When he is drunk

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Thank you xXxZombieKILLERxXx for this request!!


You and Kai are at a big party. You haven't seen Kai in a while. You walk to the guys

"Hey have you guys seen Kai in awhile" you ask

"Last time I saw him he was looking for you" Cole says loudly over the music. You feel arms wrap around your waist from behind

"Y/N, I've been looking for you" Kai says huskily. Something seems off

"Kai, are you alright" you ask

"I'm great. But you need punishment for hiding from me" he says and licks your neck. He sends shivers down your spine

"Okay, we'd better be getting him home" Jay says

"Since when are you responsible" Lloyd asks. Meanwhile Kai is holding you tightly in his arms and biting on your neck. You would try to get out but your afraid of what he would do to you

"Guys, stop fighting" Cole says "we need to help Y/N"

"{growl} don't touch her" Kai growls and holds you tighter. Kai digs his fingers into your sides, you wimpier

"Kai, let Y/N go" Zane says quietly

"No, she's mine" Kai says and bites your neck harder

"{scream} Kai....... Kai!......" You scream in pain

"Kai! Let her go!!" Cole yells and pulls you away from Kai "sis, are you hurt" he asks. Obviously Cole didn't pay much attention to how hard Kai bit you.

You feel your neck where he bit you "no, I'm okay" you say and look to Kai. You know that he's drunk, your not mad, not even a little

"Kai, I'll take you home" you say and walk to him slowly. His eyes soften

"Okay, let's go home" he says and starts hiccuping. You can't help it and start laughing as you walk out of the buildings doors. Kai smiles and pulls you to him. He kisses the big, red bite mark on your neck. You walk him home. You know that your going to have a big bruise/ hickey on your neck in the morning..... You just hope that Cole doesn't notice.


You and Zane are at a big celebration. Zane has been drinking this colourful liquid all night. The more he drinks the weirder he gets

"Y/N {hiccup} you should try this {hiccup} it is very good {hiccup}" Zane says in between hiccups

"Zane, who poured you that drink" you ask

"{hiccup} Jay made it for me" Zane says. He starts to fall asleep "you look nice tonight {hiccup} Y/N"

You think about the fact that Jay made Zane a drink and the more you think about the more concerned you become. You soon grow tired of Zane's babbling. You grab Zane's wrist and pull him to Jay and the others

"What did you do to Zane?!" You ask

"What do you mean, we didn't do anything" Kai says, stumped

"Jay, what did you put in his drink" you say and tap your foot

"{laugh} I put alcohol in his drinks" Jay giggles

"All night?!" Lloyd asks

"Jay!! Zane is not human!! That could have killed him!" Cole yells

"I made sure that it wouldn't. He'll be fine" Jay brushes it off like nothing

"Y/N, you should get him home" Nya says sweetly

"I will take him home. I will see you all in the morning" You say and lead Zane out of the building. As you two walk down the sidewalk you are researching the effects of alcohol

"Y/N, I do not feel good" Zane says

"Don't worry Zane, according to this you will not remember any of this in the morning" you say and continue walking.


You and the guys are at a celebration for Lloyd. For some unknown reason Kai, Cole and Jay thought it was a good idea to give Lloyd alcohol. Well they've been drinking too, so it was probably a team effort.

You can't find Lloyd or the guys anywhere. After looking around for awhile you finally find Nya

"Hey Y/N, have you seen the guys, I can't find them" she says

"I can't find them either" you say and continue looking with Nya.

