Texts (1 year later)

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Here are some texts that were sent back and forth while you are at Collage or University!

P.S. This is during your first year of College or University


Kai: hey Y/N, how's it going

You: it's going great! How are things back home?

Kai: things here are good! I miss you a lot Y/N

You: I miss you to Kai, I wish I could come home for a while!

Kai: ya, I've got a surprise for you when you get home in two years though!

You: really?! What kind of surprise

Kai: You'll see 😉

You: Sh*t! I've gotta go Kai! My teacher caught me texting you! Luv ya!! Talk to you later!

Kai: love you too

-------------------------------------------------With Cole

Cole: how's my baby sister doing at College??

You: I'm not a baby Cole... 😑

Cole: you are to me!!

You: fine... Collage has been great! B/F/N has been keeping me company, she is my roommate after all

Cole: are you being good?

You: oh ya, like an angel😇😇

Cole: for some reason I don't believe you...

You: well that's to bad for you!

Cole: gotta go sis, talk to you later!

You: bye Cole!!


Zane: hello Y/N, how is it at your new University?

You: it's amazing Zane! I'm an honour student! I wish you were here...

Zane: I am very proud of you, I miss you too Y/N

You: are you keeping yourself busy back home?

Zane: yes, although it is not the same without you here

You: aww Zane, that's sweet

Zane: I am sorry to cut this short but I must cook dinner. I love you Y/N

You: I love you too Zane

-------------------------------------------------With your mother

You: hello mother! I have exciting news for you!

Mom: what is your news sweetie?

You: I am an honour student and I have the highest marks in all of my classes!!

Mom: Y/N! I am so proud of you my daughter!

You: thank you mother! I have to go, as I must get ready for class. I love you

Mom: I love you to dear


Lloyd: hi Y/N!! How is it over at College??

You: Lloyd! It's great! It's nice and sunny and warm! And there's always something fun to do! 😆

Lloyd: I'm glad your having fun

You: Ya I'm having fun... but when I'm not having fun I'm thinking of you!

Lloyd: I'm thinking of you often too Y/N

You: so, what's it like back home?

Lloyd: the usual, Cole trying to poison us all with his cooking...

You: lol

Lloyd: I'm serious

You: oh lord...

Lloyd: I've gotta go, Sensei is yelling at me to get off of my phone during training. Love you!!

You: love you too Lloyd!

-------------------------------------------------With your parents

Mom: hi dear, how is University

You: it's good mom, how is the school going

Dad: it's going great sweetie

You: dad?!

Dad: yes?

Mom: what's wrong honey

You: nothing

Mom: how is Collage?

You: it's good mom, my grades are pretty good

Dad: that's good to hear

You: well I've gotta study, love you guys!

Mom&Dad: love you to honey!!


Cole: hey babe, how's it going

You: Cole! I'm in class!

Cole: that never stopped you before

You: true enough. It's going well, it took a few weeks but I became leader again. How are things back home?

Cole: things here are great! Although I miss you a lot

You: aww Cole, your making me blush😊

Cole: mission accomplished. lol

You: sh*t! Gotta go! Love you!!

Cole: love you too Y/N!

-------------------------------------------------With Skales Jr.

Jr.: Y/N! Cole let me use his phone!!

You: aww, see I told you he'd let you!

Jr.: I can't wait until you get back Y/N! How much longer?

You: two years Jr... I can't wait to see you!

Jr.: I've gotta go Y/N, Love you!!

You: love you too Jr.!!


Jay: Y/N!! Y/N!! Y/N guess what!!!

You: what?

Jay: I finally beat the guys at fist-to-face-4!!!

You: congratulations Jay!! 😄

Jay: thanks Y/N. How's College? I bet your the prettiest girl there☺️☺️

You: aww Jay, that's so sweet. Collage is going great, my professors say that I'm doing great in all of my classes

Jay: I'm glad your doing well! I've gotta go, the guys want a rematch, they think I cheated. Love you!

You: love you to Jay! Oh and KICK THEIR BUTTS!!!!

-------------------------------------------------With your parents

Mom: Y/N honey, can you hear me

You: mom, it's a text I can't hear you. you type things instead of talking

Dad: hi dear!!

You: hi dad

Mom: so you can hear me?

You: no mom

Dad: do you like College

You: yep, I love it

Mom: Y/F/N!! Y/N can't hear me!!

Dad: I know Y/M/N, your texting, not taking...

You: I better get going. Love you two!!

Mom&Dad: love you too dear!!

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