When he takes you to prom

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Thank you MLPRARITY123 for this request!!

Okay guys, here's the deal, I think that after this chapter I might do 'when you graduate' and then 'when he proposes to you'. but I'm not sure yet. What do you guys think? To rushed? Ya do it!! What do ya think?

~Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!



Your schools dance is tonight, your so excited!! Your going with the guy of your dreams!! Your in the bathroom getting ready

You get on your F/C dress, do your makeup and finish your hair. Just as you finish you hear a knock on the bathroom door...........


You walk to the door and see Kai in a normal black tux with a red tie

"Kai, you look amazing" you say and smile

"Thanks, you do to" he hands you a F/C corsage that matches your dress

"Aw, Kai I love it. Thank you" you say and hug him

"Ready to go?" He asks

"Yep" you say and take his hand. Cole and the others are waiting for you at the front door

"Have fun, and watch your hands Kai" Cole says and watches Kai as you two walk out the door. Kai takes you to the school in the Ultra Sonic Radiar. When you get there Kai helps you out and you walk inside, hand in hand.

Inside the school is decorated beautifully. Different coloured streamers and balloons are everywhere. You smile at some of the couples who have already started dancing.

You and Kai walk to B/F/N and her date

"Y/N!! You look amazing!!!!!" B/F/N squeals and hugs you

"{laugh} Thank you, you do too {laugh}" you laugh as she squeezes you. Kai and B/F/N's date are talking quietly

"Hey, Y/N, I'm gonna get some punch, want some" Kai asks

"Yes please" you say politely

"How bout you B/F/N" her date asks

"I'd love some, thanks" she says. As soon as they're out of earshot she squeals again

"Oh my gosh!!!! You and Kai look so good together!!!!!" She yells

"{laugh} tell me something I don't know" you laugh. You and Kai have lots of fun, dancing and talking.


You open the door and see Zane in a white tuxedo with a F/C bow tie

"Zane, you look stunning" you say and look into his eyes

"Thank you Y/N. You look gorgeous yourself" he says and takes your hand

"Let us go" you say and walk out the door with Zane. The others see you two out the door and into the darkness of the night.

You and Zane ride on his motorcycle to the school. Inside looks like a dream, it's absolutely beautiful. You'd hoped that it would be like this.

You were quite nervous because you don't have many friends at school. Your what some people would call a nerd. You've always dreamed of being prom queen, but you doubt that it'll ever happen.

You and Zane walk over to B/F/N

"Hello B/F/N, where is your date" you ask

"Hi Y/N, hi Zane. He's over there getting punch" she points to a redhead walking towards you guys with two cups of blue punch in them. As you talk with B/F/N, her date and Zane the principle walks onto stage, everyone goes silent

"Hello, the time has come to crown this years prom queen. You've all castes your votes, so without further ado, this years prom queen is....... F/N L/N! Congratulations, will Y/N's date please escort her to the stage" the room is full of cheering

"I won?" You say as Zane holds your hand and walks you up to the principal

"Congratulations Y/N" the principal says as she hands Zane the beautiful silver tiara to put on your head. Zane carefully places it on your head and kisses your forehead

"Congratulations my love" he says.


You open the door and see Lloyd fiddling with one of the cuffs on his tuxedo

"{laugh} you okay?" You ask and he looks up

"Oh! Ya! You look...... amazing" he says and looks you up and down

"Thanks, I tried" you laugh. Lloyd takes your hand in his and leads you to the roof. You get on the ultra dragon and Lloyd flys you two to the school.

When you walk in the doors everyone looks at you weirdly, I guess that they're jealous of your awesome ninja boyfriend.

You and Lloyd go to the gym and start to mingle with just about everybody. You soon get bored of talking and pull Lloyd to the dance floor where some other couples are dancing. Just as you get there a slow song starts.

You put your arms around Lloyd neck, he looks nervous

"Uh... Y/N.... I don't really know how to slow dance" Lloyd says and looks to the ground

"I can teach you" you say and take his hands "your hands go here" you put his hands on your waist "keep your eyes up" you say and he looks into your eyes. Lloyd gets better and better as the night progresses and soon he's leading and twirling you all around the gym.


You open the door and see a very proud looking Cole waiting for you

"Wow, you look great" he says

"Ya I know {laugh}. You look very handsome" you say and take his hand

"Ready to go babe" he asks

"I've been ready my whole life" you say and he leads you out to the Ultra Sonic Raider. When you walk in the doors to the gym the girls are already on one side and the boys are on the other side.

So here's what happened, your schools really competitive so you and.... The rest of the school convinced the teachers to let you guys have a dance battle, girls against guys. Four teachers and the principal are judging.

The music starts, everyone dances they're very best.

🎶Le amazing time skip to after dancing🎶

You all end in an amazing pose. The teachers and principal talk quietly

"We've come to a conclusion, the winners are.... the girls!" The principal yells. All the girls hoot and holler

"Woo!" You scream and run to Cole "aw don't pout babe" you smile. He smiles too

"Don't worry, you Gus deserved to win, you were amazing" he says and hugs you. You and Cole dance the night away.


You open the door and see a fancy looking Jay. He is wearing a black tux with an electric blue tie. His hair is slicked down and he is smiling like a maniac

"You look beautiful tonight Y/N" Jay says and smiles his sweet smile

"Thanks, you look pretty beautiful yourself" you laugh, Jay laughs too and takes your hand. He leads you out the door and he drives you to your school in his parents car. You love that Jay thought to drive you in his parents old car, you love that car.

When you get to the school you jump out of the car and pull Jay inside. You give him a full tour of the school before going to the gym.

You and Jay are having lots of fun dancing and laughing, until your enemy E/N bumps into you with her bright red punch, spilling it all down your F/C dress

"Oops, sorry Y/N, I didn't see you there" she smirks evilly "hey everyone, look at how much of a klutz Y/N is!!" E/N cackles

Tears burn at your eyes as everyone stares at you and whispers

"Jay, I wanna go home" you say and look to him

"No, this ain't right! You all just watched this bit*h dump her drink all over the most beautiful, amazing girl here! So you can all get over yourselves!" Jay yells and hugs you tightly. His words warm your heart, he actually swore, he never does that, but he swore for you.

The rest of the night Jay stays by your side, nobody bothered you from that point on.

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