When you're drunk

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Thank you xXxZombieKILLERxXx for this request!!

All are in his POV!

~Later my Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia out!


'Kai's POV'

Y/N and I are at a party. She's been with her friends most of the time and I've got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach that she's gonna get herself into trouble.

I start to look for Y/N. When I finally find her she is sitting in a circle with her friends. I don't know exactly what they're doing but it looks like a weird version of truth or dare

"Y/N!" I call her. She turns around, a bright pink drink in her hand

"Kai! I'm glad your here!! You should play truth or dare with us!!" She yells with a big grin on her face. Y/N is drunk, she's NEVER this perky and loud

"Y/N, I think we should go home" I tell her and take her wrist

"No!! I'm not going home!!!! buzzkill!!" She yells and pulls away

"Y/N, calm down!!" I yell, getting fed up with her behaviour. 'okay, calm down Kai, she put up with you when you were drunk' I pep talk myself in my head

"Rape!!! RAPE!!!!!" Y/N, screams. The music is so loud that I doubt that anyone hears her

"Okay, that's it" I say and pick her up bridal style. She spills her pink drink all over her white shirt and starts screaming. By the time we're out of the party she's calmed down and is sleeping peacefully in my arms

"{sigh} Oh Y/N" I smile a little as I bring her home. Cole might kill me for letting his sister get drunk, but hey, I got her home alive didn't I?


'Zane's POV'

Y/N and I are at a big celebration. I have not had one drink because of the last party we were at. I could not think straight, I do not remember that night perfectly, but I remember some of it.

Y/N has been taking these things called 'shots' with Nya. Kai has informed me that whoever can drink the most 'shots' the without vomiting or falling out of they're chair wins. The game seems kind of pointless to me but I do not say anything because Y/N looks like she is having fun.

After a while Y/N falls out of her chair

"Woo!!!!! I win!!!!" Nya yells and throws her arms up in the air

"Good job Nya {laugh}" Y/N laughs but quickly starts hiccuping

"Good job to you too! I never thought that you would've gotten that far!!" Nya laughs at Y/N's hiccuping

"Zane {hiccup} can we {hiccup} go home" Y/N asks, she looks tired

"Of course, let us go home" I say and put my arm around her shoulders. I lead Y/N home and get her to sleep.


'Lloyd's POV'

I brought Y/N to another celebration. I haven't been drinking. I've still got bruises from the first time I made that mistake! Y/N and I got separated about an hour ago and now I can't find her. Ive looked everywhere!

I've checked the kitchen, the front deck, the back deck! Everywhere! The only place I haven't checked is the living area. I go and check there now

While I'm walking over I hear a familiar scream. It's Y/N!! I run to the middle of the living room, where the scream came from

When I get there I see the other four guys and Nya in a circle around somebody. As I get closer I see the shimmer of H/C hair and realize that it's Y/N! She's laying on the ground crying. A table is beside her

"What happened?!" I ask and they all turn to me

"She ran into the table, she should be fine" Cole says as Y/N looks to me

"Oh Lloyd!! {sniff} it is awful, it hurts so bad!!! {crying}" she shoots up and runs to me, she isn't acting normal, I start to wonder who let her have alcohol

"She will have a bruise in the morning, that is all" Zane says and Y/N looks up to me, tears in her E/C eyes. I help her back to the Monastery and put her to sleep.


'Cole's POV'

Y/N and I are at a surprise birthday party for one of the girls on her dance team. I know that Y/N's been drinking, the only reason she wasn't drinking at the other party is because she had to take care of my drunk a*s. This time it's her turn to get drunk, I wonder what she'll be like.

As I think this I feel hot breathing on my ear

"Hey babe" when I hear the voice I realize that it's Y/N. I turn around and she smashes her lips to mine, her hands tug at my belt buckle. I grab her wrists to stop her and pull away. I won't take advantage of her, not while she's like this

"Why'd you stop me babe" she asks and looks to me

"Y/N, your drunk, we should go home" I say as she struggles to get her wrists free of my grasp

"I'm not going home Cole!!" She yells so loud I think they might have heard her on Mars

"Okay, you've forced me to do this Y/N" I say and pick her up bridal style

"No Cole!! Put me down!!" She screams as I walk out the front door with her in my arms

"Y/N, please be quiet" I ask quietly as she screams

"Make me" she smirks and I sigh. as soon as we're home Y/N's asleep.


'Jay's POV'

Y/N and I are at a huge party. I've been with Y/N the whole time, she's been drinking. The more she drinks the more odd she acts. I won't touch a drink though! I learned my lesson after last time! I could barley remember my own name!

Y/N asked me to wait by the bar while she goes to the bathroom. I debate weather it's a good idea to leave her alone but what would I do? I can't go into the women's bathroom! Can I? No! I can't!

After a while I hear someone calling my name "Jay...... Jay!...... JAY!!!!!!" They call, I soon realize that it's Y/N. I get up and run over to her

"Y/N, what's wrong?" I ask

"Jay, this is Zane, I just met him wait...... isn't one of your brothers named Zane" she babbles

"Jay, I sense that there is something very wrong with Y/N" Zane says and looks at Y/N weirdly

"Don't worry about her Zane, I'll take her home" I say and step closer to Y/N

"That is a good idea, I will inform the others" he smiles and walks away

"Y/N.... honey... do you wanna go home now?" I ask slowly

"{yawn} ya, take me home kitten" she says and pets my hair. Wait...... she actually thinks I'm a kitten right now? Okay, thats weird.

I sigh and pick her up bridal style. The whole walk home she's either petting me or pulling out my invisible kitty whiskers. When we get home it's easy to get Y/N to bed.

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