You find them in the kitchen. Lloyd is holding a sword, Jay is throwing fruit at him and Kai and Cole are throwing alcohol on the floor to make it slippery

"C'mon Jay I'm the fruit ninja!!" Lloyd yells. Jay throws a watermelon at Lloyd and Lloyd slices it in half

"Woooo!!!!" Cole yells

"Good job kid!!" Kai yells and hands Lloyd an orange drink. Lloyd downs the drink and gets in a ready position

"Are you ready for this?!" Jay yells and holds up a coconut

"H*ll ya!!!" Lloyd yells. If his parents saw him they would kill the guys and then go to jail for the rest of they're lives. Jay throws the coconut and it hits Lloyd in the stomach, hard

"Lloyd are you okay?!?" You yell and run over

"Y/N, I'm fine, I wanna be the ultimate fruit ninja!!" He yells and stands up

"Lloyd, let's go" you say and pull his arm

"No" he says and you sigh. He's gonna regret not listening to you in the morning.

You watch Lloyd get pelted with fruit for the next hour. Once he's done that he wants to go home. He puts his arm around your shoulders and you help him hobble home.


You, Cole and the guys are at a big Celebration for you and your team. You've been taking with your team and haven't really seen Cole in awhile. And since his with his brothers you assume that he's been drinking.

You sneak away from your team and look for Cole and the others. You find the others, but Cole isn't with them.

Someone grabs your arm and covers your mouth. They take you to a corner and you get a look at they're face. Its Cole! He has a crazy look in his eyes and his breath smells of alcohol

"Cole, I've been looking for you" you say as he gets closer to you

"I've been waiting for you" he whispers in your ear

"Wha-" you get cut off when he tries to take your F/C tank top off "Cole..... stop" your mind goes blank

"What was that Y/N. Your mouth says stop, but your eyes say more" he says and licks up your collarbone

You want to say stop but the word gets caught in your throat. Your brought back to reality when Cole slips his hand up your skirt

"Cole..... Cole stop......" you say quietly

"Is that really what you want" he says huskily

You can't find any words in your mind, you don't know what to say. You know you can't escape him, he's to strong. You call the one person that you know won't be waisted "NYA!!!!" You scream

Cole looks angry that your calling for help "quiet!.... unless you don't want me to be gentle" he smirks. If you don't get out soon he might really hurt you

"NYA!!!!! NYA!!!!!!!!" You scream. Nya comes running over

"Y/N, what's wrong" she asks and Cole turns to her "so you've been drinking too" she breathes

"Cole, let me go, please" you say quietly

"Uhhh, right, I'm sorry" he says sheepishly

"{laugh} it's okay" you go up to his ear "and for the record of you weren't drunk, I wouldn't have wanted you to stop" you giggle as his cheeks go pink.

You help get Cole back to the monastery.


You and the guys are at a big party. You and Jay were together but you lost him in the crowd. You decide to go looking for him, worried that he might've gotten himself into trouble.

You walk around but can't find him anywhere. You did find Nya and Cole.... But you didn't ask them where Jay was because they were busy....

You try and scan the crowd for his hair but can't see it. Someone taps your shoulder. You turn and see Jay

"Jay, there you are" you exclaim

"Have you seen my girlfriend anywhere" he asks cluelessly

"Jay, it's me, Y/N" you say and look at him. The pour thing looks exhausted

"Hey, my girlfriends name is Y/N. She's the prettiest girl on the earth" he says dreamily

"Jay, I think we should get you home" you laugh a little

"I can't go home with you, I don't know you" he says

"Jay {sigh} I am Y/N, your girlfriend" you say slowly

"Are you sure" he asks

"Yes Jay" you sigh

"Prove it" he says and crosses his arms

"Okay" you say and kiss him passionately "how's that for proof" you say smugly

"Y/N? It is you" he says and clings to you

"{laugh} I told you it was" you laugh

"Y/N, can we go home" he asks quietly "I don't feel good" he says as his head bobs around

"Ya, Lets go tell Kai that we're leaving" you say

"Hey, I know someone named Kai" Jay says

"{sigh} I know Jay, I know" you sigh. Once you tell Kai that your taking Jay home you lead him to the door. The whole way home Jay tells you that you remind him of someone named Y/N. You just go with it and nod.

Hey guys!! You have no idea how fun this chapter was to write!!

Although I don't recommend trying to write around a little sibling......

Hope you liked it!!

Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia out!

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