

I 👏 love 👏 fluff 👏

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