When he has a hangover

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First: Happy new year everyone!!!!
Second: this is the 50th chapter!!!! Thank you everybody for your support!
Without further ado, the chapter!!


Well, Kai slept on the couch with a garbage beside him. He didn't puke but he looked like he might.

In the morning you walk quietly down the stairs and to Kai. He is laying awake on the couch

"How are you feeling" you ask and kneel in front of him

"{groan} not great" he says and stares at your neck weirdly "Y/N, what happened to your neck" he asks

"Well, someone but me like a f*cking Fangpyre!!" You raise your voice

"Who!! I'll kill them!" He growls

"Well that's a bad idea.... Due to the fact that It was you" you say as Cole and the others walk in

"{laugh} looks like someone had a rough night" Jay laughs. You stand up and slap a hand over the bite mark on your neck. You try to get a sweater to cover it up, but Cole catches you

"Y/N, take your hand off of your neck" he says and crosses his arms

"No" you say simply

"Take your hand off of your neck" he says again and steps closer

"No, back off!" You say and run to the other side of the room. The guys have blocked your exits "oh for the love of-" you don't finish your sentence before Cole has tackled you down and is prying your hand away from your neck

"What?!? This is from when you bit her last night!!!" Cole yells at Kai

"I'm sorry dude, I didn't mean to hurt her" Kai says groggily

"And he didn't hurt me!! So calm down!" You yell at Cole

"You've still got this big mark on your neck" Cole says and helps you up

"It'll go away" you state and walk away from Cole and towards Kai

"You had better hope that he doesn't kill you" you whisper to Kai and walk away with a small grin on your face.


You've been awake with Zane most of the night. He'll drift off for about five minutes and then be up for a half an hour stating random facts and going on about how his head hurts. The alcohol really messed up his system

Around 4am the crazy babbling stops and Zane falls into a peaceful sleep. You quietly sneak away and go to Jays room, hoping that he can fix Zane, or if their is a way to fix Zane.

You knock on the door and are greeted by a sleepy Jay

"Y/N?! Why are you awake at 4am?!" He whisper yells and rubs his eyes

"I have been awake all night with Zane. Will you please fix him" you ask the tired ninja

"{yawn} Y/N, the effects of the alcohol should wear off by itself" he says

"Are you sure" you ask

"I'm positive, when he wakes up in a few hours he should be fine....... He may have a headache..... but he'll be normal again" Jay says

"Thank you, goodnight Jay" you say and walk back to Zane's room. Without Zane's babbling you fall asleep quickly.

In the morning you are waken up by the sounds of birds. It seems that the birds wake Zane up too

"Good morning Zane, how do you feel" you ask

"I feel normal" he says and looks around

"Do you remember anything from last night" you ask

"I remember everything, the alcohol effected my system more then my database, therefore I remember every detail of last night" he says and looks at you. His answer surprises you. Your glad that he's not hurt though.


Once you got Lloyd home last night he was out like a light. He hasn't woken up once all night.

As you watch TV your wondering if being pelted by fruit last night is going to give Lloyd bruises, or if he even remembers.

You doubt that any of them remember-other then Zane- considering the fact that they were basically waisted when they got home last night. You and Nya had to guide them to they're rooms.

Zane kept asking why they were acting this way, Jay fell up the stairs, and laughed about it. And Kai and Cole kept punching each other. The night was crazy, but hopefully the morning will be quiet.

You hear a voice from Lloyd's room "Y/N..... Y/N!...." It calls. Lloyd must have woken up.

You walk into his room and see Lloyd sitting on the edge of his bed, with his shirt up, looking at a big coconut sized, purple bruise on the middle of his stomach

"What happened last night" he asks and looks to you

"Oh you don't remember? Jay was throwing fruit at you while you claimed you were the ultimate fruit ninja" you say and look at him.

He has a black bruise on his arm from where an apple hit him, and one under his eye from an orange

"Y/N, I don't know what happened, I woke up with all these bruises" he says and looks at them

"Lloyd, don't worry your not the only one who's gonna be in pain; Jay got hit in the nose with a watermelon, Kai chucked a coconut at the back of Coles head, and Cole punched Kai in the eye" you say and poke the bruise on his stomach (when someone has a bruise I have to poke it XD)

"I wish I remembered last night" he laughs a little. You laugh too.


Cole didn't fall asleep right away, but when he did he was holding you so tightly in his arms that you could barely breathe. Even when he's sleeping he's to strong for you to escape. You eventually fell asleep too.

In the morning you wake up and Cole is still holding onto you with a death grip. You try to wake him up by poking his face

"Cole.... Cole....." you try whispering but when that doesn't work you decide to yell "COLE WAKE UP!!!" You yell. Cole shoots up and you get launched across the room.

Cole groans and sits down on his bed "what was that for Y/N" he asks and brushes his thick, black hair out of his eyes

"That, was so that I could breathe again" you say and stand up "how do you feel" you ask and sit beside him

"I feel like my head is going to explode" he says and holds his temples

"Well you should probably drink some water" you say and stand up

"Thanks captain obvious" he says and looks at the floor

"Your welcome sergeant sarcasm" you smile and walk down to the kitchen. You get him some water and bring it to him

"Thanks babe. Listen..... I'm sorry for last night" he says and takes the water. You sit down beside him again

"Oh, so you remember that do you?" You ask and raise your eyebrows at him

He shrugs "I remember bits and pieces" he says and drinks some water

"Well I'm glad you didn't forget everything" you say and hug him. He hugs you back, gently.


Jay was up vomiting basically all night. Now that it's getting closer to morning -3am- he's not so bad, but when he first tried to go to sleep he would be up every 30-50 minutes.

You don't think that Sensei has any Gravol or anything to help Jay, so you sneak out of the monastery and go to the 24 hour pharmacy.

When you get there you get Gravol, Advil and Vitamin Water. You run back to the monastery and walk back to Jays room. You let him sleep and drift off yourself.

When you wake up again it's 8:00am. Jay is awake but he hasn't gotten up. You grab the bag with the medicine and Vitamin Water in it and walk to Jay

"Jay, I ran to the store last night and got some things to help you feel better~" you sing. He sits up weakly and looks to you

"What'd you get me" he asks and holds his head

"Well I got you Gravol, Advil and Vitamin Water" you say and hand him the bag

"Your the best girlfriend that I could ever have" he says and takes a Gravol and an Advil

"I know" you smile.

Hey guys!! Hope you liked it!

As I've said before I will get to every request! However I am going to put the requests on hold. I am getting backed up with requests and after I finish the requests that I have now I think that you two are going to get married and have kids!

So I will do every request! I hope you guys aren't mad that I'm putting the requests on hold!

Well happy new years!

Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia out!!

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