When you arrive home (after 3 years of Collage/University)

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Wow, three updates in one day! I will say that every girl notices an addition on the monastery, you will soon understand why that is, if you don't already.

By the way PDA means Public Display of Affection, just so you know!

~Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!

~Lia Out!


Your so excited to see Kai again. It's been 3 years since you last saw him!

You jump out of B/F/N's car the second she turns it off. You see Kai waiting at the door and run into his arms

"Y/N! I'm so glad your back"

"That makes two of us" and with that you kiss him, tears stinging at your eyes as you do

"Welcome back Y/N" you hear Sensei Wu speak and pull away

"Happy to be back Sensei" you smile

"Y/N!" Cole yells as he hugs you

"{laugh} Cole!" you hug him back

The guys help you unload your things and get them into the monastery. To your surprise an addition has been put on the monastery. There is a few extra bedrooms and a couple bathrooms.

You stand in Kai's room, trying to unpack. You feel hands on your waist, they spin you around

"Kai..." you whisper as his lips collide with yours. You run your hands through his messy hair and he pulls you closer by the waist. He pulls away for a single second, and in that second he says

"Y/N, I've missed you" and then his lips are back against yours. He backs you up slowly until your back hits the wall. You pull away to breathe

"Kai, I missed you too" you smile "I kinda need to unpack" you say, he smirks

"That can wait" he says mischievously. You grin at him, not wanting this to end.


You cannot wait to get to the monastery. You miss Zane, his smile, his laugh, and the way he always corrects everybody.

You grab your bags and rush off of the buss when it arrives at your stop. You see Zane running towards you. You drop your things and jump into his arms

"Zane!!" You scream

"Y/N, you are finally home!" He yells and sets you down. As he does he puts one hand on your cheek and kisses you

"Y/N, good to have you back" Cole says as you pull away

"Thank you Cole" you smile

The guys help you carry your belongings into the monastery, that's when you notice the addition.

You sit on a stool in Zane's room, reading your favourite book. You hear Zane enter the room, but don't think much of it, that is, until you feel his arms around your waist. You drop your book and stand up

Zane kisses all over your neck and collarbone

"Zane, did your brothers teach you anything new while I was gone" you ask

"Yes, they thought me a lot of things I did not know" he says and continues to kiss your neck. You turn towards him and push your lips to his

"I missed you Zane, I did not know if I was going to make it the full three years" you pull away as you speak. A tear runs down your cheek and you look up into his eyes

"You did great Y/N, and you are home now. Do not cry my angel" he says and wipes your tear away. You smile and once again press your lips to his. This moment feels perfect.


Your so excited to finally be going home! You were at collage for three years wondering what Lloyd was doing back home!

You rush off of your plane after it had landed. You grab your bags and look for Lloyd and the others.

You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around

"Lloyd!!" You scream and hug him

"Y/N! I missed you so much!!" He yells and kisses you quickly, before any of the guys see

"I missed you too Lloyd!" You smile.

The first thing that you notice when your back at the monastery is that there was an addition put on while you were gone. You wonder what it's going to be used for.

You walk around the addition. All the rooms are pretty much empty but you can tell that there are going to be a few bedrooms and a couple bathrooms

As you walk into one room your hear the door close behind you. You whip around and are greeted by lips hitting yours. You calm down once you realize that it's Lloyd.

"You have no idea how long I've waited for you Y/N" he breathes as he pulls away

"I think I've got a pretty good idea" you smile and push your lips back against his. You slip your arms around his neck as he holds your waist and pushes you against the wall. He takes your arms and pins them above your head, all without breaking away from you.

You missed Lloyd, you love him and will never leave him.


You missed Cole a lot while you were at University. When you weren't studying or practicing, all you could think about was Cole.

You talk with your teammates on the train, but as soon as it stops you grab your things and jump off of the train.

"Cole!" You scream and jump into a kiss with him. When he puts you down you pull away

"It's been so long since we did that" he smiles

"I know" you smile back

"Enough with the PDA" Lloyd crosses his arms and looks away from you two. You and Cole laugh a little as you climb onto the Ultra Dragon.

Once your back at the monastery you notice the addition that has been put on the side of the monastery, you wonder what it's for but brush off your questions.

You stand in Coles room, looking at the picture that was took at your high school graduation. It's the picture where your teammates are holding you in a primed formation while you hold Skales Jr.

You put the picture down and turn around when you hear Cole enter the room and close the door. He smirks as he looks you up and down

"You look great Y/N" he says and in what seems like a second your being pinned to the bed

"Thanks babe" you smile as he kisses up your collarbone, your neck and your mouth

He lets your arms go and you hold around his neck, pulling him closer to you

"Y/N, I've wanted to kiss you for so long, I've had to wait for so long" he smirks as he pulls away

"It has been awhile" you say, out of breath. He moves a piece of hair out of your face and pulls it behind your ear

"I missed kissing you" he whispers as he presses his lips back against yours. You missed kissing him too. You never want to be away from him that long again.


Your friends were blasting the music on the way back from College, but all you could think about is Jay.

You jump out of the car as you pull into the monastery driveway. An addition was put on the side, but you don't care about that right now, you only care about seeing Jay

Jay screams your name as he runs towards you

"Jay!!" You laugh as he spins you around

"Y/N, I missed you so much, never leave me for that long ever again" as soon as he is done his sentence his lips are pressed to yours

"Come get your bags lovebird!" B/F/N laughs as you pull away. You giggle as you run over to her. Jay and the others help you unload your things and get them into the monastery.

You stand outside, leaning against a tree and watching the sun go down. You only notice Jay when he puts his arm around your shoulders

"Jay, I missed you" you smile and turn to him, he turns to you too, you smash your lips against his. He pushes you against the tree and holds your waist, you hold his neck

"Jay, I was admiring the view" you smile as he pulls away

"I am the view, my love"

"{giggle} you bet you are" and with that you pull him back to you. You are so happy to be back, not wanting this night to end.

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